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Jeh Johnson at the border

That's good news. I'm going to believe him and hold this Administration to its word about deportations beginning this week.
One distinct characteristic of the Obama Administration...the most corrupt in our history...is that they regularly do the exact opposite of what they say they will do.
That's good news. I'm going to believe him and hold this Administration to its word about deportations beginning this week.

The 2008 law requires proceedings that take longer, shame Congress did -0- to amend, but Lois Lerner & her emails took precedence, and Boehner's lawsuit. The position of the Administration is clear, now, write your Congress critters. The 2008 law was a gift to Columba.
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Now, is Congress ever going to appropriate any money, or is recess starting early for Boehner and his bottle?

Blame the Congress. Blaming Bush getting too old for you?

Until you turn off the magnet, it doesn't matter how much money is appropriated.

Will The Money President Obama is Requesting for the Border Fix the Current Crisis?

Read More: Will The Money President Obama is Requesting for the Border Fix the Current Crisis? [POLL] | Will The Money President Obama is Requesting for the Border Fix the Current Crisis? [POLL]

The money is intended to add immigration judges, detention facilities, aid for the children and teens arriving here without their parents, and programs to deter people from fleeing the Central American nations where vicious gang violence is driving them north.

Johnson faces a tough sell as Republicans have criticized Obama for asking them for money but not for policy reforms, specifically amending a 2008 law to address human trafficking that’s contributed to the problem by guaranteeing court hearings to the arriving youths. In practice that often results in them staying here indefinitely.

The White House says it wants to change that law, but immigration advocates and some Democrats objected, and so far the White House has not put forward those reforms.

Democrats have raised their own questions about how the emergency money would be spent and whether too much of it would go for enforcement, rather than measures to help the children.

More than 57,000 unaccompanied kids have arrived since October even as tens of thousands more have arrived traveling as families, mostly mothers with their children.
Here's the breakdown of Obama's money request. The percentage spent on border protection versus "processing" is telling. If there is one thing we've learned about Obama is that he's a lying POS. He has no intention of sending these future Dims home. They are here, they are dependent on federal food and shelter and they'll grow up to be nice dependent Dims who will vote to stay on the handout plantation.

Obama has a $3.7 billion migrant-crisis plan. Here's how it'd be spent. - Vox

Obama border funding: Most money to care, feed, transport illegal immigrants; little for deportations


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Now, is Congress ever going to appropriate any money, or is recess starting early for Boehner and his bottle?

Blame the Congress. Blaming Bush getting too old for you?

Until you turn off the magnet, it doesn't matter how much money is appropriated.

Will The Money President Obama is Requesting for the Border Fix the Current Crisis?

Read More: Will The Money President Obama is Requesting for the Border Fix the Current Crisis? [POLL] | Will The Money President Obama is Requesting for the Border Fix the Current Crisis? [POLL]

The money is intended to add immigration judges, detention facilities, aid for the children and teens arriving here without their parents, and programs to deter people from fleeing the Central American nations where vicious gang violence is driving them north.

Johnson faces a tough sell as Republicans have criticized Obama for asking them for money but not for policy reforms, specifically amending a 2008 law to address human trafficking that’s contributed to the problem by guaranteeing court hearings to the arriving youths. In practice that often results in them staying here indefinitely.

The White House says it wants to change that law, but immigration advocates and some Democrats objected, and so far the White House has not put forward those reforms.

Democrats have raised their own questions about how the emergency money would be spent and whether too much of it would go for enforcement, rather than measures to help the children.

More than 57,000 unaccompanied kids have arrived since October even as tens of thousands more have arrived traveling as families, mostly mothers with their children.

All the previous threads, MULTITUDE of threads actually, claimed Obama wants illegal aliens here; the policy of sending them back is announced, now differing fabrications arise about what the money will be used for. Guess what, Congress will have to pass a Bill, CONGRESS allocates the money. Obama has repeatedly done his job, Congress does not like the allocation, at least Boehner doesn't, here are facts, not RWN fiction:

How Obama would use $3.7 billion on border crisis

$1.8 billion to the Department of Health and Human Services to care for the children, provide housing and address medical needs.

$1.5 billion to the Department of Homeland Security, including:

$879 million for detention and removal
$480 million for border agent overtime and temporary duties, as well as detention facility costs, medical costs and transportation
$109 million for expanded investigations in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
$39 million for increased border air surveillance
$300 million to the State Department for foreign aid, and to reintegrate children in their home countries. It also includes a $5 million State Department ad campaign in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, to deter parents and children from making the trip to the U.S.

$64 million to the Department of Justice for more judges, including $45 million for the addition of 40 more judges teams. The White House believes this could mean processing 55,000 to 75,000 cases more per year; $15 million for lawyers for the children.

Congress can off of course amend. No 100 million for removal, almost 1 BILLION, as for "care" for the immgrants being so much, Perry wants 500 million for Texas ALONE.
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All the previous threads, MULTITUDE of threads actually, claimed Obama wants illegal aliens here; the policy of sending them back is announced, now differing fabrications arise about what the money will be used for. Guess what, Congress will have to pass a Bill, CONGRESS allocates the money. Obama has repeatedly done his job, Congress, especially the House, is on a permanent vacation.

You're delusional. There's no polite way to say it. Sorry. Anyone covering for Obama by deflection on this would have to be. There is no announced policy of sending them back. Lies. The way he wants to spend the money he's asked for guarantees he won't get it. He wants to spend the bulk of this money housing, transporting, settling and hiring complicit immigration judges and lawyers. He wants the bulk of the money to go to HHS not border security. So he won't get it. He probably wants that so he can say none of this is his fault. Money won't solve this problem. A policy shift is needed and Obama won't go there because he wants this invasion to continue.
All the previous threads, MULTITUDE of threads actually, claimed Obama wants illegal aliens here; the policy of sending them back is announced, now differing fabrications arise about what the money will be used for. Guess what, Congress will have to pass a Bill, CONGRESS allocates the money. Obama has repeatedly done his job, Congress, especially the House, is on a permanent vacation.

You're delusional. There's no polite way to say it. Sorry. Anyone covering for Obama by deflection on this would have to be. There is no announced policy of sending them back. Lies. The way he wants to spend the money he's asked for guarantees he won't get it. He wants to spend the bulk of this money housing, transporting, settling and hiring complicit immigration judges and lawyers. He wants the bulk of the money to go to HHS not border security. So he won't get it. He probably wants that so he can say none of this is his fault. Money won't solve this problem. A policy shift is needed and Obama won't go there because he wants this invasion to continue.

Obama's plan was outlined, it is up Congress to change insufficiencies. Until then, the 2008 mish mash of a law remains in force. And I think most of the recent immigrants must be deported. Ascribing positions to another so that you may attack them is easy, and OBVIOUS.
Ascribing positions to another so that you may attack them is easy, and OBVIOUS.

What I find OBVIOUS Peach is an attempt to give Obama cover by deflecting attention away from his culpability on this border crisis. If you are willing to hold Obama accountable for this mess he's made, I will sincerely apologize for ascribing a position to you that you don't hold. What I see in your position is to give Obama cover and shift the focus to the Congress--a later day blame Bush tactic. Tell me if I've misread your position and I'll admit I'm wrong. But blaming congress sure looks like deflection to me.

The POTUS and his AG are charged with enforcing laws on the books and protecting the American people from criminals and enemies. They both find it convenient to only enforce the laws that fit their agenda.

Obama's policies of selective enforcement have sent a loud and clear message to criminal invaders. Or undocumented Democrats or whatever the PC term du jour is. This flood of future Democrats is orchestrated. The fact that the Obama administration was advertising for alien escorts back in January couldn't be clearer.

Feds Posted Bid Request To Handle Child Immigrant Surge Back In JANUARY

Read more: Feds Posted Child Immigrant Contract In JANUARY | The Daily Caller

Fed request for escorts:


This whole mess is classic Obama. Create a mess then blame the mess not being solved on your enemies. Shift the narrative, shift the focus, shift the blame. A true Alinskyite
If you saw jeh on MTP last Sunday you would know he has no clue. Just another moron carrying water for the magic neeeeeeeeegro.

He's learned how to answer question from Holder. "I don't know". I'm not sure". "I don't have that information in front of me right now".

A few on The Hill have grown tired of even asking him questions. They're now just letting him have the facts they dig up. Right in the face.

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Ascribing positions to another so that you may attack them is easy, and OBVIOUS.

What I find OBVIOUS Peach is an attempt to give Obama cover by deflecting attention away from his culpability on this border crisis. If you are willing to hold Obama accountable for this mess he's made, I will sincerely apologize for ascribing a position to you that you don't hold. What I see in your position is to give Obama cover and shift the focus to the Congress--a later day blame Bush tactic. Tell me if I've misread your position and I'll admit I'm wrong. But blaming congress sure looks like deflection to me.

The POTUS and his AG are charged with enforcing laws on the books and protecting the American people from criminals and enemies. They both find it convenient to only enforce the laws that fit their agenda.

Obama's policies of selective enforcement have sent a loud and clear message to criminal invaders. Or undocumented Democrats or whatever the PC term du jour is. This flood of future Democrats is orchestrated. The fact that the Obama administration was advertising for alien escorts back in January couldn't be clearer.

Feds Posted Bid Request To Handle Child Immigrant Surge Back In JANUARY

Read more: Feds Posted Child Immigrant Contract In JANUARY | The Daily Caller

Fed request for escorts:


This whole mess is classic Obama. Create a mess then blame the mess not being solved on your enemies. Shift the narrative, shift the focus, shift the blame. A true Alinskyite

No cover for Obama, as I have written several times, his job NOW. But he requires Congressional authority to overcome the long process set forth in the 2008 law. Obama should not have waited until 2012/2013 to ask for it(.)
That's good news. I'm going to believe him and hold this Administration to its word about deportations beginning this week.

The 2008 law requires proceedings that take longer, shame Congress did -0- to amend, but Lois Lerner & her emails took precenence, and Boehner's lawsuit. The position of the is clear, now, write your Congress critters. The 2008 law was a gift to Columba.

Why don't you show where Obama gives a shit about what any law says that doesn't suit his purposes?

IF he were enforcing CURRENT laws none of this would be happening.
That's good news. I'm going to believe him and hold this Administration to its word about deportations beginning this week.

The 2008 law requires proceedings that take longer, shame Congress did -0- to amend, but Lois Lerner & her emails took precenence, and Boehner's lawsuit. The position of the is clear, now, write your Congress critters. The 2008 law was a gift to Columba.

Why don't you show where Obama gives a shit about what any law says that doesn't suit his purposes?

IF he were enforcing CURRENT laws none of this would be happening.

Fortenberry defends the current the current law, which requires minors to be "screened". Fortenberry states the process is METHODICAL:

WASHINGTON - Is a law designed to protect children from human trafficking actually causing a humanitarian crisis along the U.S. southern border, allowing thousands of children to illegally surge into the United States?

Amid the crisis and calls to change the law, one of its chief backers defends it.

"I was very proud to be apart of the sponsoring" of the law, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Nebraska, told CNN's Michael Smerconish in an interview Saturday. "Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery."

The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 added protections for unaccompanied minors who entered into the U.S. illegally. It applied to children from nations that do not border the United States. Child immigrants from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala have crossed into the U.S. en masse, this year. Because of the law, those child immigrants are not immediately processed for return to their country, whereas children from Mexico are immediately readied for return.

RELATED: Groups allege abuse of children at border

Many -- including some Republicans -- insist the law is partly responsible for the unaccompanied children pouring into the U.S., and that tweaking the law will stem the flow.

Fortenberry, instead lays much of the blame at President Barack Obama's feet.

"This problem with the surge of children and families at the border did not occur until 2013," Fortenberry said. "[It] did not occur in '08, '09, '10, or '11."

"Five years after this, the reality is this is a convergence of factors of desperate poverty, ungoverned space, as well as an exploitation of our laws. And the president fostered an environment in which in 2012, he suggested that deportations were going to decrease. And I think that was a corollary to [the] exploitation of this law and other factors that have led to this sad, sad, tragic situation along the border."

Smerconish pressed the congressman on whether or not the law he backed needs to be changed, as even members of his own party have said.

"It is my understanding buried within the '08 law, there is a provision that allows the president to negotiate with the Central American countries repatriation agreements, and that hasn't happened," he said. There may be a need to actually fix that portion of the law so that that aspect of the dynamic which has fostered the conditions for the surge of children can stop. But the first thing that needs to happen is some leadership."

He said that if he could offer advice to the President, it would be to "send National Guard troops to the border, that he help back up the Border Patrol and get the situation under control."

RELATED: John Boehner urges military help for border crisis

Meanwhile, will the congressman back the president's request for $3.7 billion in emergency immigration funds?

"We're not simply going to give a blank check," Fortenberry said. "We have to go through this methodically in a sound way to restore order in a situation that's chaotic."
The 2008 law requires proceedings that take longer, shame Congress did -0- to amend, but Lois Lerner & her emails took precenence, and Boehner's lawsuit. The position of the is clear, now, write your Congress critters. The 2008 law was a gift to Columba.

Why don't you show where Obama gives a shit about what any law says that doesn't suit his purposes?

IF he were enforcing CURRENT laws none of this would be happening.

Fortenberry defends the current the current law, which requires minors to be "screened". Fortenberry states the process is METHODICAL:

WASHINGTON - Is a law designed to protect children from human trafficking actually causing a humanitarian crisis along the U.S. southern border, allowing thousands of children to illegally surge into the United States?

Amid the crisis and calls to change the law, one of its chief backers defends it.

"I was very proud to be apart of the sponsoring" of the law, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Nebraska, told CNN's Michael Smerconish in an interview Saturday. "Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery."

The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 added protections for unaccompanied minors who entered into the U.S. illegally. It applied to children from nations that do not border the United States. Child immigrants from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala have crossed into the U.S. en masse, this year. Because of the law, those child immigrants are not immediately processed for return to their country, whereas children from Mexico are immediately readied for return.

RELATED: Groups allege abuse of children at border

Many -- including some Republicans -- insist the law is partly responsible for the unaccompanied children pouring into the U.S., and that tweaking the law will stem the flow.

Fortenberry, instead lays much of the blame at President Barack Obama's feet.

"This problem with the surge of children and families at the border did not occur until 2013," Fortenberry said. "[It] did not occur in '08, '09, '10, or '11."

"Five years after this, the reality is this is a convergence of factors of desperate poverty, ungoverned space, as well as an exploitation of our laws. And the president fostered an environment in which in 2012, he suggested that deportations were going to decrease. And I think that was a corollary to [the] exploitation of this law and other factors that have led to this sad, sad, tragic situation along the border."

Smerconish pressed the congressman on whether or not the law he backed needs to be changed, as even members of his own party have said.

"It is my understanding buried within the '08 law, there is a provision that allows the president to negotiate with the Central American countries repatriation agreements, and that hasn't happened," he said. There may be a need to actually fix that portion of the law so that that aspect of the dynamic which has fostered the conditions for the surge of children can stop. But the first thing that needs to happen is some leadership."

He said that if he could offer advice to the President, it would be to "send National Guard troops to the border, that he help back up the Border Patrol and get the situation under control."

RELATED: John Boehner urges military help for border crisis

Meanwhile, will the congressman back the president's request for $3.7 billion in emergency immigration funds?

"We're not simply going to give a blank check," Fortenberry said. "We have to go through this methodically in a sound way to restore order in a situation that's chaotic."

Sorry, it is the LACK of ENFORCEMENT that causes this shit.

LOL, you people are willing to believe that after DECADES this just SUDDENLY is happening now.
All the previous threads, MULTITUDE of threads actually, claimed Obama wants illegal aliens here; the policy of sending them back is announced, now differing fabrications arise about what the money will be used for. Guess what, Congress will have to pass a Bill, CONGRESS allocates the money. Obama has repeatedly done his job, Congress, especially the House, is on a permanent vacation.

You're delusional. There's no polite way to say it. Sorry. Anyone covering for Obama by deflection on this would have to be. There is no announced policy of sending them back. Lies. The way he wants to spend the money he's asked for guarantees he won't get it. He wants to spend the bulk of this money housing, transporting, settling and hiring complicit immigration judges and lawyers. He wants the bulk of the money to go to HHS not border security. So he won't get it. He probably wants that so he can say none of this is his fault. Money won't solve this problem. A policy shift is needed and Obama won't go there because he wants this invasion to continue.

Obama's plan was outlined, it is up Congress to change insufficiencies. Until then, the 2008 mish mash of a law remains in force. And I think most of the recent immigrants must be deported. Ascribing positions to another so that you may attack them is easy, and OBVIOUS.

That 2008 law was not refunded when the funding for it expired in 2011.
That law does not apply to these kids.
That law was to work with the certain countries to combat the trafficking of rape and slavery to children.
That 2008 law is also for children who escaped Drug cartels and crossed our boarder that were raped and forced by them into slavery. This is what was for the use of lawyers for them.
No such thing has happened to these kids and they do not need a lawyer.

Full text of the 2008 Bill
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First trafficking victims must be identified, the way the law is written, the methodical process Fortenberry advocates takes time, the law includes protection for those "subject to trafficking", thus the time & money must be spent determining who is both a victim, and a possible victim:

(1) the nonimmigrant visa application processes, including information about the portability of employment;

(2) the legal rights of employment or education-based nonimmigrant visa holders under Federal immigration, labor, and employment law;

(3) the illegality of slavery, peonage, trafficking in persons, sexual assault, extortion, blackmail, and worker exploitation in the United States;

(4) the legal rights of immigrant victims of trafficking in persons and worker exploitation, including--

(A) the right of access to immigrant and labor rights groups;

(B) the right to seek redress in United States courts;

(C) the right to report abuse without retaliation;

(D) the right of the nonimmigrant to relinquish possession of his or her passport to his or her employer;

(E) the requirement of an employment contract between the employer and the nonimmigrant; and

(F) an explanation of the rights and protections included in the contract described in subparagraph (E); and

(5) information about nongovernmental organizations that provide services for victims of trafficking in persons and worker exploitation, including--

(A) anti-trafficking in persons telephone hotlines operated by the Federal Government;

(B) the Operation Rescue and Restore hotline; and

(C) a general description of the types of victims services available for individuals subject to trafficking in persons or worker exploitation.

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