Jay Carney “contradicts” Obama: No, actually, it was the White House who canceled pub


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
by Allahpundit
March 13, 2013

The GOP cut this clip earlier, now I’m seeing people tweet it as proof that Carney and Obama can’t get their story straight on who’s to blame for the cynical “Fireman First” decision that canceled White House tours over sequestration. O said that decision wasn’t up to the White House; Carney says it was. Aha! But wait. Unless I’m misunderstanding, all Carney’s saying is that the Secret Service forced the White House’s hand. They decided they couldn’t afford to staff the building for tours until the budget cuts are lifted; the White House then had no choice but to cancel the tours due to lack of security. They’re both blaming the Secret Service ultimately. O, because of his severe allergies to any responsibility for bad developments, is just being a little more forceful about it.

The question isn’t whether he and Carney are contradicting each other, it’s whether the nonsense about the Secret Service being forced by cuts to cancel the tours is true. A former agent tells Breitbart.com that it isn’t:

Bongino, who served 12 years in the Secret Service including five years working directly at the White House before leaving to run as a Republican for U.S. Senate in Maryland, said Obama is lying because the Secret Service does not make such decisions.​

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Jay Carney ?contradicts? Obama: No, actually, it was the White House who canceled public tours « Hot Air
Does this man ever take responsibility for a single decision? I guess with him it's The Buck Stops Over There.
The tours are a small expense compared to most things. Skipping one vacation or golf outing would about cover it. Trump also offered to cover the cost of the tours to keep them going. No, it's Obama's decision and it's all about making the people feel the sting of the sequester. It's pure bullshit and since people are upset, of course he can't fess up to it. Mr. Blameless has no shame.

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