Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
my pedophile is better than your pedophile :rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol politics makes everyone a lil cuck for their hero
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
my pedophile is better than your pedophile :rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol politics makes everyone a lil cuck for their hero

Someone taking two trips with someone where other people were present, and another person taking 26 trips with them, and documented they were alone (Clinton dismissed his secret service) is two different things.
Epstein is an extremely connected guy. If you were to accuse every person who has been acquainted with him a couple times... you would have to indict half of the Democrat party.
Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
my pedophile is better than your pedophile :rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol politics makes everyone a lil cuck for their hero

Someone taking two trips with someone where other people were present, and another person taking 26 trips with them, and documented they were alone (Clinton dismissed his secret service) is two different things.
Epstein is an extremely connected guy. If you were to accuse every person who has been acquainted with him a couple times... you would have to indict half of the Democrat party.
You're neenering because you're right wing, but honesty isn't a partisan's strong-suit. "2 versus 26, got ya bro!"

derpa derp derp derp
AHAHA. the dirt keeps coming omg what losers

Epstein Detention Memo – Seized Safe Contents Include CD ROM’s of Victims With Other Suspects…
Posted on July 8, 2019 by sundance
In the U.S. DOJ detention memo (full pdf below) federal prosecutors argue that Jeffrey Epstein should be denied bail. Within the 10-page memo some of the victim evidence seized by federal authorities from a locked safe belonging to Epstein is documented.

Epstein is accused of sex trafficking, and apparently he kept records which included CD ROM’s of young women with other potential suspects and/or participants:

[Page 9 pdf] “Finally, despite havi

Why are you posting here? Nothing in this case is going to cause the end of the world. I think you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

Perhaps they should round up Donald Trump and all GOP lawmakers as suspects.

Notice that suspect Alan Dershowitz is not emerging from his hole in the ground to avoid flak.
I noticed.
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
And none of those trips with Epstein in the air and in his mansions, was for milk and cookies.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
my pedophile is better than your pedophile :rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol politics makes everyone a lil cuck for their hero

Someone taking two trips with someone where other people were present, and another person taking 26 trips with them, and documented they were alone (Clinton dismissed his secret service) is two different things.
Epstein is an extremely connected guy. If you were to accuse every person who has been acquainted with him a couple times... you would have to indict half of the Democrat party.
You're neenering because you're right wing, but honesty isn't a partisan's strong-suit. "2 versus 26, got ya bro!"

derpa derp derp derp

On the contrary, you as a leftist is ignoring the mountain to point out the mole hill.
Epstein's RSVP lists is extensive. The list of people connected with the guy is half of fucking Washington DC as well as foreign leaders of several countries.
If all it takes in someone's mind (yours) to say that someone is involved in a crime spree is simply to have been in the same location as the guilty person a few times over 15 years...then....again... you would also have to think half the Democrat party are pedophiles.
As far as I kknow...Trump may be guilty as hell, if he is - it will be the most embarrassing scandal in U.S. History. But I don;t know that, and neither does anyone else.
But to say he is, but give a guy who we know flew ALONE with him 26 times is not absurd.
That, or you are just trolling as usual.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
my pedophile is better than your pedophile :rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol politics makes everyone a lil cuck for their hero

Someone taking two trips with someone where other people were present, and another person taking 26 trips with them, and documented they were alone (Clinton dismissed his secret service) is two different things.
Epstein is an extremely connected guy. If you were to accuse every person who has been acquainted with him a couple times... you would have to indict half of the Democrat party.
You're neenering because you're right wing, but honesty isn't a partisan's strong-suit. "2 versus 26, got ya bro!"

derpa derp derp derp

On the contrary, you as a leftist is ignoring the mountain to point out the mole hill.
Epstein's RSVP lists is extensive. The list of people connected with the guy is half of fucking Washington DC as well as foreign leaders of several countries.
If all it takes in someone's mind (yours) to say that someone is involved in a crime spree is simply to have been in the same location as the guilty person a few times over 15 years...then....again... you would also have to think half the Democrat party are pedophiles.
As far as I kknow...Trump may be guilty as hell, if he is - it will be the most embarrassing scandal in U.S. History. But I don;t know that, and neither does anyone else.
But to say he is, but give a guy who we know flew ALONE with him 26 times is not absurd.
That, or you are just trolling as usual.
you lose, 1st sentence. im not a leftist.

lets see how much other stupidity you can fit in a single pin-headed post...shall we?

1. Correlation vs. causation fallacy.
2. I never said Trump or Billy boy are innocent OR guilty, I said that... to say "but but but 2 times vs 26 my pedo is better than yours" is a clear bending over and sucking one of the two's dicks....because politics.
3. correct, as far as you know, trump may be guilty.
as far as i know, clinton may be innocent.

but to jump onto your little keyboard and play interference for either one of because you're a partisan cuck. Is Trump some friend of yours?

lol, dweebs
Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
my pedophile is better than your pedophile :rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol politics makes everyone a lil cuck for their hero

Someone taking two trips with someone where other people were present, and another person taking 26 trips with them, and documented they were alone (Clinton dismissed his secret service) is two different things.
Epstein is an extremely connected guy. If you were to accuse every person who has been acquainted with him a couple times... you would have to indict half of the Democrat party.
You're neenering because you're right wing, but honesty isn't a partisan's strong-suit. "2 versus 26, got ya bro!"

derpa derp derp derp

On the contrary, you as a leftist is ignoring the mountain to point out the mole hill.
Epstein's RSVP lists is extensive. The list of people connected with the guy is half of fucking Washington DC as well as foreign leaders of several countries.
If all it takes in someone's mind (yours) to say that someone is involved in a crime spree is simply to have been in the same location as the guilty person a few times over 15 years...then....again... you would also have to think half the Democrat party are pedophiles.
As far as I kknow...Trump may be guilty as hell, if he is - it will be the most embarrassing scandal in U.S. History. But I don;t know that, and neither does anyone else.
But to say he is, but give a guy who we know flew ALONE with him 26 times is not absurd.
That, or you are just trolling as usual.
you lose, 1st sentence. im not a leftist.

lets see how much other stupidity you can fit in a single pin-headed post...shall we?

1. Correlation vs. causation fallacy.
2. I never said Trump or Billy boy are innocent OR guilty, I said that... to say "but but but 2 times vs 26 my pedo is better than yours" is a clear bending over and sucking one of the two's dicks....because politics.
3. correct, as far as you know, trump may be guilty.
as far as i know, clinton may be innocent.

but to jump onto your little keyboard and play interference for either one of because you're a partisan cuck. Is Trump some friend of yours?

lol, dweebs

As much as Clinton is yours.
And i never said Trump was guilty or innocent either.
Nor did I say Clinton was guilty.
I did the exact same thing you are trying to do - point out the ridiculousness of trying to assume Trump is guilty but not Clinton.
Then you come along and try to say I am saying Trump is innocent.
Never said it.
my pedophile is better than your pedophile :rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol politics makes everyone a lil cuck for their hero

Someone taking two trips with someone where other people were present, and another person taking 26 trips with them, and documented they were alone (Clinton dismissed his secret service) is two different things.
Epstein is an extremely connected guy. If you were to accuse every person who has been acquainted with him a couple times... you would have to indict half of the Democrat party.
You're neenering because you're right wing, but honesty isn't a partisan's strong-suit. "2 versus 26, got ya bro!"

derpa derp derp derp

On the contrary, you as a leftist is ignoring the mountain to point out the mole hill.
Epstein's RSVP lists is extensive. The list of people connected with the guy is half of fucking Washington DC as well as foreign leaders of several countries.
If all it takes in someone's mind (yours) to say that someone is involved in a crime spree is simply to have been in the same location as the guilty person a few times over 15 years...then....again... you would also have to think half the Democrat party are pedophiles.
As far as I kknow...Trump may be guilty as hell, if he is - it will be the most embarrassing scandal in U.S. History. But I don;t know that, and neither does anyone else.
But to say he is, but give a guy who we know flew ALONE with him 26 times is not absurd.
That, or you are just trolling as usual.
you lose, 1st sentence. im not a leftist.

lets see how much other stupidity you can fit in a single pin-headed post...shall we?

1. Correlation vs. causation fallacy.
2. I never said Trump or Billy boy are innocent OR guilty, I said that... to say "but but but 2 times vs 26 my pedo is better than yours" is a clear bending over and sucking one of the two's dicks....because politics.
3. correct, as far as you know, trump may be guilty.
as far as i know, clinton may be innocent.

but to jump onto your little keyboard and play interference for either one of because you're a partisan cuck. Is Trump some friend of yours?

lol, dweebs

As much as Clinton is yours.
And i never said Trump was guilty or innocent either.
Nor did I say Clinton was guilty.
I did the exact same thing you are trying to do - point out the ridiculousness of trying to assume Trump is guilty but not Clinton.
Then you come along and try to say I am saying Trump is innocent.
Never said it.
clinton is my what?

when bill clinton was president, i was a child

i dont give a fuck about either one of these two. you do.
Mr. Epstein is going to sing like a Fucking Canary, make no mistake about it.

If I was a lib involved in Pizzagate, I'd be concerned.

If Pizzagate is true, this could be the smoking gun. Epstein could provide very believable testimony, at least enough to open an inquiry and hire a special prosecutor.
Someone taking two trips with someone where other people were present, and another person taking 26 trips with them, and documented they were alone (Clinton dismissed his secret service) is two different things.
Epstein is an extremely connected guy. If you were to accuse every person who has been acquainted with him a couple times... you would have to indict half of the Democrat party.
You're neenering because you're right wing, but honesty isn't a partisan's strong-suit. "2 versus 26, got ya bro!"

derpa derp derp derp

On the contrary, you as a leftist is ignoring the mountain to point out the mole hill.
Epstein's RSVP lists is extensive. The list of people connected with the guy is half of fucking Washington DC as well as foreign leaders of several countries.
If all it takes in someone's mind (yours) to say that someone is involved in a crime spree is simply to have been in the same location as the guilty person a few times over 15 years...then....again... you would also have to think half the Democrat party are pedophiles.
As far as I kknow...Trump may be guilty as hell, if he is - it will be the most embarrassing scandal in U.S. History. But I don;t know that, and neither does anyone else.
But to say he is, but give a guy who we know flew ALONE with him 26 times is not absurd.
That, or you are just trolling as usual.
you lose, 1st sentence. im not a leftist.

lets see how much other stupidity you can fit in a single pin-headed post...shall we?

1. Correlation vs. causation fallacy.
2. I never said Trump or Billy boy are innocent OR guilty, I said that... to say "but but but 2 times vs 26 my pedo is better than yours" is a clear bending over and sucking one of the two's dicks....because politics.
3. correct, as far as you know, trump may be guilty.
as far as i know, clinton may be innocent.

but to jump onto your little keyboard and play interference for either one of because you're a partisan cuck. Is Trump some friend of yours?

lol, dweebs

As much as Clinton is yours.
And i never said Trump was guilty or innocent either.
Nor did I say Clinton was guilty.
I did the exact same thing you are trying to do - point out the ridiculousness of trying to assume Trump is guilty but not Clinton.
Then you come along and try to say I am saying Trump is innocent.
Never said it.
clinton is my what?

when bill clinton was president, i was a child

i dont give a fuck about either one of these two. you do.

No more or no less than I give a fuck.
You said Trump is my buddy.... an assumption based on nothing.
So fine, I say then Clinton is yours.

Bottom line, my original post was to an OP that no longer exist, this thread is a merge of several threads.
In the original thread, the OP entitled it "Trump's Epstein has been arrested".... which is stupid. So I pointed that out by questioning the OP how can you say it is "Trump's Epstein" based on all we know is he was at the same place he was twice 15 years ago... but give a pass to Clinton who rode in his jet 26 times?
Just a simple point.
We all know for a fact, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, both participated in having sexual relations with young girls as young as 14 while being hosted by this Efstien pedifile guy.
Tramp knew Epstein since 1985 , Clinton association with Epstein is after his presidency.

Meanwhile all Trump's "victims: have been well paid for accusing him.
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