Jeff Flake announces his retirement from humanity

You ignorant slime ball, the FBI doesn't investigate 40 year old State crimes, they never have. No need to reply I don't do satire.
Also it involved juvenile kids.

Which is way out of the FBI's jurisdiction. .... :cool:

Kindly put that nugget back up your ass -
Damn straight they investigate ANY crime that falls into these areas.
What We Investigate
You ignorant slime ball, the FBI doesn't investigate 40 year old State crimes, they never have. No need to reply I don't do satire.
Also it involved juvenile kids.

Which is way out of the FBI's jurisdiction. .... :cool:

Kindly put that nugget back up your ass -
Damn straight they investigate ANY crime that falls into these areas.
What We Investigate

You should take your head out of your ass first. Nothing on that list you posted covers the accusation against Kavanaugh.
I mentioned it a few days ago but these messed up people , men and women like this accusing woman ' blasey ford ' probably shouldn't be able to Vote no matter what 'suzy b. antony' did a hundred years ago . And raising kids or teaching in Public Schools seems to be something that messed up 'ptsd'er' people , like this woman should also not be able to do . --------------- just a comment .
Updated at 10:45 a.m. ET

The American Bar Association says the Senate should not hold a confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court until the FBI has investigated sexual assault allegations against him that were made by Christine Blasey Ford and other women.

Citing the ABA's "respect for the rule of law and due process," ABA President Robert Carlson wrote in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, "The basic principles that underscore the Senate's constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI."

The ABA can lick my left nutsack.

They will ask for investigations forever, because there is nothing more to be found in a 30+ year old case with no documentation.
Is that like that filthy lying Democrat Blumenthal announce he demands a Purple Heart for his Vietnam War service or is like Cory "Black Spartacus" demanding "profiles in courage" after admitting he sexually assaulted a girl in high school?

These are quality assholes defend that lying Ford Moon Bat.
I see - So the FBI wouldn't investigate a suspected 14-17 year old terrorist?
Don't be a Ding-a-ling ;)
Far as I know, there has never been a terrorist arrested and sent to Gitmo for groping people. ... :cool:

Wonder if you know more about what the FBI can and cannot do than Trump apologist and Fox shill Alan Dershowitz? :lol:
Alan Dershowitz: Postpone Kavanaugh confirmation until FBI can investigate accusations against him
Attempted rape is a FELONY - Investigating suspected felonies committed by SCOTUS nominees is well within their purview.
So Borowitz is snarkily saying that to be "human" requires us to suspend common sense and abandon our fundamental commitment to innocent until proven guilty.
You's getting so I wonder at your ability to retain knowledge for more than 30 seconds. Once wasn't a court of wasn't a was a job interview.
Is that like that filthy lying Democrat Blumenthal announce he demands a Purple Heart for his Vietnam War service or is like Cory "Black Spartacus" demanding "profiles in courage" after admitting he sexually assaulted a girl in high school?

These are quality assholes defend that lying Ford Moon Bat.
^ this is the kind of attitude held by those picking Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court of the United States of America. We're screwed as a nation.
Is that like that filthy lying Democrat Blumenthal announce he demands a Purple Heart for his Vietnam War service or is like Cory "Black Spartacus" demanding "profiles in courage" after admitting he sexually assaulted a girl in high school?

These are quality assholes defend that lying Ford Moon Bat.
^ this is the kind of attitude held by those picking Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court of the United States of America. We're screwed as a nation.

Those Democrats on that committee are scum of this country.

Everybody from lying Di-Fy to that sexual harasser "Black Sparticus" (that doesn't even have the courage to vote) to that stolen valor asshole Blumenthal to those dingbats Harris and that clown from Hawaii.

I think it is funny how these goofy fuck tards, really believe this is a conservative versus a liberal argument. This is pure and simple, money "trumps" all! Pardon the pun!! This has nothing to do with integrity or honesty or being a decent human!! The other funny thing is all these same assholes think they are somehow protected from the universe, because they play christian!! These ass clowns, may fuck over the planet and the poor, but they will indeed spend the rest of their afterlife burning in hell!!
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I think it is funny how these goofy fuck tards, really believe this is a conservative versus a liberal argument. This is pure and simple, money "trumps" all! Pardon the pun!! This has nothing to do with integrity or honesty or being a decent human!! The other funny thing is all these same assholes think they are somehow protected from the universe, because they play christian!! These ass clowns, may fuck over the planet and the poor, but they will indeed spend the rest of their afterlife burning in hell!!

I do not believe they believe they will burn in hell. They are fake.
So Borowitz is snarkily saying that to be "human" requires us to suspend common sense and abandon our fundamental commitment to innocent until proven guilty.
You's getting so I wonder at your ability to retain knowledge for more than 30 seconds. Once wasn't a court of wasn't a was a job interview.

Is it possible that Trump is dumbing down civilization?
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