Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

Some to this day can not connect the dots and power of these people.

To this day the average Trump hating idiot can't connect why the take down of alternative media/social media/ you are way to low on the chart to see what's right in front of you even when nit's black and white.
"Virginia Giuffre (the accuser) alleged she was pulled into years of abuse by investor Jeffrey Epstein when she was working as a 15-year-old towel girl at President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach in 1999.

The suit alleged no wrongdoing on Trump's part, but accused Epstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell of procuring underage girls for Epstein. She denied the allegations.

The made-for-the-tabloids case appeared to be nearing trial as soon as this month when a last-minute delay was granted by the judge"
Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?
Who knows.
But reports stated that he was trying to recruit towel girls for his massage parlor.
My guess is that somebody is trying to muddy the water by making false reports.
Something that is happening alot around Trump.
No report from our corrupt media can be trusted anymore BTW.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.

Yeah I just posted the whole thing. That's one of the saddest things about sex trafficking. The ones that are trafficked when they get older and are no longer wanted for sex because they aren't a kid anymore, then end up being the ones that go out and recruit new kids into the trafficking. So the victims become the perpetrators in order to stick around the people that have all the money.
"Virginia Giuffre (the accuser) alleged she was pulled into years of abuse by investor Jeffrey Epstein when she was working as a 15-year-old towel girl at President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach in 1999.

The suit alleged no wrongdoing on Trump's part, but accused Epstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell of procuring underage girls for Epstein. She denied the allegations.

The made-for-the-tabloids case appeared to be nearing trial as soon as this month when a last-minute delay was granted by the judge"

Anybody have any idea what a "towel girl" is? :eusa_think:
"Virginia Giuffre (the accuser) alleged she was pulled into years of abuse by investor Jeffrey Epstein when she was working as a 15-year-old towel girl at President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach in 1999.

The suit alleged no wrongdoing on Trump's part, but accused Epstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell of procuring underage girls for Epstein. She denied the allegations.

The made-for-the-tabloids case appeared to be nearing trial as soon as this month when a last-minute delay was granted by the judge"

Anybody have any idea what a "towel girl" is? :eusa_think:

They are the employees who hang around the pool and bring towels to patrons who ask for them. They also have towel boys too.

But, you gotta be in a very fancy place to get that level of service.
"Virginia Giuffre (the accuser) alleged she was pulled into years of abuse by investor Jeffrey Epstein when she was working as a 15-year-old towel girl at President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach in 1999.

The suit alleged no wrongdoing on Trump's part, but accused Epstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell of procuring underage girls for Epstein. She denied the allegations.

The made-for-the-tabloids case appeared to be nearing trial as soon as this month when a last-minute delay was granted by the judge"

Anybody have any idea what a "towel girl" is? :eusa_think:

They are the employees who hang around the pool and bring towels to patrons who ask for them. They also have towel boys too.

But, you gotta be in a very fancy place to get that level of service.
Strange how Espstein gets caught propositioning underage towel boys/girls and Trump boots him from the club......but Trump is the bad guy here?
Your mind isn't functioning properly. :iagree:
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.
So when Trump says he didn't know Epstein was doing the recruiting he was being accurate. It was the GF that was doing the recruiting.
However, it appears that Epstein was recruiting them thru his GF.
You do realize this removes any valid suspicions over Trump's imaginary dishonesty, right?
"Virginia Giuffre (the accuser) alleged she was pulled into years of abuse by investor Jeffrey Epstein when she was working as a 15-year-old towel girl at President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach in 1999.

The suit alleged no wrongdoing on Trump's part, but accused Epstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell of procuring underage girls for Epstein. She denied the allegations.

The made-for-the-tabloids case appeared to be nearing trial as soon as this month when a last-minute delay was granted by the judge"

Anybody have any idea what a "towel girl" is? :eusa_think:

They are the employees who hang around the pool and bring towels to patrons who ask for them. They also have towel boys too.

But, you gotta be in a very fancy place to get that level of service.


Well you also gotta be seriously full of yourself to expect somebody to bring you a towel because you can't be bothered. That's frickin' helpless.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.
So when Trump says he didn't know Epstein was doing the recruiting he was being accurate. It was the GF that was doing the recruiting.
However, it appears that Epstein was recruiting them thru his GF.
You do realize this removes any valid suspicions over Trump's imaginary dishonesty, right?

"Rump's imaginary dishonesty"?? :laughing0301:

Rump, the asshat who said not once but several times that his father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany?
Rump, the serial liar who invented "John Miller" and "John Baron", then admitted doing so in court, then reversed again and denied he ever did that AFTER admitting to it in Deposition?
Rump the Magnificent Mendacity Maggot who claimed "thousands and thousands were dancing on rooftops"?
Rump the weasel-wording wanker who then mocked the congenital disability of a reporter who refused to join him in that lie?
Rump the waste of human protoplasm who then denied he did that?
Rump the wobbly wuss who wanted "would" to mean "wouldn't" as soon as Uncle Vlad left the room?
Rump the ventriloquist who tried to claim that wasn't his voice on the Access Hollywood tape?
Rump the negotiator who went bankrupt six times and continues to deny them all?
Rump supercilious pseudoscholar who claimed he got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan?
Rump the wacko weatherman who claimed it "wasn't raining"?
Rump the hysterical historian who tried to claim his first year got more done than anybody since Truman?
Rump the fibbing floater of a fake Time Magazine cover?
Rump, who visually lies to the public every day about what color his own bald-faced-lying face is?
Rump, who at last count about a month ago had launched 10,769 bullshit bombs?
Rump, whose lawyer claimed upthread that Rump never socialized with Epstein, despite the pictures of exactly that?

I see the divorce from Reality went through. It's part of Cultism, isn't it.

Jeffrey Epstein Reportedly Arrested for Sex Trafficking - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE
Jeffrey Epstein Reportedly Arrested for Sex Trafficking - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

Draining the swamp is what took place all the elites control those huge corporations pea sized brains can't seem to comprehend.

Also from Cernavich

Mike Cernovich on Twitter
View attachment 268185

Another updated source on this story

Report: Jeffrey Epstein Arrested in New York for Sex Trafficking of Minors

View attachment 268188

/——/ And of course Slick Willie knows nothing:
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.
So when Trump says he didn't know Epstein was doing the recruiting he was being accurate. It was the GF that was doing the recruiting.
However, it appears that Epstein was recruiting them thru his GF.
You do realize this removes any valid suspicions over Trump's imaginary dishonesty, right?
You gotta be a special breed of stupid to make up reaches to trump and ignore 26 secret service free Lolita express flights by Bill.
This is exhibit A of the inequities of the criminal justice system;
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.
So when Trump says he didn't know Epstein was doing the recruiting he was being accurate. It was the GF that was doing the recruiting.
However, it appears that Epstein was recruiting them thru his GF.
You do realize this removes any valid suspicions over Trump's imaginary dishonesty, right?
You don't know that. Trump could easily have been a co-conspirator to this child sex ring. Anyone who has an affair with a pornstar, pays her off to keep quiet to help him get elected proving the election was illegal while his third wife was pregnant with his fifth child is capable of anything.

And Alexander Acosta just got exposed with letting rich people get away with child trafficking and the victims were never involved in this illegal behind doors equital.

Isn't it interesting that all of Trump's friends are in jail.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.
So when Trump says he didn't know Epstein was doing the recruiting he was being accurate. It was the GF that was doing the recruiting.
However, it appears that Epstein was recruiting them thru his GF.
You do realize this removes any valid suspicions over Trump's imaginary dishonesty, right?
You gotta be a special breed of stupid to make up reaches to trump and ignore 26 secret service free Lolita express flights by Bill.

You gotta be an even specialer breed of Stoopid to trot that out yet again after it's been dissected over and over and over and over and over, as long as 396 posts ago.

I guess the Stoopids on that level don't bother to read their own links.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:

Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.
So when Trump says he didn't know Epstein was doing the recruiting he was being accurate. It was the GF that was doing the recruiting.
However, it appears that Epstein was recruiting them thru his GF.
You do realize this removes any valid suspicions over Trump's imaginary dishonesty, right?
You gotta be a special breed of stupid to make up reaches to trump and ignore 26 secret service free Lolita express flights by Bill.
If Clinton was involved in child rapes like Trump, lock his ass up too.
Trump has said that he knew nothing about sex recruitment at Mar a Lago, but now you are telling me the reason he kicked Epstein out of the club was because he found out about sex recruiting in his resort?

Which is it, did he know or didn't he?

Supposedly Epstein flashed some young towel girl and asked her for sex for money or something at Mar-a-Lago

Actually, the news article I found said that she was approached by Epstein's then girlfriend for recruiting while Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago.

I've got a link in a post further up the thread.
So when Trump says he didn't know Epstein was doing the recruiting he was being accurate. It was the GF that was doing the recruiting.
However, it appears that Epstein was recruiting them thru his GF.
You do realize this removes any valid suspicions over Trump's imaginary dishonesty, right?
You gotta be a special breed of stupid to make up reaches to trump and ignore 26 secret service free Lolita express flights by Bill.

You gotta be an even specialer breed of Stoopid to trot that out yet again after it's been dissected over and over and over and over and over, as long as 396 posts ago.

I guess the Stoopids on that level don't bother to read their own links.
There's that breed I was talking about.
Some to this day can not connect the dots and power of these people.

To this day the average Trump hating idiot can't connect why the take down of alternative media/social media/ you are way to low on the chart to see what's right in front of you even when nit's black and white.
I know that Trump's buddies are in jail because federal prosecutors put them there. And it has nothing to do with the media.

Some to this day can not connect the dots and power of these people.

To this day the average Trump hating idiot can't connect why the take down of alternative media/social media/ you are way to low on the chart to see what's right in front of you even when nit's black and white.


But for Uncle Vlad, we might have had a POTUS with a spouse who spent most of his time fucking 16 year old girls.

Please put Uncle Vlad on the $20!

Bless you and Thank you, Uncle Vlad!



Some to this day can not connect the dots and power of these people.

To this day the average Trump hating idiot can't connect why the take down of alternative media/social media/ you are way to low on the chart to see what's right in front of you even when nit's black and white.


But for Uncle Vlad, we might have had a POTUS with a spouse who spent most of his time fucking 16 year old girls.

Please put Uncle Vlad on the $20!

Bless you and Thank you, Uncle Vlad!


And Trump will be at the top of the snitch list. And another one who is toast is Acosta.
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