Jerry Jones: Cowboys Will Stand For The Flag Or “Your Ass Will Be Off The Team”

So showing fake patriotism, in order to keep your job, is a good thing? Ok then.

Not patriotism, it's called showing a little bit of respect. I stand when they play another countrys' Anthem at an event. It's the right thing to do. Jerry Jones is perfectly within his right by mandating his players stand, and I agree and applaud him for it.
Jones should also be prepared to lose any government subsidies that might benefit his team. Im sure some lawyers are already looking at that.

So there should be no consequences for Colins stance, but there should for Jones? Got it.

Jerry and the Cowboys pay a great deal in taxes and generate alot of business for the league, city and state. I prefer no business get government subsidies, so on this we agree, but it shouldn't be a particular team being punished because of a patriotic stance during working hours.
Outstanding, all teams should adopt his rule.
Individual have a right to their opinion, however when they are wearing a team uniform then you represent the team's beliefs. If the player doesn't like he can always learn to ask "do you want fries with that?"
So showing fake patriotism, in order to keep your job, is a good thing? Ok then.

Not patriotism, it's called showing a little bit of respect. I stand when they play another countrys' Anthem at an event. It's the right thing to do. Jerry Jones is perfectly within his right by mandating his players stand, and I agree and applaud him for it.

Ok, so I will change "patriotism" for "respect". The point of my post still stands.

So showing fake respect, in order keep your job, is a good thing?
Outstanding, all teams should adopt his rule.
Individual have a right to their opinion, however when they are wearing a team uniform then you represent the team's beliefs. If the player doesn't like he can always learn to ask "do you want fries with that?"

So now, instead of having a few players sitting for the national anthem, we can have all the players standing. But you have no idea whether they actually respect the flag and the country, or are doing it because they are paid to do it.


so Kaepernick wont be joining the cowboys

Proof that asshole Jerry Jones same as all the murdering criminals in washington who run our country do not believe in free speech.
Outstanding, all teams should adopt his rule.
Individual have a right to their opinion, however when they are wearing a team uniform then you represent the team's beliefs. If the player doesn't like he can always learn to ask "do you want fries with that?"

So now, instead of having a few players sitting for the national anthem, we can have all the players standing. But you have no idea whether they actually respect the flag and the country, or are doing it because they are paid to do it.
Are you kidding those loud mouth players would be the first to out themselves by saying they are only doing it because of team rules.
God Bless Jerry Jones and God Bless the state of Texas.

All the men and women who risk their lives for that flag appreciate his request for respect. It's the least anyone in America can do you can deal with your political views in other ways, not standing for the flag is not the way to do it.

I think it high time I became a Cowboys fan.

yeah lets all follow Jerry Jones lead and salute our corrupt government who does not believe in free speech or the constitution,nor the bill of rights and who has a bunch of mass murdering criminals who run our country who are immune from prosecution and police corruption, bad cops and police murdering innocent civilians around the country that Jerry Jones supports.Lets all ban people for taking a stand against this kind of corruption in America and praise Jerry Jones for not allowing people freedome of speech and standing up to our corrupt government and evil policitians around the country that Jerry Jones kisses the ass of.yeah baby:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::up::happy-1::happy-1::banana:
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Outstanding, all teams should adopt his rule.
Individual have a right to their opinion, however when they are wearing a team uniform then you represent the team's beliefs. If the player doesn't like he can always learn to ask "do you want fries with that?"

So now, instead of having a few players sitting for the national anthem, we can have all the players standing. But you have no idea whether they actually respect the flag and the country, or are doing it because they are paid to do it.
Are you kidding those loud mouth players would be the first to out themselves by saying they are only doing it because of team rules.

Only if there is a microphone in their face.
Outstanding, all teams should adopt his rule.
Individual have a right to their opinion, however when they are wearing a team uniform then you represent the team's beliefs. If the player doesn't like he can always learn to ask "do you want fries with that?"

yeah adopt the rule of getting rid of free speech and not standing up to a corrupt organization and corrupt government that NFL owners are fans of.yeah thats the ticket baby:up::clap::clap:
So let the Cowboys be an all RW white male team. If cops would stop murdering unarmed people there wouldn't be nonviolent protests
by heroes like Colin Kaepernick.

Now if Jones looks up to see large swaths of kneeling fans during the national anthem when the Cowboys he going to pack up and refuse to let the game go on?
So let the Cowboys be an all RW white male team. If cops would stop murdering unarmed people there wouldn't be nonviolent protests
by heroes like Colin Kaepernick.

Now if Jones looks up to see large swaths of kneeling fans during the national anthem when the Cowboys he going to pack up and refuse to let the game go on?

No he won't care as they aren't at work and he isn't paying them. This is not a fair comparison in any fashion.
Outstanding, all teams should adopt his rule.
Individual have a right to their opinion, however when they are wearing a team uniform then you represent the team's beliefs. If the player doesn't like he can always learn to ask "do you want fries with that?"

yeah adopt the rule of getting rid of free speech and not standing up to a corrupt organization and corrupt government that NFL owners are fans of.yeah thats the ticket baby:up::clap::clap:
Who is ruling out free speech?
They can say what they want when they are out of uniform.
God Bless Jerry Jones and God Bless the state of Texas.

All the men and women who risk their lives for that flag appreciate his request for respect. It's the least anyone in America can do you can deal with your political views in other ways, not standing for the flag is not the way to do it.

I think it high time I became a Cowboys fan.
The Constitution guarantees the RIGHT to do it. ..And I'm one of those Americans who risked his life for the flag .

Does the Constitution guarantee these players the right to engage in political expression on someone elses dime? Or better yet, is the owner protected for expecting a reasonable job is performed and that his employees act in a manner consistent with their values?

As the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, the message is clear. The owner doesn't want his players doing this at work. If they do, they won't be on the team. Noone can go into their work wearing any political expression they choose, that's for ones personal time, not a work related issue.

Yes, I'm ordering my Cowboys jersey right now. Anyone have recommendations of which player to choose? I haven't followed the NFL in years, lol.
Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.


My friend you are posing wayyyyyy too much logic and common sense for Rocko to comprehend obviously.:D These pesky facs you have cornered and backed him up against the wall on with nowhere to run will never register with him because he cant even deal with pesky facts that the patriots have created the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal and always invents excuse after excuse to avoid that reality because its too tough for him to deal with facts that a game that is near and dear to him has been ruined and taitned.

whats pathetic about him is sadly he is in denial mode on that and takes a shit on his hero Jim Kelly who is NOT in denial mode on that.

Jim Kelly has come to grips with that reality and has exposed them for the criminals they are as many former NFL players have and this pathetic excuse for a human being,ignores what his hero Jim Kelly has said about them.:rolleyes: so you might as well be talking to a brick wall when you expose pesky facts like this that back him up against the wall with nowhere to run.:up:

thats the REAL reason ratings are down is because of the cheatriots getting the special treatment they have gotten year after year other teams get punished for if they commit the same violation.the prof in the pudding he cant get around and nobody else either that that is the REAL reason is ratings for the game for the cheatriots and chiefs game thursday night were down at all time low of 20%,a game that kapernick did NOT play in,so so much for the lame and flimsy excuse by the cheatriot apologists like him that kapernick is the reason ratings are down the fact most of the nation did not tune in to view that fraud team.

Unlike his hero Jim Kelly that he takes a shit on,he cant face reality that all those years the cheats were winning games against his Bills with shady brady and belicheat,,they were not earning them,that they were rigged for the cheats to


the REAL quarterbacks that have won four or more superbowls remain Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw.:D
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God Bless Jerry Jones and God Bless the state of Texas.

All the men and women who risk their lives for that flag appreciate his request for respect. It's the least anyone in America can do you can deal with your political views in other ways, not standing for the flag is not the way to do it.

I think it high time I became a Cowboys fan.
The Constitution guarantees the RIGHT to do it. ..And I'm one of those Americans who risked his life for the flag .

Does the Constitution guarantee these players the right to engage in political expression on someone elses dime? Or better yet, is the owner protected for expecting a reasonable job is performed and that his employees act in a manner consistent with their values?

As the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, the message is clear. The owner doesn't want his players doing this at work. If they do, they won't be on the team. Noone can go into their work wearing any political expression they choose, that's for ones personal time, not a work related issue.

Yes, I'm ordering my Cowboys jersey right now. Anyone have recommendations of which player to choose? I haven't followed the NFL in years, lol.
Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.

Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.


this is easily by far the best post on this thread,bar,none,hands down,no contest.this poster took everyone to school here.
well done dude.:up:
God Bless Jerry Jones and God Bless the state of Texas.

All the men and women who risk their lives for that flag appreciate his request for respect. It's the least anyone in America can do you can deal with your political views in other ways, not standing for the flag is not the way to do it.

I think it high time I became a Cowboys fan.
The Constitution guarantees the RIGHT to do it. ..And I'm one of those Americans who risked his life for the flag .

Does the Constitution guarantee these players the right to engage in political expression on someone elses dime? Or better yet, is the owner protected for expecting a reasonable job is performed and that his employees act in a manner consistent with their values?

As the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, the message is clear. The owner doesn't want his players doing this at work. If they do, they won't be on the team. Noone can go into their work wearing any political expression they choose, that's for ones personal time, not a work related issue.

Yes, I'm ordering my Cowboys jersey right now. Anyone have recommendations of which player to choose? I haven't followed the NFL in years, lol.
Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.

Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.


this is easily by far the best post on this thread,bar,none,hands down,no contest.this poster took everyone to school here.
well done dude.:up:

They have also outed themselves as American haters.
If they think the US is despicable then they have enough money to move to a country more suitable for them.
So showing fake patriotism, in order to keep your job, is a good thing? Ok then.

Not patriotism, it's called showing a little bit of respect. I stand when they play another countrys' Anthem at an event. It's the right thing to do. Jerry Jones is perfectly within his right by mandating his players stand, and I agree and applaud him for it.

Ok, so I will change "patriotism" for "respect". The point of my post still stands.

So showing fake respect, in order keep your job, is a good thing?

You seem concerned with what's in the hearts and minds of these immature bozos. I'm not. Yes I would rather have their voices suppressed. Show a modicum of respect by standing, and I don't care if it's a genuine gesture or not, because by sitting down you're offending a lot of people who don't get paid millions of dollars to play a game.
So showing fake patriotism, in order to keep your job, is a good thing? Ok then.

Not patriotism, it's called showing a little bit of respect. I stand when they play another countrys' Anthem at an event. It's the right thing to do. Jerry Jones is perfectly within his right by mandating his players stand, and I agree and applaud him for it.

Ok, so I will change "patriotism" for "respect". The point of my post still stands.

So showing fake respect, in order keep your job, is a good thing?

You seem concerned with what's in the hearts and minds of these immature bozos. I'm not. Yes I would rather have their voices suppressed. Show a modicum of respect by standing, and I don't care if it's a genuine gesture or not, because by sitting down you're offending a lot of people who don't get paid millions of dollars to play a game.

People will be offended? Oh no!
Jerry Jones: "I'm going to force you to listen to the national anthem while standing because I'm patriotic and I get to deny you free speech".

Uh huh.

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