Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

I wonder if Bill Barr has been to Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Island?
We know he is lawyering up for Trump though.
he's recused himself for conflict of interest, due to past work at a firm.

He then unrecused himself in a leak and the media has now exposed that Bill Barr's father employed Epstein at a school.

Bill Barr is currently suffering a severe case of constipation as the evidence of his association with Epstein accumulates..
Boy, did you screw this up.

Attorney General William Barr will not recuse himself from involvement in the new federal criminal prosecution of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Barr will recuse himself from an internal Justice Department probe of current Labor Secretary Alex Acosta’s involvement in approving a controversial no-prosecution deal with the wealthy financier a decade ago, officials said Tuesday.

  • Attorney General William Barr will not recuse himself from involvement in the new federal criminal prosecution of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
As for your new claimed "conflict" it's meaningless and more stretched than Stormy Daniels.

We'll, we already know Epstein is guilty, so now we will see how Trump's attorney Barr will proceed in protecting these other pedophiles.
Donald Trump hosted a Mar a Lago party for himself and Epstein with 28 women.

The Trump dirt is starting to poke through the layer of scum on his existence.

Trump once hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report says. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls.'
I'm sure it was a very appropriate party. :auiqs.jpg:Young, under aged girls will probably come forward now that they know Epstein is in jail, implicating other clients they were once sex slaves to.
Donald Trump hosted a Mar a Lago party for himself and Epstein with 28 women.

The Trump dirt is starting to poke through the layer of scum on his existence.

Trump once hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report says. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls.'
I'm sure it was a very appropriate party. :auiqs.jpg:Young, under aged girls will probably come forward now that they know Epstein is in jail, implicating other clients they were once sex slaves to.
You're going to be in tears at the end of this. But not in laughter.
You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assaulyt.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...
He bragged about sexual assault?? Evidence??
Just grab them by the pussy.
You don’t grab pussy?
That's not what Trump said.
Donald Trump hosted a Mar a Lago party for himself and Epstein with 28 women.

The Trump dirt is starting to poke through the layer of scum on his existence.

Trump once hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report says. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls.'
I'm sure it was a very appropriate party. :auiqs.jpg:Young, under aged girls will probably come forward now that they know Epstein is in jail, implicating other clients they were once sex slaves to.
You're going to be in tears at the end of this. But not in laughter.
You're right. My tears are already for the victims, because no one on Trump's team gives a shit about the victims.
You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assaulyt.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...
He bragged about sexual assault?? Evidence??
Just grab them by the pussy.
You don’t grab pussy?
That's not what Trump said.
He said "When you are famous, they let you do it" or something similar.

I can attest to this, while I have never been as famous as Trump and others, I had a little bit of local fame in my hometown because of my band, and women literally threw themselves at me after performances. If they were like that for some local artist, imagine how they are with the rich and powerful?
You have no evidence trump did anything..
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assaulyt.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...
He bragged about sexual assault?? Evidence??
Just grab them by the pussy.
You don’t grab pussy?
That's not what Trump said.
What did he say? Do you have the quote?
Uh, what? Trump is charged with no crime...Kavanaugh sits on the SCOTUS...

Your posts are crap. Grade A crap.
So are yours.
the main issue is Acosta, Trump just needs to replace him...

all the other Trump stuff can be explained.... i.e. of course Trump would know Epstein for years, they live in 2 of the same cities, NYC and west palm beach, they are both billionaires, they are likely to cross paths over and over again...

Actually, Trump and Epstein lived in Palm Beach, not West Palm Beach.

As far as Acosta is concerned, there is no reason to think he was covering for the defendent Epstein many years ago, and wasn't working in good faith. Should that change, President Trump will take a look at it. But right now, Acosta is doing a fantastic job at the DOL, helped get unemployment down to 50 year lows, and all of this stuff was known years ago about the plea deal.
Acosta broke the law Polishprince, a judge ruled so... and everyone knows he broke the law by NOT informing the victims that he was working a plea deal with Epstein and not telling them the conditions of the plea deal he made BEFORE the pleas deal was signed, sealed and delivered...

The plea agreement was OUTRAGEOUS, and no prosecutor of sex crimes have ever seen anyone make such a deal with a sex predator....

He victimized the young girls by charging him with a single prostitution charge and not corrupting a minor.... so he gave Epstein a deal of a lifetime, AND he slapped the young vulnerable girls lured by him in the face by calling these young girls who were victimized, simply, prostitutes.

He needs to go, Pres Trump needs to replace him... and even though Trump is sticking his heels in at this moment, I bet ya 10 to one Acosta will be forced to resign, and Trump will replace him.

I wouldn't bet against that at all. And the thing is ---- this had already come out at his hearing over two years ago.

>> Among those opposing his nomination was Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. She criticized the then-U.S. attorney’s role in approving a “non-prosecution agreement” in 2007 with Palm Beach financier Jeffrey Epstein when he was charged with sex trafficking.

Epstein, who police found had solicited dozens of girls to perform sexual acts in his Florida mansions for several years, pleaded guilty to one state charge of soliciting minors for prostitution, paid damages to scores of victims and had to register as a sex offender.

In a deal with Acosta’s office, Epstein avoided any federal charges and spent a little over a year in prison. << -- April 2017
The law is for the poor and justice is for the rich. Acosta and Barr proved that.
Donald Trump hosted a Mar a Lago party for himself and Epstein with 28 women.

The Trump dirt is starting to poke through the layer of scum on his existence.

Trump once hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report says. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls.'
I'm sure it was a very appropriate party. :auiqs.jpg:Young, under aged girls will probably come forward now that they know Epstein is in jail, implicating other clients they were once sex slaves to.
You're going to be in tears at the end of this. But not in laughter.
You're right. My tears are already for the victims, because no one on Trump's team gives a shit about the victims. don't give a shit about any victims. You are just hoping and praying that Trump was involved. You HOPE that he did. Which makes you a foul and despicable human being...Damn near subhuman.
Hmm, the cirumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to believe he diddled children. He bursts into teen dressing rooms...he brags about sexual assaulyt.... Not gonna fly in court, but this ain't court, Cletus...
He bragged about sexual assault?? Evidence??
Just grab them by the pussy.
You don’t grab pussy?
That's not what Trump said.
What did he say? Do you have the quote?
the main issue is Acosta, Trump just needs to replace him...

all the other Trump stuff can be explained.... i.e. of course Trump would know Epstein for years, they live in 2 of the same cities, NYC and west palm beach, they are both billionaires, they are likely to cross paths over and over again...

Actually, Trump and Epstein lived in Palm Beach, not West Palm Beach.

As far as Acosta is concerned, there is no reason to think he was covering for the defendent Epstein many years ago, and wasn't working in good faith. Should that change, President Trump will take a look at it. But right now, Acosta is doing a fantastic job at the DOL, helped get unemployment down to 50 year lows, and all of this stuff was known years ago about the plea deal.
Acosta broke the law Polishprince, a judge ruled so... and everyone knows he broke the law by NOT informing the victims that he was working a plea deal with Epstein and not telling them the conditions of the plea deal he made BEFORE the pleas deal was signed, sealed and delivered...

The plea agreement was OUTRAGEOUS, and no prosecutor of sex crimes have ever seen anyone make such a deal with a sex predator....

He victimized the young girls by charging him with a single prostitution charge and not corrupting a minor.... so he gave Epstein a deal of a lifetime, AND he slapped the young vulnerable girls lured by him in the face by calling these young girls who were victimized, simply, prostitutes.

He needs to go, Pres Trump needs to replace him... and even though Trump is sticking his heels in at this moment, I bet ya 10 to one Acosta will be forced to resign, and Trump will replace him.

I wouldn't bet against that at all. And the thing is ---- this had already come out at his hearing over two years ago.

>> Among those opposing his nomination was Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. She criticized the then-U.S. attorney’s role in approving a “non-prosecution agreement” in 2007 with Palm Beach financier Jeffrey Epstein when he was charged with sex trafficking.

Epstein, who police found had solicited dozens of girls to perform sexual acts in his Florida mansions for several years, pleaded guilty to one state charge of soliciting minors for prostitution, paid damages to scores of victims and had to register as a sex offender.

In a deal with Acosta’s office, Epstein avoided any federal charges and spent a little over a year in prison. << -- April 2017
The law is for the poor and justice is for the rich. Acosta and Barr proved that.
People with money can afford. Better council.. Epstein was going to walk.. Acosta our hip in jail
Donald Trump hosted a Mar a Lago party for himself and Epstein with 28 women.

The Trump dirt is starting to poke through the layer of scum on his existence.

Trump once hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report says. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls.'
I'm sure it was a very appropriate party. :auiqs.jpg:Young, under aged girls will probably come forward now that they know Epstein is in jail, implicating other clients they were once sex slaves to.
You're going to be in tears at the end of this. But not in laughter.
You're right. My tears are already for the victims, because no one on Trump's team gives a shit about the victims. don't give a shit about any victims. You are just hoping and praying that Trump was involved. You HOPE that he did. Which makes you a foul and despicable human being...Damn near subhuman.
I don't have to hope and pray. Anyone with a functioning brain knows what goes on when you have two old men and a bunch of young under aged girls set up as a party in one of the guys mansions. What, did somebody hit you over the head with a rock? The only "despicable human being" in this debate, is a dumb ass like you who would pretend this crap would never happen with Trump and Epstein. I mean seriously, how brutally stupid do you have to be to think that a pedophile who hires out under age girls for sex, gets caught with these crimes, and in an earlier time before his conviction, invites Trump over to his house for a party with just the two of them with a bunch of underage girls, and nothing happens? Man, get the F out of here.
you lying sack of skat! :lol:

Bill Clinton did not say he has been to Epstein's Island, called St James Island!

here is what his spokesperson said:


NOW, please tell me where you got that Bill Clinton SAID he went to the island of Epstein's 4 times? He said he never went there....

I'm still checking the flight manifests, which go through 2004, not just 2002 and 2003 which the spokesperson mentioned.

That's what Clinton's mouthpiece, a "spokesman" said.

I'd like to see Clinton speak himself, and promise to tell the truth, under oath and see what he has to say.

I bet he could be pinched on a perjury or obstruction charge IMHO.
you really need to seek help Polishprince... :)

Clinton has nothing to do with this going on now... with Trump's Labor Secretary Acosta giving this young teen loving-phile Epstein a deal of a lifetime and spitting in the young victim's faces.


Mr. Acosta wasn't sure that the evidence he had and the case he assembled was good enough to convict.

So he worked out a deal.

They do this kind of thing all the time, to get an admission of guilt and some jail time

But.... If you look at it from hindsight, in light of me too and political correctness his resignation makes perfect sense. Why not go through any number of old case files to see who we can force into resigning?

Its easy to say in hindsight that Mr. Epstein should have been treated harsher than he was in 2008.

But, OTOH, Epstein was a First Time Offender and accepting the deal might have given him a chance to mend his ways. In addition, it would save folks from having to testify in court, which can be problemsome too.
You had Bill Barr and Alex Acosta protecting him. Are you out of your mind?
I wonder if Bill Barr has been to Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Island?
We know he is lawyering up for Trump though.
he's recused himself for conflict of interest, due to past work at a firm.

He then unrecused himself in a leak and the media has now exposed that Bill Barr's father employed Epstein at a school.

Bill Barr is currently suffering a severe case of constipation as the evidence of his association with Epstein accumulates..
Boy, did you screw this up.

Attorney General William Barr will not recuse himself from involvement in the new federal criminal prosecution of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Barr will recuse himself from an internal Justice Department probe of current Labor Secretary Alex Acosta’s involvement in approving a controversial no-prosecution deal with the wealthy financier a decade ago, officials said Tuesday.

  • Attorney General William Barr will not recuse himself from involvement in the new federal criminal prosecution of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
As for your new claimed "conflict" it's meaningless and more stretched than Stormy Daniels.

We'll, we already know Epstein is guilty, so now we will see how Trump's attorney Barr will proceed in protecting these other pedophiles.
No worries. Clinton's friend Jim Comey has his daughter as lead prosecutor.
I actually hope Acosta doesn't resign. I hope he digs in. That way Rump will be forced to fire him.

And that will mean an admission that Rump FUCKED UP when he appointed him in the first place. That's what I want to see, an admission that Rump FUCKED UP.

Why do I want to see an admission that Rump FUCKED UP?

Because Rump never admits when he FUCKS UP. Central Park Five FUCKUP, still won't admit 'em. Six bankruptcy FUCKUPS, still won't admit it. He wouldn't even admit that he FUCKED UP saying it "would be Russia". Couldn't bring himself to admit he FUCKED UP imitating the congenital disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him. Still can't admit that he FUCKED UP in making up a story about "thousands and thousands on rooftops", or how he FUCKED UP walking in front of the Queen or how he FUCKED UP in claiming it wasn't raining or how he FUCKED UP claiming he got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan and more done than anybody since Truman. Won't admit that he FUCKED UP making up fake press agents "John Miller" and "John Baron", and admitted it in court, then denied it again. Still hasn't acknowledged how he FUCKED UP his own father's birthplace, transporting him from the Bronx to "a very wonderful fucked-up place in Germany". FUCKED UP the USFL. And of course, who can forget the way he FUCKED UP the history of the Revolutionary War, not only putting Washington in 'airports' but conflating two different wars and FUCKING UP the name of "Fort McHendry".
We are living in amazing times! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

GOD Bless all Patriots everywhere!

I'm guessing you are talking about military personnel right? What are you blessing them for? Their pre-planned deaths at the hands of Oligarchs who manufacture fake wars for profit? That's a pretty sick blessing if you ask me.

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