Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

Its really up to Hillary to prove her innocence, not vice versa.

That's what we learned from the Mueller Report and the Kavanaugh Hearing.
Uh, what? Trump is charged with no crime...Kavanaugh sits on the SCOTUS...

Your posts are crap. Grade A crap.

To be clear, Epstein is a monumental piece of shit. True garbage.
However, I can't say I feel real sorry for a 16 year old girl who agrees to accept money to go ALONE and give paid massages to some rich guy she never met.
At 16 you are not ignorant of sex. "I was made to feel uncomfortable when he told me I was pretty and real sexy"... ok...but you were not uncomfortable to get into a car a man sent for you, you never met to give him a massage??
Like I say....he did this shit, there are laws on the books to protect minors and I support those laws 1000%... but this woman trying to pass herself off all innocent... "I had no idea".... meh
This has more to do with her hoping there is a civil suit than genuine upset
So its OK if you have big money & impress a young girl to have sex with you becuse that means she really isn't that innocent?

I guess so if you are derp enough to thing that is what I said.
You said it about the one suing.
And BTW - you heard it here first.... you just wait. There will be some woman "come forward" and say Trump was there once. Wait and see. Some attention whore looking for deals...then she will get invited to a hearing before Congress by mouth watering Democrats and it all begins again.
Just what we need in this country is another dividing factor.

So you elect the biggest piece of shit on the planet & when someone comes forward with the crap he did, it is their fault for reporting on it & not Trump' for doing it.
Well...:2cents:...Trump booted his ass out of his club and banned him permanently from Mar-a-lago for trying to recruit underage girls for his massage parlor.
On the other hand......
Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

Now you tell me......who's his buddy.:5_1_12024:
i'm going thru the flight manifests now, and so far, Clinton has not been to Epstein's island yet, not even 1 flight there to Epsten's island... the other 11 flights of Clinton's that I have found, were all business/charity events/Clinton Foundation

Epstein Flight Manifests
We have known that for years.
But you didn't have to look through anything, it has already been done. Clinton flew on at least 26 flights that were documented. That information is everywhere.
Then why is Mudwhistle LYING about it in his post, if EVERYONE knew? :dunno:

Did you correct Mud's post?
You need to look up what a lie is.
This story is an old one.
Now that it's heating up Clintons henchmen are out there trying to change the record.
He's guilty as Hell, and no amount of screaming and counter accusations is going to erase that fact.
I know what a lie is when I see one...:p

My assertion, at least so far of what I am seeing in the flight manifests, that Clinton has not been to the Island of Epstein, nor has he flown on his jet, again so far, for some kind of joyride... so far it's been all business, with business associates traveling with him or Secret service traveling with him.... sometimes both, but not always....

YOU on the other hand SAID:

Bill has traveled on Epstein's private jet to his fantasy island at least 26 times.
He ditched his secret service protection while doing so. :113:

THAT is simply NOT TRUE.

And also, I have found no proof, with flight manifests, he made 26 separate trips on Epstein's plane....

The site that sued for the manifests, GAWKER, and got them, has a pdf document I am going through and checking the flights that clinton took to see where he took off, who was with him, and what airport he landed at...
Gawker says there are 11 instances of Clinton using Epstein's plane, NOT 26...

The only reason FOX or whomever is using the number 26, could be that they are counting every leg of a single trip, as a separate trip... and on one of the trips I viewed on the flight manifest Clinton was on they stopped like 7 other times to pick up others from the Clinton Foundation staff and others not etc, that were also going on the trip.... Fox could have claimed every stop as a trip, perhaps?

And I am not saying Clinton is not scuzzy, just that his taste in women, are not skinny, pretty little 14 year olds.... even Monica, who was 22/23 yrs old, was the youngest he ever had and most were older, and some frumpy, and none really knock out pretty like a Melania, he's never been even caught in a photo with someone young like Epstein has a penchant for... even smiling at them...

BUT I could be wrong, ya never know? I just think it is unlikely...

Granted, I have not finished going through the flight manifests... but as said, so far, no Lolita Island, (St. James, VI) showing for his trip flight destinations.
And it's clear from the years of reading your posts that you only pay attention to what fits your ideology.
It's no surprise that you claim Bubba never went to Epstein's orgy island even though Bill Clinton has already admitted to going there 4 times. Which means he's probably lying.....he's been there a minimum of 4.....I would think he would learn it was wrong the first time he went....
I like the liberal attacks on Acosta, because of the deal he made many years ago with Mr. Epstein.

Kamala Harris used to be a prosecutor,she was the DA of San Francisco.

Its going to be interesting looking through her cases with the same standards that the libs are using on Mr. Acosta
Ohhh the deal Acosta made when shitstain obama was president and the secretary of state was covering for her husband - that deal?
What is your evidence Hillary knew something?

Its really up to Hillary to prove her innocence, not vice versa.

That's what we learned from the Mueller Report and the Kavanaugh Hearing. People are guilty until exonerated.

So, what you are saying is that in your 10 minutes of looking at some websites you know more than the prosecuting attorneys and federal investigators that spent 2 years investigating - right?
You are aware that Clinton stated TODAY that yes he flew with Epstein, but denies he was involved in scandal.
He can't deny that he flew with him, investigators uncovered that a decade ago. But looked on some websites so it must be true.

I get it. When Trump is accused, it doesn't matter. You assfucks are the biggest pile of dumbass hypocrites ever.
You have no evidence trump did anything.. if I had a dollar for every time a female sued a
Rich man for rape or sexual assault id be a billionaire.. men with money are targets
You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assault.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...

I also don't have any evidence that Roy Moore tried to diddle children...but I'm not leaving him alone with my daughter, and i surely dont think he is fit for office.
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You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assaulyt.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...
He bragged about sexual assault?? Evidence??
Go waste someone else's time, delusional cultist. It was in the news. You can look it up.
You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assaulyt.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...
He bragged about sexual assault?? Evidence??
Go waste someone else's time, delusional cultist. It was in the news. You can look it up.
Where he said if you are Rich women LET you touch them? Lol LETTING IS NOT ASSULT
You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assault.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...

I also don't have any evidence that Roy Moore tried to diddle children...but I'm not leaving him alone with my daughter, and i surely dont think he is fit for office.
There is not even circumstantial evidence. There is base innuendo.
You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assault.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...

I also don't have any evidence that Roy Moore tried to diddle children...but I'm not leaving him alone with my daughter, and i surely dont think he is fit for office.
There is not even circumstantial evidence. There is base innuendo.
No, there is circumstantial evidence. Its very easy to believe the pornstar paying teen dressing room crasher diddled a few teens in his day. I know you agree. You just don't care.
You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assault.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...

I also don't have any evidence that Roy Moore tried to diddle children...but I'm not leaving him alone with my daughter, and i surely dont think he is fit for office.
There is not even circumstantial evidence. There is base innuendo.
No, there is circumstantial evidence. Its very easy to believe the pornstar paying teen dressing room crasher diddled a few teens in his day. I know you agree. You just don't care.
Can’t you democrats win with out fake news?
It's no surprise that you claim Bubba never went to Epstein's orgy island even though Bill Clinton has already admitted to going there 4 times.
you lying sack of skat! :lol:

Bill Clinton did not say he has been to Epstein's Island, called St James Island!

here is what his spokesperson said:


NOW, please tell me where you got that Bill Clinton SAID he went to the island of Epstein's 4 times? He said he never went there....

I'm still checking the flight manifests, which go through 2004, not just 2002 and 2003 which the spokesperson mentioned.

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