Jay Carney: Millions Leaving Workforce Because People are Getting Old

Jay Carney: Millions Leaving the Workforce Because People Are Getting Old - White House - Fox Nation

Yup, you heard it here first.

And this is how the Government plays with the numbers. If you "leave the workforce" (aka give up on finding a job) you don't count as unemployed.

That's why the truth is the unemployment numbers are really over 10%.

So in March of 2004, when the Bush administration was telling us unemployment was 5.8%,
but the 'real' unemployment number was 10%,

I don't remember you complaining. Why was that?
Jay Carney: Millions Leaving the Workforce Because People Are Getting Old - White House - Fox Nation

Yup, you heard it here first.

And this is how the Government plays with the numbers. If you "leave the workforce" (aka give up on finding a job) you don't count as unemployed.

That's why the truth is the unemployment numbers are really over 10%.

actually, I'm not seeing the problem with this.

Companies do have a habit of firing older workers now because they just are too expensive to maintain. The last round of firing my company did - all the older workers.

and a lot them figure, why not just go in for retirement?

But again, the GOP doesn't really see the problem as the "unemployed". They see the problem as how many polo ponies rich people can afford. If the GOP gave a rat's behind bout older workers or workers in general, they sure wouldn't support the stupid policies they are behind.
People better get ready for the future.
The government will nationalize every ones retirement
accounts.The IRA's the 401k and the rest.
They will have no choice thanks to the love of spending.
The left will support this measure.Government controlling our
money and giving us what they feel is enough for us to live on.

If I had to count on my 401K for retirement after the 2008 crash, I'd better get to love Alpo.

Thankfully, we have that nasty evil Social(ist) Security out there.
Of course actual UE is over 8.3%.


'Actual' UE has been higher than the official number ever since it was decided to report an official number,

which was decades ago.

The rightwing propaganda machine's attempt to portray this as some sort of phenomenon that magically occurred when Barack Obama became president is comical.

Who are you people trying to kid? Each other?
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Millions seeking early retirment before retirement benefits are cut.
Exactly, 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day at 62, the earliest they can retire and collect benefits, mostly because they don't think the benefits will be there in the future and they want to collect what little they can before the GOP welsh on them.

Many government employees are leaving early because of the efforts by cities, counties and states as well as special districts to reduce salaries and benefits and expect the same work product with less staff.

Notice that the Tea Party darlings elected to the House and Senate, and legislatives bodies nationwide, have not voted to reduce the salary or benefits which they earn.

Good point about the congress not reducing their salaries. It pisses me off that they have no problem cutting services and benifits of others while passing a pay raise for themselves.

The private sector have been cutting salaries and staff and trying to make do for a while now. Municipal service providers need to do the same with decreased revenues. Public administrators and politicians have to balance the need to continue services but keep the costs down, otherwise they face the need to raise taxes.

In my teaching job, which is public sector, we've had increased number of students, no increase in numbers of teachers, and no pay or COLA increase for two years. We had to make do with available resources. What was the alternative really? With a high unemployment rate, it's not like we just run out for another job in a district facing the same issues.
People better get ready for the future.
The government will nationalize every ones retirement
accounts.The IRA's the 401k and the rest.
They will have no choice thanks to the love of spending.
The left will support this measure.Government controlling our
money and giving us what they feel is enough for us to live on.

If I had to count on my 401K for retirement after the 2008 crash, I'd better get to love Alpo.

Thankfully, we have that nasty evil Social(ist) Security out there.

If I had to count on my 401K for retirement after the 2008 crash, I'd better get to love Alpo.

Wait a second....I thought we were supposed to thank Obama every morning before we head out the door for HIS accomplishment of getting the Stock market into record earnings. :confused:
Of course actual UE is over 8.3%.


'Actual' UE has been higher than the official number ever since it was decided to report an official number,

Interestingly, I've never heard anyone talking about "actual" of "real" unemployment ever give a clear cut, objective definition or any arguments as to why their (vaguely defined) version is more accurate, or more useful.
Yeah, sure we're all retiring because this is such a beautiful time economically, to do that.
Of course actual UE is over 8.3%.


'Actual' UE has been higher than the official number ever since it was decided to report an official number,

Interestingly, I've never heard anyone talking about "actual" of "real" unemployment ever give a clear cut, objective definition or any arguments as to why their (vaguely defined) version is more accurate, or more useful.

We've never heard of "saved jobs" or "jobs saved" as a statistic either until this administration.But then again this is how the media props up this President. :D
Smart politics by Carney and the White House. Keep the focus OFF the record.

Americans will be seeing it every day for the next 6 months.
Millions seeking early retirment before retirement benefits are cut.
Exactly, 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day at 62, the earliest they can retire and collect benefits, mostly because they don't think the benefits will be there in the future and they want to collect what little they can before the GOP welsh on them.

I didn't know there were so many uninformed 62 year old people. The only plans offered by the GOP regarding Social Security guaranteed that those 55 and older would not be affected by any changes in the program.

Or, perhaps your analysis of the reason boomers are retiring at 62 is a result of your ignorance.
Millions seeking early retirment before retirement benefits are cut.
Exactly, 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day at 62, the earliest they can retire and collect benefits, mostly because they don't think the benefits will be there in the future and they want to collect what little they can before the GOP welsh on them.

Many government employees are leaving early because of the efforts by cities, counties and states as well as special districts to reduce salaries and benefits and expect the same work product with less staff.

Notice that the Tea Party darlings elected to the House and Senate, and legislatives bodies nationwide, have not voted to reduce the salary or benefits which they earn.

Those SICK BASTARDS! How DARE someone ask government employees to actually work hard!!! Don't they understand that most of our government is populated with employees who took those jobs because they GOT sweet benefits, great pay, job security...and best of all didn't have to perform to keep their job like people in the private sector?

Now you want to make them EARN their pay? OH, THE HUMANITY!!!
Of course actual UE is over 8.3%.


'Actual' UE has been higher than the official number ever since it was decided to report an official number,

Interestingly, I've never heard anyone talking about "actual" of "real" unemployment ever give a clear cut, objective definition or any arguments as to why their (vaguely defined) version is more accurate, or more useful.

The Right started talking about the 'real' unemployment number right about the time Obama became president, despite their never making a peep about it during Bush.

Why it is 'useful' is for propaganda purposes only.
What about the 61 year old that got laid off and cannot find a job?? Gets the first interview based on experience on resume then never gets called back because it's obvious they're old. How can someone lay off "older workers"?? Isn't there supposed to be a labor law that prohibits discrimination against Race or Age??

Gawd, does anyone even see the problem here?? People live longer, therefore they can work longer they don't have to retire at 65. In fact I know many that won't because they don't want to.
Exactly, 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day at 62, the earliest they can retire and collect benefits, mostly because they don't think the benefits will be there in the future and they want to collect what little they can before the GOP welsh on them.

Many government employees are leaving early because of the efforts by cities, counties and states as well as special districts to reduce salaries and benefits and expect the same work product with less staff.

Notice that the Tea Party darlings elected to the House and Senate, and legislatives bodies nationwide, have not voted to reduce the salary or benefits which they earn.

Those SICK BASTARDS! How DARE someone ask government employees to actually work hard!!! Don't they understand that most of our government is populated with employees who took those jobs because they GOT sweet benefits, great pay, job security...and best of all didn't have to perform to keep their job like people in the private sector?

Now you want to make them EARN their pay? OH, THE HUMANITY!!!

Greatest line ever in a movie came from the Dan Akroyd character in Ghostbusters about
working in the private sector compared with academia..."the private sector expects results"You want a job where if you just show up every day you have a job for life.Get a job with the City.
That was the way to go back in the day.
People better get ready for the future.
The government will nationalize every ones retirement
accounts.The IRA's the 401k and the rest.
They will have no choice thanks to the love of spending.
The left will support this measure.Government controlling our
money and giving us what they feel is enough for us to live on.

If I had to count on my 401K for retirement after the 2008 crash, I'd better get to love Alpo.

Thankfully, we have that nasty evil Social(ist) Security out there.

People better get ready for the future.
The government will nationalize every ones retirement
accounts.The IRA's the 401k and the rest.
They will have no choice thanks to the love of spending.
The left will support this measure.Government controlling our
money and giving us what they feel is enough for us to live on.

If I had to count on my 401K for retirement after the 2008 crash, I'd better get to love Alpo.

Thankfully, we have that nasty evil Social(ist) Security out there.

If I had to count on my 401K for retirement after the 2008 crash, I'd better get to love Alpo.

Wait a second....I thought we were supposed to thank Obama every morning before we head out the door for HIS accomplishment of getting the Stock market into record earnings. :confused:

Well, I can see why you're confused, althought it's probably the paint chips.

I specified- AFTER 2008. If had had to retire in 2008, after my 401K took a 50% loss and I lost the job it was attached to, I'd have been in serious shit.

Now, yeah, the stock market has recovered and I've gotten some of that money back. (I have not signed up for the 401K for my current job). But the whole notion that we should just trust the private sector, the one that told us to get rid of garunteed pensions and invest all our money in the Crazy Clown Casino on Wall Street, is kind of daft.

It's an academic thing, I don't think I'll live long enough to retire, anyway.
Exactly, 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day at 62, the earliest they can retire and collect benefits, mostly because they don't think the benefits will be there in the future and they want to collect what little they can before the GOP welsh on them.

Many government employees are leaving early because of the efforts by cities, counties and states as well as special districts to reduce salaries and benefits and expect the same work product with less staff.

Notice that the Tea Party darlings elected to the House and Senate, and legislatives bodies nationwide, have not voted to reduce the salary or benefits which they earn.

Those SICK BASTARDS! How DARE someone ask government employees to actually work hard!!! Don't they understand that most of our government is populated with employees who took those jobs because they GOT sweet benefits, great pay, job security...and best of all didn't have to perform to keep their job like people in the private sector?

Now you want to make them EARN their pay? OH, THE HUMANITY!!!

You know what? Fuck you.

I happen to work in the Public sector and have since I retired from that other public sector job I had, the U.S Military. Know how many people I've come across like you described? Exactly zero. Even these snot nosed kids they hire in my office that are just there until they can pass the CA Bar exam aren't anything like you describe.

Every single person I've encountered in my county, other counties and even at the state level have been hard working and dedicated employees.

And now, thanks to the budget cuts everyone is demanding, we work even harder than before...with no raises, cuts in our benefits, furlough fucking days...and not a whole lot of appreciation for it either.

So on behalf of other public sector employees who are continually doing more with less because your roads still have to be fixed, your elections still have to be put on, your children still need to be taught, your criminals locked up and your goddamn fires put out...

Many government employees are leaving early because of the efforts by cities, counties and states as well as special districts to reduce salaries and benefits and expect the same work product with less staff.

Notice that the Tea Party darlings elected to the House and Senate, and legislatives bodies nationwide, have not voted to reduce the salary or benefits which they earn.

Those SICK BASTARDS! How DARE someone ask government employees to actually work hard!!! Don't they understand that most of our government is populated with employees who took those jobs because they GOT sweet benefits, great pay, job security...and best of all didn't have to perform to keep their job like people in the private sector?

Now you want to make them EARN their pay? OH, THE HUMANITY!!!

You know what? Fuck you.

I happen to work in the Public sector and have since I retired from that other public sector job I had, the U.S Military. Know how many people I've come across like you described? Exactly zero. Even these snot nosed kids they hire in my office that are just there until they can pass the CA Bar exam aren't anything like you describe.

Every single person I've encountered in my county, other counties and even at the state level have been hard working and dedicated employees.

And now, thanks to the budget cuts everyone is demanding, we work even harder than before...with no raises, cuts in our benefits, furlough fucking days...and not a whole lot of appreciation for it either.

So on behalf of other public sector employees who are continually doing more with less because your roads still have to be fixed, your elections still have to be put on, your children still need to be taught, your criminals locked up and your goddamn fires put out...


Ahhh welcome to the real world. Your days of guaranteed employment and annual COLA has come to an end, poor thing. Now you have to worry about the same sh*t as the regular guys.
Last month, the official UE rate stayed the same.

The 'real' UE rate, that you people are ranting about, actually FELL 2/10ths of a pct point.

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