Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

you lying sack of skat! :lol:

Bill Clinton did not say he has been to Epstein's Island, called St James Island!

here is what his spokesperson said:


NOW, please tell me where you got that Bill Clinton SAID he went to the island of Epstein's 4 times? He said he never went there....

I'm still checking the flight manifests, which go through 2004, not just 2002 and 2003 which the spokesperson mentioned.

That's what Clinton's mouthpiece, a "spokesman" said.

I'd like to see Clinton speak himself, and promise to tell the truth, under oath and see what he has to say.

I bet he could be pinched on a perjury or obstruction charge IMHO.
you really need to seek help Polishprince... :)

Clinton has nothing to do with this going on now... with Trump's Labor Secretary Acosta giving this young teen loving-phile Epstein a deal of a lifetime and spitting in the young victim's faces.


Mr. Acosta wasn't sure that the evidence he had and the case he assembled was good enough to convict.

So he worked out a deal.

They do this kind of thing all the time, to get an admission of guilt and some jail time

But.... If you look at it from hindsight, in light of me too and political correctness his resignation makes perfect sense. Why not go through any number of old case files to see who we can force into resigning?

Its easy to say in hindsight that Mr. Epstein should have been treated harsher than he was in 2008.

But, OTOH, Epstein was a First Time Offender and accepting the deal might have given him a chance to mend his ways. In addition, it would save folks from having to testify in court, which can be problemsome too.


You know, I don't blame the victim but I do question these girls actions.

Why would a 13 year old girl go to a grown mans house and get paid to "give him a massage?" Am I not the only one who thinks that's really strange? I'm not going to say that 13-17yo girls are the brightest people on the planet but had a woman offered to pay me 200 dollars to give her a massage at her mansion when I was 13 I would have known EXACTLY what was likely to happen when I was there.
You know, I don't blame the victim but I do question these girls actions.

Why would a 13 year old girl go to a grown mans house and get paid to "give him a massage?" Am I not the only one who thinks that's really strange? I'm not going to say that 13-17yo girls are the brightest people on the planet but had a woman offered to pay me 200 dollars to give her a massage at her mansion when I was 13 I would have known EXACTLY what was likely to happen when I was there.
So far. None of the girls appear younger than 14. They were offered money and accepted. They didn't leave. Didn't call for help and told no one. Presumably they did not want future payments jeopardized. The girls that refused to perform walked away. Their involvement ended right there. Epstein hit on the wrong girl who ran to Trump and complained. Trump booted Epstein then and there.
That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

Flight logs show Clinton flew on Epstiens private jet at least 2 dozen times.

But he had no known major long standing contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.
It's no surprise that you claim Bubba never went to Epstein's orgy island even though Bill Clinton has already admitted to going there 4 times.
you lying sack of skat! :lol:

Bill Clinton did not say he has been to Epstein's Island, called St James Island!

here is what his spokesperson said:


NOW, please tell me where you got that Bill Clinton SAID he went to the island of Epstein's 4 times? He said he never went there....

I'm still checking the flight manifests, which go through 2004, not just 2002 and 2003 which the spokesperson mentioned.

That's what Clinton's mouthpiece, a "spokesman" said.

I'd like to see Clinton speak himself, and promise to tell the truth, under oath and see what he has to say.

I bet he could be pinched on a perjury or obstruction charge IMHO.
you really need to seek help Polishprince... :)

Clinton has nothing to do with this going on now... with Trump's Labor Secretary Acosta giving this young teen loving-phile Epstein a deal of a lifetime and spitting in the young victim's faces.


Mr. Acosta wasn't sure that the evidence he had and the case he assembled was good enough to convict.

So he worked out a deal.

They do this kind of thing all the time, to get an admission of guilt and some jail time
But where in the world do you get that from PPrince?

they were certain of multiple crimes, his prosecutors had a 50 page, yes, 50 page indictment against Epstein ready to file in court with multiple felonies, and Acosta met with Dershowitz, OFFSITE of the Justice dept office, and made a deal.... which is AGAINST al standard protocol for prosecutors....

And then, there is a letter from the Epstein defense attorneys to Acosta, THANKING HIM for NOT letting the girls know about the deal until after it was made....

come on!

You have to admit, something is amiss here... something just ain't right about all of this, something smells in Denmark, and President Trump needs to find out what happened to 'justice', in this case... and not support someone who caused 'injustice' to occur until he can find out exactly what happened.... or something that supports Acosta's position, if there is one....
That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

But he had no known contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.

"The left" is saying that huh.

Funny then that that thread you put up calling on exactly that imaginary element, got zero takers. Isn't it.
That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

But he had no known contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.

"The left" is saying that huh.

Funny then that that thread you put up calling on exactly that imaginary element, got zero takers. Isn't it.

Do what?

Many times on this forum you lefties have said Trump and Epstien were besties.

Trump’s Labor Secretary has a lot to answer for in Epstein child molestation.

Why is he "Trumps labor secretary" when this plea deal was reached under W Bush??? 10 years before Trump ever had anything to do with the man?

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery and Trump's Terrific Guy

And the big doozy:

Breaking News - Left goes into overdrive, trying to pin Epstein case on Trump

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That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

But he had no known contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.

"The left" is saying that huh.

Funny then that that thread you put up calling on exactly that imaginary element, got zero takers. Isn't it.

Do what?

Many times on this forum you lefties have said Trump and Epstien were besties.

Did I?


And how would I know?
That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

Flight logs show Clinton flew on Epstiens private jet at least 2 dozen times.

But he had no known major long standing contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.

Epstein had twenty some numbers for Trump, he had his pilots number, he had Ivanka's number he had the Trump's limo driver's, pilot's, and Melania's that showed in records of his little black book etc etc etc.... SEARCH Gawker for it...

Where in the World did you get that he had no phone numbers of Trump? Huh?
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That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

Flight logs show Clinton flew on Epstiens private jet at least 2 dozen times.

But he had no known major long standing contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.

Epstein had twenty some numbers for Trump, he had his pilots number, he had Ivanka's number he had the Trump's limo driver's, pilot's, and Melania's that showed in court records of his little black book etc etc etc....

Where in the World did you get that he had no phone numbers of Trump? Huh?
They have not spoken in years.
That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

Flight logs show Clinton flew on Epstiens private jet at least 2 dozen times.

But he had no known major long standing contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.
They lie a lot. They fool few.
This Epstein thing is the farthest thing from funny and it is abhorrent how money and connections can get you out of vile crimes like this (see: How A Du Pont Heir Avoided Jail Time For A Heinous Crime). What I do find funny is the excuses and massive amounts of bullshit to avoid the fact Clinton and Trump were besties with Epstein that people are posting. Its a spin-o-rama.
That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

But he had no known contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.

"The left" is saying that huh.

Funny then that that thread you put up calling on exactly that imaginary element, got zero takers. Isn't it.

Do what?

Many times on this forum you lefties have said Trump and Epstien were besties.

Trump’s Labor Secretary has a lot to answer for in Epstein child molestation.

Why is he "Trumps labor secretary" when this plea deal was reached under W Bush??? 10 years before Trump ever had anything to do with the man?

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery and Trump's Terrific Guy

And the big doozy:

Breaking News - Left goes into overdrive, trying to pin Epstein case on Trump


Where are my posts in there?


That WAS your claim. Are you admitting you were... wr... cough.... wro cough cough.................. WRONG???

Meanwhile your thread looking for said Association Fallacists is still deserted.
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That's interesting. Clinton and Epstien were such close friends that he had 21 former phone numbers for Clinton in his contact book.

Flight logs show Clinton flew on Epstiens private jet at least 2 dozen times.

But he had no known major long standing contacts with Trump yet the left is saying he was Trumps butt buddy.

Epstein had twenty some numbers for Trump, he had his pilots number, he had Ivanka's number he had the Trump's limo driver's, pilot's, and Melania's that showed in court records of his little black book etc etc etc....

Where in the World did you get that he had no phone numbers of Trump? Huh?
They have not spoken in years.
no one said that Trump and Epstein have spoken recently... Bill Clinton hasn't spoken to him in over a decade as well.... so what?

For me, the issue is Acosta, Trump's pick for Labor Secretary, that he had McConnell push through the Senate confirmation process... without any real vetting by R's or the admin staff and Trumps F-YOU to ethical standards in his hiring for the swamp.
You know, I don't blame the victim but I do question these girls actions.

Why would a 13 year old girl go to a grown mans house and get paid to "give him a massage?" Am I not the only one who thinks that's really strange? I'm not going to say that 13-17yo girls are the brightest people on the planet but had a woman offered to pay me 200 dollars to give her a massage at her mansion when I was 13 I would have known EXACTLY what was likely to happen when I was there.
So far. None of the girls appear younger than 14. They were offered money and accepted. They didn't leave. Didn't call for help and told no one. Presumably they did not want future payments jeopardized. The girls that refused to perform walked away. Their involvement ended right there. Epstein hit on the wrong girl who ran to Trump and complained. Trump booted Epstein then and there.

Around 10 years ago, after he got caught. She was working at the Tramp's house in Mar largo.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
my pedophile is better than your pedophile :rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol politics makes everyone a lil cuck for their hero
Except I support prosecuting Clinton if he raped underage girls. Trump voters do not, if Trump did it. That's the difference.

Trump didn't do it,however.

Clinton might not have either personally, but sensitive and classified foreign relations data was found on a convicted Paedophile's laptop, and it came from the Clintons.

I think there is more than enough for a Special Persecutor to look into the Clinton Crime Family. IMHO, Chelsea is the "Fredo" of Clinton family, and would be the easiest to flip.

Bill likes older female, its tramp who has a history with the younger ones. When you look with lust of a 10 year old female , its easy to assume you act on it when available.

It was said Epstein had 16 numbers for tramp and family members.
Trump was a regular attendee of Epstein’s parties and called him a friend. In 2002, Trump told NY Magazine, “I’ve know Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s alot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it- Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

These comments came 3 years before Epstein came under suspicion. Epstein was not the only person accused of committing sexual assault at his parties, Trump has been accused too.

In May of 2016, a woman named Katie Johnson filed a $100 million lawsuit accusing Trump of sexually assaulting her at an Epstein party in Manhattan. Johnson dropped the suit later in the year, with her lawyer claiming she was afraid to continue the case due to threats.

Disgraced Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Could Contact Donald Trump 16 Different Ways
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  • Media reports from the late 1990s and early 2000s frequently mention Trump attending Epstein-hosted social events.
  • Trump called Epstein twice in November 2004, according to message pads seized from Epstein’s Florida mansion by the government.
  • Several phone numbers for Trump, including an emergency contact and a number for Trump’s security, were among many notable people’s numbers listed in Epstein’s “black book” (which was later obtained by the government).
  • Epstein’s brother Mark testified that Epstein once took Trump on one of his planes to go from Florida to New York, saying he thought it happened in the late 1990s. Trump is not known to have taken any other flights on Epstein planes.
  • Epstein was a frequent visitor to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida. (However, after Epstein’s plea deal with the government, the New York Post quoted an anonymous Mar-a-Lago source claiming Epstein had been banned from the resort for making sexual advances to a masseuse.)
Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, explained
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
What evidence do you have he is Clinton buddy but only casual acquaintances with Trump?

Trump Once Called Jeffrey Epstein a 'Terrific' Guy — What to Know About Their Connection

When you are rich, powerful, or politically connected you end up with a huge number of acquaintances, that applies to Trump, Epstein, Clinton.

Doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Clinton took 26 trips with Epstein on his "lolita express". This is documented, and known for years.
Documentation shows Trump, with others, rode on his jet twice over a decade ago.
/——/ Remember Libs, now that Mueller didn’t exonerate Trump making him guilty in your eyes, Billy Clintoon must prove his innocence in Lolita Gate. The prosecutor must exonerate him.
It's no surprise that you claim Bubba never went to Epstein's orgy island even though Bill Clinton has already admitted to going there 4 times.
you lying sack of skat! :lol:

Bill Clinton did not say he has been to Epstein's Island, called St James Island!

here is what his spokesperson said:


NOW, please tell me where you got that Bill Clinton SAID he went to the island of Epstein's 4 times? He said he never went there....

I'm still checking the flight manifests, which go through 2004, not just 2002 and 2003 which the spokesperson mentioned.

That's what Clinton's mouthpiece, a "spokesman" said.

I'd like to see Clinton speak himself, and promise to tell the truth, under oath and see what he has to say.

I bet he could be pinched on a perjury or obstruction charge IMHO.
you really need to seek help Polishprince... :)

Clinton has nothing to do with this going on now... with Trump's Labor Secretary Acosta giving this young teen loving-phile Epstein a deal of a lifetime and spitting in the young victim's faces.


Mr. Acosta wasn't sure that the evidence he had and the case he assembled was good enough to convict.

So he worked out a deal.

They do this kind of thing all the time, to get an admission of guilt and some jail time
But where in the world do you get that from PPrince?

they were certain of multiple crimes, his prosecutors had a 50 page, yes, 50 page indictment against Epstein ready to file in court with multiple felonies, and Acosta met with Dershowitz, OFFSITE of the Justice dept office, and made a deal.... which is AGAINST al standard protocol for prosecutors....

And then, there is a letter from the Epstein defense attorneys to Acosta, THANKING HIM for NOT letting the girls know about the deal until after it was made....

come on!

You have to admit, something is amiss here... something just ain't right about all of this, something smells in Denmark, and President Trump needs to find out what happened to 'justice', in this case... and not support someone who caused 'injustice' to occur until he can find out exactly what happened.... or something that supports Acosta's position, if there is one....
So why is Bill Clinton hanging around with this pervert?
Trump has banned him from his club yet you think he has more to do with Trump than with the Clintons!!!

I posted a thread on this which explains it....and it was closed of course....but the information is still here. Breaking News - Left goes into overdrive, trying to pin Epstein case on Trump
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