Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

From what I'm reading, the number of people who have a lot to lose by having their associations with this guy exposed is pretty freakin' prodigious.

From all over the political, business and entertainment spectra.

And I wonder if he'll "name names" to try to save his sorry ass.

This could turn out to be VERY interesting.

I have no doubt that each of them --- well, each of them that a given poster finds convenient --- will be invoked in the same lame Ass-ociation Fallacy by the same lame Ass-ociation Fallacy Asses, oblivious to their own fallacy.

To read threads like this you'd think this Jeffrey Epstein literally spends 24 hours a day boinking little girls and has no other life or activities at all. He's rich, he's an investor, he's connected. That's going to bring associations with other rich, with investees, with connection-wanters, all by itself with no pedophilia activity at all.
We all know for a fact, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, both participated in having sexual relations with young girls as young as 14 while being hosted by this Efstien pedifile guy.

There are no facts proving that yet

If he looked lustful upon 10 year old females, we can assume he acted on it when available.

You know what happens when you ASSume....right?

Just let it play out and stop trying to convict anyone.
You're neenering because you're right wing, but honesty isn't a partisan's strong-suit. "2 versus 26, got ya bro!"

derpa derp derp derp

On the contrary, you as a leftist is ignoring the mountain to point out the mole hill.
Epstein's RSVP lists is extensive. The list of people connected with the guy is half of fucking Washington DC as well as foreign leaders of several countries.
If all it takes in someone's mind (yours) to say that someone is involved in a crime spree is simply to have been in the same location as the guilty person a few times over 15 years...then....again... you would also have to think half the Democrat party are pedophiles.
As far as I kknow...Trump may be guilty as hell, if he is - it will be the most embarrassing scandal in U.S. History. But I don;t know that, and neither does anyone else.
But to say he is, but give a guy who we know flew ALONE with him 26 times is not absurd.
That, or you are just trolling as usual.
you lose, 1st sentence. im not a leftist.

lets see how much other stupidity you can fit in a single pin-headed post...shall we?

1. Correlation vs. causation fallacy.
2. I never said Trump or Billy boy are innocent OR guilty, I said that... to say "but but but 2 times vs 26 my pedo is better than yours" is a clear bending over and sucking one of the two's dicks....because politics.
3. correct, as far as you know, trump may be guilty.
as far as i know, clinton may be innocent.

but to jump onto your little keyboard and play interference for either one of because you're a partisan cuck. Is Trump some friend of yours?

lol, dweebs

As much as Clinton is yours.
And i never said Trump was guilty or innocent either.
Nor did I say Clinton was guilty.
I did the exact same thing you are trying to do - point out the ridiculousness of trying to assume Trump is guilty but not Clinton.
Then you come along and try to say I am saying Trump is innocent.
Never said it.
clinton is my what?

when bill clinton was president, i was a child

i dont give a fuck about either one of these two. you do.

No more or no less than I give a fuck.
You said Trump is my buddy.... an assumption based on nothing.
So fine, I say then Clinton is yours.

Bottom line, my original post was to an OP that no longer exist, this thread is a merge of several threads.
In the original thread, the OP entitled it "Trump's Epstein has been arrested".... which is stupid. So I pointed that out by questioning the OP how can you say it is "Trump's Epstein" based on all we know is he was at the same place he was twice 15 years ago... but give a pass to Clinton who rode in his jet 26 times?
Just a simple point.

Riding in somebody's jet means................................................................................................ what?

Is "rode his jet" supposed to be some kind of metaphor? I don't get it. Far as I know a "jet" is a plane, a mode of transportation.
Records show Trump flew on Epstein's plane once and he was with his first wife....records show Clinton flew on Epstein's plane numerous times and also spent time at Epstein's 7 story condo in NY without Hillary...Trump was never there...get your facts straight on this libs...because the truth is coming out fast and you will end up looking stupid...
On the contrary, you as a leftist is ignoring the mountain to point out the mole hill.
Epstein's RSVP lists is extensive. The list of people connected with the guy is half of fucking Washington DC as well as foreign leaders of several countries.
If all it takes in someone's mind (yours) to say that someone is involved in a crime spree is simply to have been in the same location as the guilty person a few times over 15 years...then....again... you would also have to think half the Democrat party are pedophiles.
As far as I kknow...Trump may be guilty as hell, if he is - it will be the most embarrassing scandal in U.S. History. But I don;t know that, and neither does anyone else.
But to say he is, but give a guy who we know flew ALONE with him 26 times is not absurd.
That, or you are just trolling as usual.
you lose, 1st sentence. im not a leftist.

lets see how much other stupidity you can fit in a single pin-headed post...shall we?

1. Correlation vs. causation fallacy.
2. I never said Trump or Billy boy are innocent OR guilty, I said that... to say "but but but 2 times vs 26 my pedo is better than yours" is a clear bending over and sucking one of the two's dicks....because politics.
3. correct, as far as you know, trump may be guilty.
as far as i know, clinton may be innocent.

but to jump onto your little keyboard and play interference for either one of because you're a partisan cuck. Is Trump some friend of yours?

lol, dweebs

As much as Clinton is yours.
And i never said Trump was guilty or innocent either.
Nor did I say Clinton was guilty.
I did the exact same thing you are trying to do - point out the ridiculousness of trying to assume Trump is guilty but not Clinton.
Then you come along and try to say I am saying Trump is innocent.
Never said it.
clinton is my what?

when bill clinton was president, i was a child

i dont give a fuck about either one of these two. you do.

No more or no less than I give a fuck.
You said Trump is my buddy.... an assumption based on nothing.
So fine, I say then Clinton is yours.

Bottom line, my original post was to an OP that no longer exist, this thread is a merge of several threads.
In the original thread, the OP entitled it "Trump's Epstein has been arrested".... which is stupid. So I pointed that out by questioning the OP how can you say it is "Trump's Epstein" based on all we know is he was at the same place he was twice 15 years ago... but give a pass to Clinton who rode in his jet 26 times?
Just a simple point.

Riding in somebody's jet means................................................................................................ what?

You tell me.
I never said it meant anything or nothing.
Again...and this is tiring to have to keep pointing the same thing over and over... my posts was to an OP that doesn't exist anymore. The OP introduced his Epstein thread as "Trump's Epstein" which is a bit disingenuous for picking out one person among the many, many, many, many rich and powerful people this man has been around. Trump's connection to the guy is way-way-way less than many others, especially Clinton.
But of course in today's foam-at-the-mouth partisanship, they will only pick out the mote out of anothers eye while ignoring the beam in their own.
The guy was a politically active billionaire, he knew everyone.
a growing number of Democrats, including Pelosi and Gillibrand, are calling for Alex Acosta to resign!
Both Bill Clinton & Trump are probably nervous about this.

Don't forget that woman who claimed Trump raped here when she was 13. It happened at a Epstein party.

"woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old):"

If that comes out, will you Trumpettes still vote for Trump? I'm thinking yes.
stop being a self-serving asswhipe for just a little while. has ANYONE yet said that if trump is found guilty he shouldn't go down also? NO ONE HAS.

you make up these "trumpettes" so you can foster your bullshit stereotypes and attack those as if someone really exists that fit your hate.

fucking loser.

The accusation was made during the campaign, you didn't care

20 women accused Trump of sexual misconduct, you didn't care.

You would run in circles screaming "Fake News Fake News.

You know it.
No. I don't care when it all stops at" accusations". But admit it, one is enough for you.
Typical Trumpette. No rape or grope happes unless there are other witnesses. If you are alone with a woman, you can just grab them by the pussy & get awas with it./ At least in Trump world.

Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Funny that the party that made Dennis Hastert the Speaker of the House thinks that it's just gonna be Democrats.

That's odd. Denny Hastert was not convicted of any sex crimes. He was convicted of violating banking laws.
Well then....time for the CRCs to rehabilitate pedo Hastert.

Once again, he was never convicted. That is irrelevant to the discussion. I know that doesn't matter to you, being the pervert you are.
So molest all the kids you want. It is OK with you as long as you don't get caught.

My God, look what Trump has done to you people. You are defending pedophiles! My God
We all know for a fact, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, both participated in having sexual relations with young girls as young as 14 while being hosted by this Efstien pedifile guy.
Hi stupid ass. You know for A FACT Trump did what?

Let me tell you something that is a FACT.

More blacks owned slaves and fought for the confederacy than republicans.

Why doesn't this patronizing racist left wing media ever discuss the Trans Sahara slave trade during negro "history" month?

Let us know where you get your facts and why your black brain said Trump visited Lolita Island like clinton?
We know that Clinton travelled on the Lolita express at least 26 times. There is no evidence that Trump did. Trying to conflate the two is desperate Prog Spin.
you lose, 1st sentence. im not a leftist.

lets see how much other stupidity you can fit in a single pin-headed post...shall we?

1. Correlation vs. causation fallacy.
2. I never said Trump or Billy boy are innocent OR guilty, I said that... to say "but but but 2 times vs 26 my pedo is better than yours" is a clear bending over and sucking one of the two's dicks....because politics.
3. correct, as far as you know, trump may be guilty.
as far as i know, clinton may be innocent.

but to jump onto your little keyboard and play interference for either one of because you're a partisan cuck. Is Trump some friend of yours?

lol, dweebs

As much as Clinton is yours.
And i never said Trump was guilty or innocent either.
Nor did I say Clinton was guilty.
I did the exact same thing you are trying to do - point out the ridiculousness of trying to assume Trump is guilty but not Clinton.
Then you come along and try to say I am saying Trump is innocent.
Never said it.
clinton is my what?

when bill clinton was president, i was a child

i dont give a fuck about either one of these two. you do.

No more or no less than I give a fuck.
You said Trump is my buddy.... an assumption based on nothing.
So fine, I say then Clinton is yours.

Bottom line, my original post was to an OP that no longer exist, this thread is a merge of several threads.
In the original thread, the OP entitled it "Trump's Epstein has been arrested".... which is stupid. So I pointed that out by questioning the OP how can you say it is "Trump's Epstein" based on all we know is he was at the same place he was twice 15 years ago... but give a pass to Clinton who rode in his jet 26 times?
Just a simple point.

Riding in somebody's jet means................................................................................................ what?

You tell me.
I never said it meant anything or nothing.
Again...and this is tiring to have to keep pointing the same thing over and over... my posts was to an OP that doesn't exist anymore. The OP introduced his Epstein thread as "Trump's Epstein" which is a bit disingenuous for picking out one person among the many, many, many, many rich and powerful people this man has been around. Trump's connection to the guy is way-way-way less than many others, especially Clinton.
But of course in today's foam-at-the-mouth partisanship, they will only pick out the mote out of anothers eye while ignoring the beam in their own.
The guy was a politically active billionaire, he knew everyone.

Exactly the Ass-ociation Fallacy I keep pointing out. I noted both of those slanted thread titles back in post 28. It's as if the person himself doesn't even exist unless he's connected to a Rump or a Clinton or somebody famous.

Still don't get how "riding in his jet 26 times" needs to get a "pass" though.
Both Bill Clinton & Trump are probably nervous about this.

Don't forget that woman who claimed Trump raped here when she was 13. It happened at a Epstein party.

"woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old):"

If that comes out, will you Trumpettes still vote for Trump? I'm thinking yes.
stop being a self-serving asswhipe for just a little while. has ANYONE yet said that if trump is found guilty he shouldn't go down also? NO ONE HAS.

you make up these "trumpettes" so you can foster your bullshit stereotypes and attack those as if someone really exists that fit your hate.

fucking loser.

The accusation was made during the campaign, you didn't care

20 women accused Trump of sexual misconduct, you didn't care.

You would run in circles screaming "Fake News Fake News.

You know it.
No. I don't care when it all stops at" accusations". But admit it, one is enough for you.
Typical Trumpette. No rape or grope happes unless there are other witnesses. If you are alone with a woman, you can just grab them by the pussy & get away with it./ At least in Trump world.

On the other hand, if Bull Clinton uses Epstein's plane to go to Hong Kong he becomes a 'pedophile' by ass-ociation,.since it's the plane owned by the same guy who did X Y and Z in another time and place.

It's all very selective.
a growing number of Democrats, including Pelosi and Gillibrand, are calling for Alex Acosta to resign!

yet said nothing when the man got off with a slap on the wrist for atrocious activity years ago, Annnnnd have accepted campaign money from him..... but wait.... is there a small connection to Trump????????? OH MY GOD!!!!!! THE OUTRAGE!!!!!
a growing number of Democrats, including Pelosi and Gillibrand, are calling for Alex Acosta to resign!

yet said nothing when the man got off with a slap on the wrist for atrocious activity years ago, Annnnnd have accepted campaign money from him..... but wait.... is there a small connection to Trump????????? OH MY GOD!!!!!! THE OUTRAGE!!!!!
That's because Acosta could not make the case in 2008 when shitstain obama was president.
Just think, Epstein could have been having orgies will rooms full of hot 18 to twenty year olds. But for some reason he had to go pedo! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
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Just think, Epstein could have been having orgies will rooms full of hot 18 to twenty year olds. But for some reason he had to go predo! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Funny I thought the same thing when this all came out years ago... like an 18 year old girl is not young enough? If so inclined, you can easily find 18 year olds that look like they are 14 all day long. And with his money...he could have a dozen different ones a week!

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