Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

how young does the girl have to be for you to call it child rape? just how low do you go defending trump and his FIVE peddie friends....i note you ran from the other thread when i gave you links and facts
For one thing it has to be child rape. Words have meaning and pedophilia is sex with a prepubescent minor. 14 is not prepubescent. A 14 year old girl has breasts and has started menstruation. For most of these cases the appropriate charge is statutory rape. They were willing and paid. Let's hear what else they have to say.

I have no idea what thread you are talking about. Are you sure I wasn't just ignoring you?
I like the liberal attacks on Acosta, because of the deal he made many years ago with Mr. Epstein.

Kamala Harris used to be a prosecutor,she was the DA of San Francisco.

Its going to be interesting looking through her cases with the same standards that the libs are using on Mr. Acosta
Ohhh the deal Acosta made when shitstain obama was president and the secretary of state was covering for her husband - that deal?

You actually think Presidents sit in on plea deals? :laugh2:

Have the nurses not brought your meds today or what?
Presidents issue instructions or ask for favors. You know. The same way the shitstain obamas got the charges in the Jussie Smolett case dropped.

To be clear, Epstein is a monumental piece of shit. True garbage.
However, I can't say I feel real sorry for a 16 year old girl who agrees to accept money to go ALONE and give paid massages to some rich guy she never met.
At 16 you are not ignorant of sex. "I was made to feel uncomfortable when he told me I was pretty and real sexy"... ok...but you were not uncomfortable to get into a car a man sent for you, you never met to give him a massage??
Like I say....he did this shit, there are laws on the books to protect minors and I support those laws 1000%... but this woman trying to pass herself off all innocent... "I had no idea".... meh
This has more to do with her hoping there is a civil suit than genuine upset
So its OK if you have big money & impress a young girl to have sex with you becuse that means she really isn't that innocent?

I guess so if you are derp enough to thing that is what I said.
He kinda looks like Richard Gere.
Richard Gere did play a rich dude that liked hookers at least once. I always found it strange that so many women loved the movie pretty women considering it was a hooker flick.
There is so much in the Epstein case to discuss it's curious that the facts are being avoided in favor of the fictions.
Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
Lets unpack eberything wrong with this.

For one, you do not know why trump removed him from the club. You literally made that up. Second, that would he after these events anyway, so your point is stupid and dead on the vine

Second, you have no idea that clinton went there 26 times. You also made that up. But, evej if true, that doesnt mean trump did also not visit or partake elsewherem. So you arent defending trump in any way with your madeup nonsense.

Boy did you just show yourself to be a total idiot. As usual. Those things are all public record moron. Oh that's right, you're illiterate. Here, wipe that egg off your face again. Just like you had to last time you opened your mouth in another thread claiming AOC never made comments she I so video making. To pile on, Trump cooperated with the Florida prosecution of Epstein, not ONE Dem did. If there was anything on Trump, it would have been out LONG before now. So you are making yourself look like an uneducated fool with your fantasy here.
Just think, Epstein could have been having orgies will rooms full of hot 18 to twenty year olds. But for some reason he had to go predo! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Funny I thought the same thing when this all came out years ago... like an 18 year old girl is not young enough? If so inclined, you can easily find 18 year olds that look like they are 14 all day long. And with his money...he could have a dozen different ones a week!
This is the case. None of the girls appear to be younger than 14. The authorities will have to sift through what might be hundreds of girls to determine which was 14 to 18 and which were over 18 and just looked younger.

Epstein is only accused of two counts of sex trafficking. Which means that they don't have a 14 year old in hand to charge Epstein with statutory rape.

Not so fast...
Can you see the amount of unmitigated crappola in this article starting with calling a 14 year old girl prepubescent? Of course she wasn't prepubescent. This article jumps about so much that it is difficult to separate facts from what they made up. There is something seriously deranged about Jeffrey Epstein. There is no reason to muddy the case up with fancy.

Fact. Epstein is charged with one count of sex trafficking and one count of conspiracy to traffic. The only facts known so far is that the girls were young, none under 14 so far, and all looked very young and they were all paid. The criminal charge for paying a willing minor for sex is statutory rape. Charge the man and get on with it.

The believed report is that they made these two charges just to get him off the streets before he flies to another country (almost certainly would happen)
More charges are to come. And should be.
The problem for Epstein is the trafficking. To provide transportation for under age girls for prostitution rightfully carries heavy penalties. Minimum 10 years per account to life. The jig is they have that on him but need to compile evidence ect. and bring it to a Grand Jury.
Overwhelming odds, especially now with all this attention, he is screwed. He will most likely spend the rest of his life in jail.
HOWEVER....if there is even the slightest hint of the tiniest most remote possibility Trump had even the most tenuous connection with Epstein... Congress is going to stick their noses into this with heavy breathing not to find guilt - but hoping to God they find anything, no matter related to Epstein or not. That is the one thing we can count on the most.
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:
i'm going thru the flight manifests now, and so far, Clinton has not been to Epstein's island yet, not even 1 flight there to Epsten's island... the other 11 flights of Clinton's that I have found, were all business/charity events/Clinton Foundation

Epstein Flight Manifests
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:
i'm going thru the flight manifests now, and so far, Clinton has not been to Epstein's island yet, not even 1 flight there to Epsten's island... the other 11 flights of Clinton's that I have found, were all business/charity events/Clinton Foundation

Epstein Flight Manifests
Of course.
Too bad we've already known for years that's horseshit.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:
i'm going thru the flight manifests now, and so far, Clinton has not been to Epstein's island yet, not even 1 flight there to Epsten's island... the other 11 flights of Clinton's that I have found, were all business/charity events/Clinton Foundation

Epstein Flight Manifests
We have known that for years.
But you didn't have to look through anything, it has already been done. Clinton flew on at least 26 flights that were documented. That information is everywhere.
Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:
i'm going thru the flight manifests now, and so far, Clinton has not been to Epstein's island yet, not even 1 flight there to Epsten's island... the other 11 flights of Clinton's that I have found, were all business/charity events/Clinton Foundation

Epstein Flight Manifests
We have known that for years.
But you didn't have to look through anything, it has already been done. Clinton flew on at least 26 flights that were documented. That information is everywhere.
Then why is Mudwhistle LYING about it in his post, if EVERYONE knew? :dunno:

Did you correct Mud's post?
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:
i'm going thru the flight manifests now, and so far, Clinton has not been to Epstein's island yet, not even 1 flight there to Epsten's island... the other 11 flights of Clinton's that I have found, were all business/charity events/Clinton Foundation

Epstein Flight Manifests
We have known that for years.
But you didn't have to look through anything, it has already been done. Clinton flew on at least 26 flights that were documented. That information is everywhere.
Then why is Mudwhistle LYING about it in his post, if EVERYONE knew? :dunno:

Did you correct Mud's post?
You need to look up what a lie is.
This story is an old one.
Now that it's heating up Clintons henchmen are out there trying to change the record.
He's guilty as Hell, and no amount of screaming and counter accusations is going to erase that fact.
BTW - Trump just stated in question/answer session with the press.
Paraphrasing - "I knew him, everyone in Pam Beach knew him. He was was involved in many things there, so yes I knew him"..... "I was not a fan of his, and he knew it. We had a falling out 15 years ago...about 15 years ago I think...I haven't spoken to him since".
Seems like democrats are a fcuked up group
Just think, Epstein could have been having orgies will rooms full of hot 18 to twenty year olds. But for some reason he had to go predo! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Funny I thought the same thing when this all came out years ago... like an 18 year old girl is not young enough? If so inclined, you can easily find 18 year olds that look like they are 14 all day long. And with his money...he could have a dozen different ones a week!
This is the case. None of the girls appear to be younger than 14. The authorities will have to sift through what might be hundreds of girls to determine which was 14 to 18 and which were over 18 and just looked younger.

Epstein is only accused of two counts of sex trafficking. Which means that they don't have a 14 year old in hand to charge Epstein with statutory rape.

Not so fast...
Can you see the amount of unmitigated crappola in this article starting with calling a 14 year old girl prepubescent? Of course she wasn't prepubescent. This article jumps about so much that it is difficult to separate facts from what they made up. There is something seriously deranged about Jeffrey Epstein. There is no reason to muddy the case up with fancy.

Fact. Epstein is charged with one count of sex trafficking and one count of conspiracy to traffic. The only facts known so far is that the girls were young, none under 14 so far, and all looked very young and they were all paid. The criminal charge for paying a willing minor for sex is statutory rape. Charge the man and get on with it.

The believed report is that they made these two charges just to get him off the streets before he flies to another country (almost certainly would happen)
More charges are to come. And should be.
The problem for Epstein is the trafficking. To provide transportation for under age girls for prostitution rightfully carries heavy penalties. Minimum 10 years per account to life. The jig is they have that on him but need to compile evidence ect. and bring it to a Grand Jury.
Overwhelming odds, especially now with all this attention, he is screwed. He will most likely spend the rest of his life in jail.
HOWEVER....if there is even the slightest hint of the tiniest most remote possibility Trump had even the most tenuous connection with Epstein... Congress is going to stick their noses into this with heavy breathing not to find guilt - but hoping to God they find anything, no matter related to Epstein or not. That is the one thing we can count on the most.
It looks like the trafficking charge is a slam dunk. The second count that is the conspiracy to traffic is going to take some unwinding. All the girls were not underage and not all the visitors to the island went for sex.
Only a fucking retard would believe Clinton was not at the sex island multiple times

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