Jeb Bush steps down from rich man's token board seats

I don't think he would be that presumptuous. More likely, he is preparing to run and those positions and responsibilities would require more time than he will have to give. Not to mention the potential for conflict of interest accusations...
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I don't think he would be that presumptuous. More likely, he is preparing to run and those positions and responsibilities would require more time than he will have to give, Not to mention the potential for conflict of interest accusations...


That's funny.

Maybe he learned from Mitt's mistake.

Remember when Mittens fired his illegal gardeners and then let it slip on camera that he did it because he was running for prez?

Chances are Jeb is smarter than his brother too. Maybe he won't say one dumb thing after another - on camera.

But, he's still The Shrub's brother and his father's son, and the shit doesn't fall far from the bat.
America will never elect another Bush.

And they'd be hard pressed to elect Hillary as well...

Now, should they both win their respective party nominations... Well, I'd like to think that would present an opportunity for a third party candidate, but I seriously doubt it...
America will never elect another Bush.

And they'd be hard pressed to elect Hillary as well...

Now, should they both win their respective party nominations... Well, I'd like to think that would present an opportunity for a third party candidate, but I seriously doubt it...

If they're the 2 nominees I'm not voting and I'm just going to worry about my own shit for the next 4 - 8 years and not pay any attention to politics.
If you republicans nominate another Bush you are all verifiable idiots and a danger to America.
He could win the nomination. He could possibly have the center/right moderate country club banker wing of the GOP all to himself while half a dozen rightwing wanabees split the far right tea party church lady eddie eagle vote.
The progs are already wetting their beds at the thought of another Bush Preisdent.

People tend to forget that W was somewhat of a moderate himself, he wasn't a true conservative. Yet he won both elections.
Nope.......................I personally don't want to see another Bush in the White House.

The first one made me feel scared to walk around overseas because I thought I would be targeted. Matter of fact, he's one of the reasons that the U.S. Navy implemented the buddy program and made every one who left the ship have a partner, because they had to have a witness.

The second one (Shrub, or better known as Bush Jr.), got us into a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, it was just his way of trying to restore his father's honor (remember....................Sr. wanted to invade Baghdad, but never could, and Jr. used 9/11 as an excuse).

Elect Jeb? Well...............if his father and his brother's tenure as POTUS are any indication, we're going to get into another long and brutal war.

Nope...................not gonna vote for another Bush to occupy the White House.

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