Jeff Sessions, not a racist...congressional democrats....racists...won't hire African Americans...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....the racist white democrats, don't seem to want to hire the racists of the other races of the democrat party....

Congressional Dems under attack for not hiring minorities

Earlier this month, a CNN contributor dismissed an African-American who served as a top aide to Sen. Jeff Sessions as, in effect, a token. The former Sessions aide, William Smith, was debating Angela Rye, a strong critic of Sessions’ record on civil rights.

Rye told Smith: “Because you are the one black guy that he hired on the committee doesn’t make him a civil rights leader.” Perhaps realizing what she had just implied, Rye paused for a moment, and then added, “I’m gonna leave it at that.” Smith responded, “You can leave it at that, because you have nothing.”

Smith is more than a “black guy” Sessions hired on a committee. He was the first African-American chief counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

If hiring Smith for this top position was a meaningless gesture, then it should be the case that Democrats — who fancy themselves champions of minority rights — routinely hire African-Americans for top positions. But they do not.

The Washington Post reports that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is under pressure over the poor record of congressional Democrats with regard to minority hiring. In response, Schumer reportedly will urge his fellow Democrats to adopt the Rooney Rule, which requires NFL teams to interview at least one minority applicant for top positions.

Thus, whereas Sessions years ago hired an African-American as his top counsel, Schumer is now trying to get Democrats to interview African-American candidates.

Statistics on the hiring of minorities for congressional positions are hard to come by, which may tell you something right there. Post reporter Ed O’Keefe resorts to begging readers for information on the subject (“if you have stats about your office, or thoughts on the issue, email me,” he implores).

However, O’Keefe is able to report that “the only black chief of staff works for a Republican senator, Tim Scott of South Carolina, who is also black.” O’Keefe also quotes the views of several Democratic staffers on the subject. One staffer said:

Every time I hear any of the Democratic senators, including my own boss, talk about diversity, I cringe, because it’s all one big lie. That they’ve been allowed to enjoy this reputation as a party that values diversity, while doing next to nothing of substance to align their actions with their words, is expert-level deception.
Sessions has spent his career fighting racism and the KKK. How democrats turned him into a racist is incomprehensible.
Sessions has spent his career fighting racism and the KKK. How democrats turned him into a racist is incomprehensible.

The same way they turned nazis into right wingers, and turned Republicans into racists and making themselves the civil rights party........they have an amazing talent for lying....
Even Democrats understand that Obama has so poisoned the well with His incompetence that he has not only ensured that there will be no new black president for at least 150 years but that black employment in general will be set back at least a century.
Democrats only want blacks for votes period....they give them just enough crumbs to keep them happy. What a waste of talent all thanks to the democratic party.

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