Jeb Bush’s Windmill


Sep 23, 2010
It is neigh on impossible to find a non-issue less important than this one:

Jeb Bush Endorses Puerto Rican Statehood in Spanish Speech
by Breitbart News28 Apr 2015

Jeb Bush Endorses Puerto Rican Statehood in Spanish Speech

First of all, statehood is none of Jeb Bush’s business. Puerto Ricans can have statehood, or independence, any time they want it. It is their decision not Jeb Bush’s.

I realize that Bush suddenly endorsing statehood is a campaign strategy aimed at snatching Spanish voters away from Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz in what is sure to be tough fight for the nomination. Bush’s endorsement looks good on paper —— well-knowing it is meaningless. To me, it looks a lot like tilting at windmills:


If Bush wants to joust with real windmills, I suggest he attack these:

As wind power booms Texas lawmakers consider yanking support Dallas Morning News

Impact unclear

Texas is not alone in pulling back support. In January, the U.S. Senate voted not to extend the federal tax credit for wind generation, which expired at the end of 2014.

“State after state, there’s an attempt to remove existing renewable portfolio standards,” said Tom “Smitty” Smith, Texas director of the nonprofit Public Citizen.

Exactly what financial impact the end of Texas’ renewable program would have is unclear.

The value of renewable energy credits has plummeted in recent years, as volumes far exceeded demand. Still it’s a market that’s worth close to $40 million a year to the renewable industry, according to the Wind Coalition.

Under Fraser’s legislation, existing wind farms will be grandfathered in and still be able to sell the credits. Power companies might not be required to buy them anymore. But those retailers marketing renewable home energy plans or companies voluntarily trying to lower their carbon emissions will still need them, Anderson said.

And one last CREZ project to expand transmission in the Panhandle will be allowed to go ahead, Fraser said.

“I haven’t paid attention to [the politics]. This is one Republican who is still very bullish on wind. We still want wind to be built, and we still want to see solar built,” he said.

That might not be the smart thing to do. With wind coming in cheaper than dirty coal, and sometimes supplying as much as 25% of the power in Texas, there are a lot of people that will want to see more wind power. People with money. Throw grid scale batteries into the mix, and wind becomes a 24/7 generator.

Add to the existing drought in Texas, and the amount of water that coal generation uses, versus none for the wind mills, might be a real loser with Texans.
‘Puerto Rican citizens — U.S. citizens — ought to have the right to determine whether they want to be a state,” Jeb Bush said this week. But they have had the right to determine that several times, and they seem to have determined the answer: No. The former Florida governor also said he thought statehood was a good idea on the merits, which it plainly is not.


That is the nearest Puerto Ricans have come to asking to be a state, after decades in which the island’s political and business elite, Democrats in Congress, and some Republicans have pushed for the idea. In three previous referenda (1967, 1993, and 1998), statehood was voted down outright.

Sorry, Jeb, Puerto Rican Statehood Is an Awful Idea
By The Editors — April 30, 2015

Sorry Jeb Puerto Rican Statehood Is an Awful Idea National Review Online

After Don Quixote Bush bails out like Mitt Romney he can save face with this one:

I cannot see how the media hopes to shove Jeb Bush down the public’s throat the way they did John McCain and Mitt Romney. The man had every fatal disease known to conservatives before he caught Puerto Rico Statehood Fever:

Bush’s latest un-conservative infarct is to urge statehood for Puerto Rico. Exactly how adding a 51st state to the union that would send two Democratic Senators and Democratic representatives to Washington forever (para siempre, if you prefer) helps the conservative agenda would be mighty hard for Jeb to explain. Also he didn’t mention whether the folks in the existing 50 states should have any say on whether Puerto Rico comes on board or not.​

Incidentally, I believe that the number of illegal aliens is closer to 30 million. Eleven million was the media lie in 2008. Even if you reject my 30 million ——at a bare minimum Taqiyya the Liar took in ten million since 2009:

Sticking with immigration, this latest Bush, like his brother before him, does not take America’s southern border seriously. In fact, he seems to think rather poorly of the idea of America having borders at all. He has repeatedly said there is no urgency to secure America’s southern border and that the 11 million (or 12 million, or 15 million, or whatever the actual number is) people here illegally should not be deported but should be given something called “earned legal status.” Translation: nobody goes home.

With Conservatives Like These…
Quite a lot of devil in these Jeb details.
By Larry Thornberry – 5.5.15

With Conservatives Like These The American Spectator
Incidentally, I believe that the number of illegal aliens is closer to 30 million. Eleven million was the media lie in 2008. Even if you reject my 30 million ——at a bare minimum Taqiyya the Liar took in ten million since 2009:


Thank you, oh thank you, Lady Ann:

“One last question and you asked we ask on Twitter: Tell me anything new that is not known generally,” Ramos asked Coulter to wrap the interview about her new book, Adios America.

“Well, obviously you brought one up: 30 million illegals, not 11,” Coulter fired back, referencing a fiery opening exchange to the interview.

“It’s 11, it’s 11,” Ramos insisted. “Not 30 million.”
Read the entire article to learn how Ann destroys Ramos’ media lie about 11 million:

Jorge Ramos Admits to Ann Coulter: Bring All of Mexico to Live Here
by Matthew Boyle26 May 2015

Jorge Ramos Admits to Ann Coulter Bring All of Mexico to Live Here - Breitbart

Lady Ann bears no grudge against Jorge Ramos:

I finally found a Mexican willing to do a job no American will do! I have an explosive book on the No. 1 issue in the country coming out next week, I’ve already written 10 New York Times best-sellers — I’d be on a postage stamp if I were a liberal — but can’t get an interview on ABC, NBC or CBS.

Only Mexican-born Jorge Ramos would interview me on his Fusion network. Yay, Jorge!​

Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio each have one foot in the grave. They might as well jump in after conservative Americans read Ann’s book:

My soon-to-be-released book, “Adios, America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole,” is jam-packed with facts you didn’t already know. Don’t even think of using it as a coaster, like those other books.

These are just a few:​

The items she refers to is a grave digger for the amnesty crowd:

Ramos Can Stay, But Matt Lauer Has to Go
Ann Coulter | Wednesday May 27, 2015 4:48 PM

Ramos Can Stay But Matt Lauer Has to Go Human Events

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