Jeffries: Trump's Truth Social posts could 'get someone killed'

Is pos tump reckless?
Depicting "Death and Destruction"

I remember that girl getting killed at the Charlottesville protest. Some left-wingers started some shit and a Challenger stepped forward to confront them.
Yes, it was a Dodge Challenger and he didn't step forward, he put his foot on the gas, to intentionally drive into the crowd. That is why James Alex Fields was convicted of murder, 8 counts of Malicious Wounding, and Hit and Run, rightfully getting him life in prison, plus 419 years. He also pleaded guilty to 29 of 30 Hate Crime, which gave him another Life Sentence in 2019.
Yes, it was a Dodge Challenger and he didn't step forward, he put his foot on the gas, to intentionally drive into the crowd. That is why James Alex Fields was convicted of murder, 8 counts of Malicious Wounding, and Hit and Run, rightfully getting him life in prison, plus 419 years. He also pleaded guilty to 29 of 30 Hate Crime, which gave him another Life Sentence in 2019.

I see someone got the reference.

Jeffries: Trump's Truth Social posts could 'get someone killed'​

  • So could leaving the border wide open to 6 million illegals running criminals, malcontents and drug smugglers into the country.
  • So could standing back just watching as thousands of raving loons from BLM and Antifa tear apart hundreds of US cities doing billions in damage badly injuring thousands of people with many deaths and defend it while calling protestors trying to bring attention to an illegal election being swept under the rug "insurrectionists."
  • So could spotting a highly suspect Chinese spy balloon coming into the shores of Alaska, but waiting until it is well past your top military bases heading to the interior of your country to announce that you are going to just let it blow the rest of the way across the country before you even try to do anything about it.
  • So could shutting down 90% of a country's businesses putting millions out of work and telling them to lock themselves in their homes keeping children out of their classrooms for two years over a virus with a 98% survival rate that the government totally changes its story on every 7 days.
  • So could thrusting an untested, unproven, highly lucrative and reactive experimental vaccine on a country making many people sick and worse extorting them to take it anyway otherwise you won't let them work or eat or live because you care, and best of all, you have to sign a waver agreeing that you can't sue for damages.
But instead, we're worried about a social media post. Oh gee, how our enemies must laugh.
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they blamed the Charlotesville death on Trump, they're itching to blame him again!
But everyone knows the truth now.

Democrat progtards fund and participate in racial riots that got 40 people killed and cause 4 billion dollars worth of damage.

Righties demand their elected representatives adhere to their oaths, killed no one and barely caused any damage while protesting a blatant and dangerous violation of law.

The progfucks can pile on Trump all they want, but the truth of the matter is, Trump on his worst day stands head and shoulders above the present clown parade.
i like when feathers are ruffled by Trump, i like war! pick a side, we're at war. WAAAAAR!
i like when feathers are ruffled by Trump, i like war! pick a side, we're at war. WAAAAAR!



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