Jeb Bush calls for death panels.

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Jeb Bush, defending his efforts to keep alive Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman, when he was governor of Florida, suggested on Friday that patients on Medicare should be required to sign advance directives dictating their care if they become incapacitated.

I love primary season!
Good greef its not a death panel,it called preparing for the future,now try again to be more of a simpleton hack,your doing so well.
Yes, that's what I said when Obama suggested it. But noooooooooo, all you idiots called it a death panel. :lmao:
Oh yes, I remember it well.
It was a huge mistake for Jeb to bring up Schiavo again.
Did he do it by choice? Because that would be dumb
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Jeb Bush, defending his efforts to keep alive Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman, when he was governor of Florida, suggested on Friday that patients on Medicare should be required to sign advance directives dictating their care if they become incapacitated.

I love primary season!

How is that in any way a death panel? Man, I swear, you lefties are losing what little bit of a brain stem you had...
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Jeb Bush, defending his efforts to keep alive Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman, when he was governor of Florida, suggested on Friday that patients on Medicare should be required to sign advance directives dictating their care if they become incapacitated.

I love primary season!
How is that in any way a death panel? Man, I swear, you lefties are losing what little bit of a brain stem you had...

that's her point, dummy...

Yes, that's what I said when Obama suggested it. But noooooooooo, all you idiots called it a death panel. :lmao:
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Jeb Bush, defending his efforts to keep alive Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman, when he was governor of Florida, suggested on Friday that patients on Medicare should be required to sign advance directives dictating their care if they become incapacitated.

I love primary season!
How is that in any way a death panel? Man, I swear, you lefties are losing what little bit of a brain stem you had...

that's her point, dummy...

Yes, that's what I said when Obama suggested it. But noooooooooo, all you idiots called it a death panel. :lmao:

Oh look!! It's Valeravi defending Valeravi!!!

Too cute!

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Jeb Bush, defending his efforts to keep alive Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman, when he was governor of Florida, suggested on Friday that patients on Medicare should be required to sign advance directives dictating their care if they become incapacitated.

I love primary season!
How is that in any way a death panel? Man, I swear, you lefties are losing what little bit of a brain stem you had...

that's her point, dummy...

Yes, that's what I said when Obama suggested it. But noooooooooo, all you idiots called it a death panel. :lmao:
Repeating that lie over and over again is not going to make it true.

'Death panels' refers to, has always referred to and will continue to refer to panels that decide what procedures are and are not covered by insurance.
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Jeb Bush, defending his efforts to keep alive Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman, when he was governor of Florida, suggested on Friday that patients on Medicare should be required to sign advance directives dictating their care if they become incapacitated.

I love primary season!
How is that in any way a death panel? Man, I swear, you lefties are losing what little bit of a brain stem you had...

that's her point, dummy...

Yes, that's what I said when Obama suggested it. But noooooooooo, all you idiots called it a death panel. :lmao:

Oh look!! It's Valeravi defending Valeravi!!!

Too cute!


Oh look, more deflection from the point.

When Obama says it: BAD
When a Bush says it: GOOD

What are the differences?
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Jeb Bush, defending his efforts to keep alive Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman, when he was governor of Florida, suggested on Friday that patients on Medicare should be required to sign advance directives dictating their care if they become incapacitated.

I love primary season!
How is that in any way a death panel? Man, I swear, you lefties are losing what little bit of a brain stem you had...

that's her point, dummy...

Yes, that's what I said when Obama suggested it. But noooooooooo, all you idiots called it a death panel. :lmao:
Repeating that lie over and over again is not going to make it true.

'Death panels' refers to, has always referred to and will continue to refer to panels that decide what procedures are and are not covered by insurance.

From the article:

A similar proposal by President Obama — that doctors should be paid to advise patients on end-of-life decisions — became a political firestorm in 2009, when Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate, claimed that the legislation would give bureaucrats the power to decide if some frail or disabled people were deserving of medical care. The assertion was shown to be false.

You like to remind us all how dumb Palin is. Is she now the spokesperson for the right? Only the most partisan here actually care what she says and think she has any real pull with the right.

What she bleats out is irrelevant to the fact that ‘death panels’ is not something that referred to one’s own end of life decisions. It refers to a ‘panel’ (go figure) making that choice FOR YOU.

I remember the conversation at the time anyway. It was not death panels that they were attacking but the idea that Obama was trying to push a plan that encouraged grandma to kill herself rather than be a burden. False, of course, but that was the narrative and Obama fueled it himself when he stated that an aspirin might be better than that hip replacement.

You like to remind us all how dumb Palin is. Is she now the spokesperson for the right? Only the most partisan here actually care what she says and think she has any real pull with the right.

What she bleats out is irrelevant to the fact that ‘death panels’ is not something that referred to one’s own end of life decisions. It refers to a ‘panel’ (go figure) making that choice FOR YOU.

I remember the conversation at the time anyway. It was not death panels that they were attacking but the idea that Obama was trying to push a plan that encouraged grandma to kill herself rather than be a burden. False, of course, but that was the narrative and Obama fueled it himself when he stated that an aspirin might be better than that hip replacement. was JUST Sarah Palin and it wasn't repeated over and over by the right wing talking heads and the parrots here. :rolleyes:

You like to remind us all how dumb Palin is. Is she now the spokesperson for the right? Only the most partisan here actually care what she says and think she has any real pull with the right.

What she bleats out is irrelevant to the fact that ‘death panels’ is not something that referred to one’s own end of life decisions. It refers to a ‘panel’ (go figure) making that choice FOR YOU.

I remember the conversation at the time anyway. It was not death panels that they were attacking but the idea that Obama was trying to push a plan that encouraged grandma to kill herself rather than be a burden. False, of course, but that was the narrative and Obama fueled it himself when he stated that an aspirin might be better than that hip replacement. was JUST Sarah Palin and it wasn't repeated over and over by the right wing talking heads and the parrots here. :rolleyes:
In general, no it was not because you are demanding that it was death panels when it clearly was not discussed as death panels. I have already stated what the argument was at that time. You don’t want to take it because it does not fit your narrative.

Talking heads indeed.

You like to remind us all how dumb Palin is. Is she now the spokesperson for the right? Only the most partisan here actually care what she says and think she has any real pull with the right.

What she bleats out is irrelevant to the fact that ‘death panels’ is not something that referred to one’s own end of life decisions. It refers to a ‘panel’ (go figure) making that choice FOR YOU.

I remember the conversation at the time anyway. It was not death panels that they were attacking but the idea that Obama was trying to push a plan that encouraged grandma to kill herself rather than be a burden. False, of course, but that was the narrative and Obama fueled it himself when he stated that an aspirin might be better than that hip replacement. was JUST Sarah Palin and it wasn't repeated over and over by the right wing talking heads and the parrots here. :rolleyes:
In general, no it was not because you are demanding that it was death panels when it clearly was not discussed as death panels. I have already stated what the argument was at that time. You don’t want to take it because it does not fit your narrative.

Talking heads indeed.

That is not where the "argument" came from. The whole "Death Panel" lie started when President Obama proposed something just like what Jebbie is saying.

You like to remind us all how dumb Palin is. Is she now the spokesperson for the right? Only the most partisan here actually care what she says and think she has any real pull with the right.

What she bleats out is irrelevant to the fact that ‘death panels’ is not something that referred to one’s own end of life decisions. It refers to a ‘panel’ (go figure) making that choice FOR YOU.

I remember the conversation at the time anyway. It was not death panels that they were attacking but the idea that Obama was trying to push a plan that encouraged grandma to kill herself rather than be a burden. False, of course, but that was the narrative and Obama fueled it himself when he stated that an aspirin might be better than that hip replacement. was JUST Sarah Palin and it wasn't repeated over and over by the right wing talking heads and the parrots here. :rolleyes:
In general, no it was not because you are demanding that it was death panels when it clearly was not discussed as death panels. I have already stated what the argument was at that time. You don’t want to take it because it does not fit your narrative.

Talking heads indeed.

That is not where the "argument" came from. The whole "Death Panel" lie started when President Obama proposed something just like what Jebbie is saying.

No it didn't. But keep grasping at straws.

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