Jeffrey Epstein found injured in New York jail cell

Neither child molesters nor former cops have it easy in prison.

True enough.

But homosexuals really like being in the joint. All those naked men in the shower and all of the sodomy going on. Plenty of straight guys to try and recruit.
No. Such Trolling BS.
Since you know a lot about incarcerated homosexual men, pp. Enlighten me about straight dudes being recruited into Homosexuality.

A friend of mine was serving time in Maryland and he was in his cell. A couple of gay inmates tried to forcibly recruit him into the orientation. Of course he fought for his manhood and is still straight.

He was fortunate that he was pretty tough, otherwise, he might have been turned gay.
So...that's the story he told you? :71:
Stay tuned because Trump is being impeached today right or wrong
Well, this is news to me and the world, Frannie.
Trump is being impeached? So the handful of dems convinced their party and the republican
party to impeach Trump? my, my you have been listening to MSNBC and CNN for too long, apparently.
Now you can just make up shit and pass it on as fact. :auiqs.jpg:
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.
Last edited:
It's amazing how many conservatives parrot the same conspiracy theory nonsense about Clintons killing people.
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

This is not true. The House can certainly impeach a President , has nothing to do with the Senate. They merely convict or not if the House impeaches.
Do they have the votes in the House, Hmmmmm? Not from what I'm hearing
They already voted and failed

they voted but it wasn't gonna proceed because not everyone is on board without hard core evidence, & that can only be revealed if bill barr petitions the court to allow the confidential materials be handed over to the judiciary committee & the other congress critters with the highest level of security or an official inquiry is brought forth. if the latter happens, then bill barr has zero chance of stopping it & ANYBODY that then refuses to appear b4 congress WILL be jailed. traitor tot, kushner, mcgahn, lewindowski & the house pump-hope hicks must comply, along with anybody else.
Tell me again that Trump cant win

tell me again that he didn't without rooooskie help.
Well, Lorraine....I mean Jeffery better get used to that kind of treatment.
What treatment he was in solitary

Good point. Michael Cohen is lower on the Prison Food Chain than Mr. Epstein and hasn't been attacked.

I think the Clintons are sending Eppy a message.

The Tombs , BTW, are a local New York facility not a federal facility.

IMHO, the DOJ should transport Mr. Cohen to Cobb County GA or some more friendly jurisdiction where they can better keep him around for the trial and if he wants to turn state's evidence.
The only reason eppy was arrested is because the dems found a photo of him and trump

There is no states evidence

Evidence against financier Epstein is growing, federal prosecutors say
Nation Jul 15, 2019 8:06 AM EDT


In addition to the charges in the indictment, prosecutors are also reviewing dozens of electronic files seized during a raid on Epstein’s residence after his July 6 arrest, finding even more photos than the hundreds or thousands of pictures of nude and seminude young women and girls they had reported prior to a court hearing a week ago.

Evidence against financier Epstein is growing, federal prosecutors say

names are being exposed.................

Epstein case: Feds also investigating ‘uncharged individuals’
By Andrew Denney and Bruce Golding

July 25, 2019 | 6:05pm | Updated
Manhattan federal prosecutors are conducting an “ongoing investigation of uncharged individuals” connected to Jeffrey Epstein, according to court papers filed Thursday.

The probe was revealed in a court filing that seeks to ensure that evidence in the case against Epstein remains secret.

Prosecutors said they planned to give lawyers for the convicted pedophile “certain documents and materials” containing both “confidential” and “highly confidential” information that shouldn’t be made public.

But they asked Manhattan federal Judge Richard Berman to first endorse a nine-page order prohibiting the lawyers from sharing the information with anyone not directly involved in Epstein’s case.

The reasons include the possibility that releasing it “would impede, if prematurely disclosed, the Government’s ongoing investigation of uncharged individuals,” according to the Manhattan federal court filing.

None of those people were identified.

The “highly confidential” information “contains images of nude or partially-nude individuals” that will only be made available to the defense “under the protection of law enforcement officers or employees,” according to court papers.

Prosecutors have said that investigators seized a massive trove of photos of nude photos – including of at least one girl who was underage at the time – during a raid on Epstein’s $77 million Upper East Side townhouse.


Good! i hope they release these names soon, and arrest the pricks.

will you want to see ANYBODY & EVERYBODY fry, no matter who?

i am.
Well, this is news to me and the world, Frannie.
Trump is being impeached? So the handful of dems convinced their party and the republican
party to impeach Trump? my, my you have been listening to MSNBC and CNN for too long, apparently.
Now you can just make up shit and pass it on as fact. :auiqs.jpg:
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
Well, this is news to me and the world, Frannie.
Trump is being impeached? So the handful of dems convinced their party and the republican
party to impeach Trump? my, my you have been listening to MSNBC and CNN for too long, apparently.
Now you can just make up shit and pass it on as fact. :auiqs.jpg:
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.
Well, this is news to me and the world, Frannie.
Trump is being impeached? So the handful of dems convinced their party and the republican
party to impeach Trump? my, my you have been listening to MSNBC and CNN for too long, apparently.
Now you can just make up shit and pass it on as fact. :auiqs.jpg:
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
Well, this is news to me and the world, Frannie.
Trump is being impeached? So the handful of dems convinced their party and the republican
party to impeach Trump? my, my you have been listening to MSNBC and CNN for too long, apparently.
Now you can just make up shit and pass it on as fact. :auiqs.jpg:
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.
You are aware that the report is Trumps best allied I assume
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

Democrats in Congress are absolutely aware
A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.
You are aware that the report is Trumps best allied I assume
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.
You are arguing with a brain dead CNN zombie
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

Democrats in Congress are absolutely aware
A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.
You are aware that the report is Trumps best allied I assume
I totally agree
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
You are braindead so I will explain it. Muller testified yesterday and as a result the dems are impeaching now. Or sarcasm is over the morons beak
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.

oh bullshit. i already said that the redacted info can easily be turned over to i said..... if barr PETITIONS the court. but he refuses to do so.

why is that huh? the grand jury will honor that request if barr asks. kenn starr had the entire 1800 page report re: slick willy released within days.

but barr is stonewalling & the most important info is being withheld.

nice try, jr. but no gold star for you.
What treatment he was in solitary

Good point. Michael Cohen is lower on the Prison Food Chain than Mr. Epstein and hasn't been attacked.

I think the Clintons are sending Eppy a message.

The Tombs , BTW, are a local New York facility not a federal facility.

IMHO, the DOJ should transport Mr. Cohen to Cobb County GA or some more friendly jurisdiction where they can better keep him around for the trial and if he wants to turn state's evidence.
The only reason eppy was arrested is because the dems found a photo of him and trump

There is no states evidence

Evidence against financier Epstein is growing, federal prosecutors say
Nation Jul 15, 2019 8:06 AM EDT


In addition to the charges in the indictment, prosecutors are also reviewing dozens of electronic files seized during a raid on Epstein’s residence after his July 6 arrest, finding even more photos than the hundreds or thousands of pictures of nude and seminude young women and girls they had reported prior to a court hearing a week ago.

Evidence against financier Epstein is growing, federal prosecutors say

names are being exposed.................

Epstein case: Feds also investigating ‘uncharged individuals’
By Andrew Denney and Bruce Golding

July 25, 2019 | 6:05pm | Updated
Manhattan federal prosecutors are conducting an “ongoing investigation of uncharged individuals” connected to Jeffrey Epstein, according to court papers filed Thursday.

The probe was revealed in a court filing that seeks to ensure that evidence in the case against Epstein remains secret.

Prosecutors said they planned to give lawyers for the convicted pedophile “certain documents and materials” containing both “confidential” and “highly confidential” information that shouldn’t be made public.

But they asked Manhattan federal Judge Richard Berman to first endorse a nine-page order prohibiting the lawyers from sharing the information with anyone not directly involved in Epstein’s case.

The reasons include the possibility that releasing it “would impede, if prematurely disclosed, the Government’s ongoing investigation of uncharged individuals,” according to the Manhattan federal court filing.

None of those people were identified.

The “highly confidential” information “contains images of nude or partially-nude individuals” that will only be made available to the defense “under the protection of law enforcement officers or employees,” according to court papers.

Prosecutors have said that investigators seized a massive trove of photos of nude photos – including of at least one girl who was underage at the time – during a raid on Epstein’s $77 million Upper East Side townhouse.


Good! i hope they release these names soon, and arrest the pricks.

will you want to see ANYBODY & EVERYBODY fry, no matter who?

i am.

Of course. Child rapists and pedo's are the lowest of the low. I would shoot them if it were legal to.
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.
You are arguing with a brain dead CNN zombie

neither one of you have reading comp skills whatsoever.
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
You are ahead of yourself.....the dems cannot impeach the president without the consent of the Senate.
Now if you had stated that they are bringing impeachment proceedings to a vote, you may have had something.
In other words, they are not impeaching the president.
They don't even have the votes in their own party to do so, IMO.

the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.

oh bullshit. i already said that the redacted info can easily be turned over to i said..... if barr PETITIONS the court. but he refuses to do so.

why is that huh? the grand jury will honor that request if barr asks. kenn starr had the entire 1800 page report re: slick willy released within days.

but barr is stonewalling & the most important info is being withheld.

nice try, jr. but no gold star for you.
Congress wants barr to violate the law. The courts will back barr mocking the dems. You lost, game over move on
the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.

oh bullshit. i already said that the redacted info can easily be turned over to i said..... if barr PETITIONS the court. but he refuses to do so.

why is that huh? the grand jury will honor that request if barr asks. kenn starr had the entire 1800 page report re: slick willy released within days.

but barr is stonewalling & the most important info is being withheld.

nice try, jr. but no gold star for you.
Congress wants barr to violate the law. The courts will back barr mocking the dems. You lost, game over move on


straight up lying is not your strong suit is it?
the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
the senate has no input whether the house can impeach. first the house judiciary committee votes to open an impeachment inquiry, which means they get all the grand jury information, - which are the unredacted names & accompanying evidence. (they could have it all already, but barr is refusing to ask the grand jury to give it to them) so an inquiry must happen. articles of impeachment are then drawn up.

if it passes in the committee, , then it's open to the floor & then if it's a go- the public will be viewing it on TV every day.... all the people involved, what they did, where, when & how will be exposed. & once impeachment is over, then it goes to the senate for trial... or not.... the trial for removal is the senates job.

A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.
You are arguing with a brain dead CNN zombie

neither one of you have reading comp skills whatsoever.
Goog is up 11 percent today

Reason that
A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.

oh bullshit. i already said that the redacted info can easily be turned over to i said..... if barr PETITIONS the court. but he refuses to do so.

why is that huh? the grand jury will honor that request if barr asks. kenn starr had the entire 1800 page report re: slick willy released within days.

but barr is stonewalling & the most important info is being withheld.

nice try, jr. but no gold star for you.
Congress wants barr to violate the law. The courts will back barr mocking the dems. You lost, game over move on


straight up lying is not your strong suit is it?
Fact Muller is upping trumps poll numbers
A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
A small correction sir. The House Judiciary Comittee has had access to the ENTIRE unredacted Mueller report since May, since May and not one of the Democrats on the Committee , not even the fucking Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler has bothered to show up and look at the damn thing.

Why do you think that is? Oh that's right it's because they know that the 6% of the report that is redacted wouldn't provide them with a god damned thing, but they are too dishonest to go look at it and just tell the American people "we have seen the entire report, including the redacted material and there is nothing there that indicates the President violated the law" so instead they rely on idiotic voters such as yourself to buy it when they say "Barr won't give us the FULL report, and that redacted part, that's redacted to protect Trump"

This is 100% fact my man, not one Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, NOR the Intelligence Committee has got off their fat ass and went 2 blocks over to view the entire unredacted report in a secure environment

The reason that Barr hasn't just released the entire document to Congress without them having to go to a SCIF at the Justice Department is clear. The moment it gets their at least one of the scumbags will leak the entire thing , including grand jury material and other classified information. Do you think Jerry Nadler would even hesitate to burn someone in our intelligence communities cover in order to embarrass Trump? Hell no , he wouldn't.

Some of you Democrat voters HAVE to stop letting your outright hatred of Trump cloud your judgement. What I have just told you is factual. If Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff truly cared what the full unredacted report said they have had access to it since mid May and could have seen it at any point since then but have not. There are zero explanations for this except that they already know they won't find anything in it.

ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.
You are arguing with a brain dead CNN zombie

neither one of you have reading comp skills whatsoever.
Goog is up 11 percent today

Reason that

am i supposta know wtf 'goog' is? is english your first language & american history taught where you went to school? me thinx nyet.
ummmm.. not the entire unredacted report. as if barr thought that would be enough? there was still some evidence & names that were still to be unavailable.
ummmm.... no. the entire unredacted report is still unavailable to the house chairs.

barr thought if he gave a little, it would be enough. bill was mistaken. & so are you.

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET July 26, 2019 | Updated 2:00 p.m. ET July 26, 2019

The 53-page lawsuit states: “Because Department of Justice policies will not allow prosecution of a sitting president, the United States House of Representatives is the only institution of the federal government that can now hold President Trump accountable for these actions. To do so, the House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article 1 powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity – approval of articles of impeachment.”

House files lawsuit for grand-jury evidence behind Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence
07/26/2019 10:09 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to petition a federal judge to release former special counsel Robert Mueller’s most closely guarded evidence: the material he gathered using a secretive grand jury.

The petition, which will be made to Beryl Howell, the chief judge of Washington, D.C.’s federal district court, asks that the material be provided to Congress, though it does not seek the public release of the grand jury evidence.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has sought Mueller’s grand jury evidence for months, arguing that it’s essential for Congress to view it in order to fully investigate potential abuses of power by President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Nadler has previously asked the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to join him in court to seek the release of the information, but Barr has declined, calling such a move unprecedented.

Judiciary Committee asks a judge to share Mueller's secret grand jury evidence

& another thing you are mistaken about.... i am not a dude.

You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.

oh bullshit. i already said that the redacted info can easily be turned over to i said..... if barr PETITIONS the court. but he refuses to do so.

why is that huh? the grand jury will honor that request if barr asks. kenn starr had the entire 1800 page report re: slick willy released within days.

but barr is stonewalling & the most important info is being withheld.

nice try, jr. but no gold star for you.
Congress wants barr to violate the law. The courts will back barr mocking the dems. You lost, game over move on


straight up lying is not your strong suit is it?
Fact Muller is upping trumps poll numbers

lol... according to what polls?
You are 100% wrong on this, 100%. The only redacted information is information that the Justice Department can NOT legally show to anyone without a court order. Therefor , what they have been offered I unredacted as far as the law allows.

No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics

Not one Democrat has went to see the material.

Wake up man, you are actually arguing that the Justice Department should violate the law because Congress says so.

oh bullshit. i already said that the redacted info can easily be turned over to i said..... if barr PETITIONS the court. but he refuses to do so.

why is that huh? the grand jury will honor that request if barr asks. kenn starr had the entire 1800 page report re: slick willy released within days.

but barr is stonewalling & the most important info is being withheld.

nice try, jr. but no gold star for you.
Congress wants barr to violate the law. The courts will back barr mocking the dems. You lost, game over move on


straight up lying is not your strong suit is it?
Fact Muller is upping trumps poll numbers

lol... according to what polls?
All of them doofus even CNN is saying that Muller is a joke

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