Je$$e Jack$on: Repealing Obamacare Is "Creeping Genocide"


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
How did the Party of reason and sanity come to suffer such a historic loss in 2010? Why does MSNBC have a viewership that can fit comfortably in my garage? Meh, who cares? I'm all about the silly video fun anyway...


Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean &#8220;creeping genocide&#8221; Hot Air

Via Greg Hengler, a sneak preview of the smart, sober rhetoric we can expect from the Party Of Ideas after the new GOP House is seated. What this means, I take it, is that “creeping genocide” has not only been going on in America for a few hundred years thanks to the absence of universal health care, but that Democrats actually voted earlier this year to let it keep on creeping until 2014. That’s when the time-release capsule that is ObamaCare finally kicks in, after all, a delayed start motivated by (a) Obama not wanting to have to face any unintended consequences at the polls in 2012 and (b) the Democrats’ desperate need to game the CBO numbers in order to fool the public about how much the program really costs. But then, after centuries of “creeping genocide,” what’s four more years?

How did the Party of reason and sanity come to suffer such a historic loss in 2010? Why does MSNBC have a viewership that can fit comfortably in my garage? Meh, who cares? I'm all about the silly video fun anyway...

Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide” Hot Air

Via Greg Hengler, a sneak preview of the smart, sober rhetoric we can expect from the Party Of Ideas after the new GOP House is seated. What this means, I take it, is that “creeping genocide” has not only been going on in America for a few hundred years thanks to the absence of universal health care, but that Democrats actually voted earlier this year to let it keep on creeping until 2014. That’s when the time-release capsule that is ObamaCare finally kicks in, after all, a delayed start motivated by (a) Obama not wanting to have to face any unintended consequences at the polls in 2012 and (b) the Democrats’ desperate need to game the CBO numbers in order to fool the public about how much the program really costs. But then, after centuries of “creeping genocide,” what’s four more years?
No kidding.

Creeping Genocide? Well, the typical libtard response: glom onto a Catch Word in a current phrase ~ i.e. Creeping Sharia ~

and then, slam your point home with a tactless Fear-Mongering word, for the added impact.


p.s. Most folks here can read typo... ;)
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What to expect from a poverty pimp? Race Warlord as Jackson?

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