Jeff Sessions, AG nominee, demands that Sally Yates defy unlawful orders in '15 confirmation hearing

Republicans are now convinced that when they do something unlawful, it's not unlawful. More proof rules and laws don't apply to Republicans.
What a mad world we live in. Trump's AG pick demands that Sally Yates be obligated to say no to unlawful orders from the President: are still stupid.......the executive order was not unlawful...therefore she was fired for not doing her job.....boy, he stupid is strong with you.........

And of course, to make the point...there are 50 muslim majority countries in the world.......obama cited 7 that have a problem with of our Navy Seals died in Yemen, one of those very countries over the weekend in an anti-terror raid....

So 7 out of 50 muslim countries means that 43 muslim countries are unaffected by the 90 day, TEMPORARY.....freeze on immigration from those countries while we get our vetting process sorted out......that means that a muslim from 43 different muslim countries can enter the United States with no problem.....

So.....the former acting Attorney General...was not say no to an unlawful order.......she was refusing to do her job.....


She sure was refusing the orders of her boss and she got shit canned for it. As she should have been.

She was filling in until Sessions gets there. Woman's a moron and she proved it.
All things they oppose are unlawful in their eyes.
To Billy_Kinetta: You got that right: Yates should have resigned if she believed the president’s EO was unlawful. Instead of resigning she insured future top jobs in the Democrat hierarchy. Rush went Right to the heart of the matter:

“She should not have been there in the first place, . . .”


“Donald Trump is singularly responsible for this woman being there. She should have been let go on Day One with every Obama appointee.”


Not wishing to be misunderstood, Limbaugh noted, “I’m not calling him a wallflower, and I’m not saying that he’s weak. He knows he faces opposition, but it is crucial to understand the kind of opposition it is. The only way Sally Yates can be explained is through liberalism.”

“They are liberals. They’re lying about every aspect of their opposition to every Trump nominee.


“Until you understand the kind of opposition, left-wing liberal opposition is, you’re not going to be successful in dealing with it. And you can be successful in dealing with it. We could nuke it. Yates should never have been there. She was violating the law by refusing to defend it. She works for Donald Trump. She doesn’t work for her own moral code. She doesn’t work for her own interpretation of the law. She works for the president of the United States. She’s no heroine.”​

Limbaugh eviscerates Trump for 1 'serious' mistake
Posted By Joe Kovacs On 01/31/2017 @ 1:30 pm

Limbaugh eviscerates Trump for 1 ‘serious’ mistake
Republicans are now convinced that when they do something unlawful, it's not unlawful. More proof rules and laws don't apply to Republicans.
Well, when the Republican president does it, that means that it is not illegal.
What a mad world we live in. Trump's AG pick demands that Sally Yates be obligated to say no to unlawful orders from the President:

Indeed, but the order has to be unlawful. Otherwise, you end up unemployed.

It's unlawful. That's going to play out in the next few days. IMO, Yates is now a frontrunner for any political office she cares to run for.

The Liberals are finding a NEW issue every few hours so Sally will be old news in the recycle bin by next week.

Not just liberals. Pay attention.

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