Jerry Jones cuts black player who kneels for National Anthem

Then why start a thread about it? This couldn't be more meaningless.
I like the video narrative that taking a knee is wrong

And the 8,700 Likes supporting that opinion
I believe that a player's politics in any sport takes a back seat to their abilities and performance. If you are worth your salary then you ain't going to get cut, it's a simple as that. Traded maybe, but business is business and Jerry Jones wants to win games and championships more than he cares about somebody's politics.
I can only guess what happened, years ago he would have been a ship's captain.

I don't normally agree with you....however I do not approve of what happened based solely on this action. When it first starting happening
I found it offensive....but as time went on I realized that it actually is protected by the first amendment even if I don't like it. There is always a cost when we limit a freedom and that cost will eventually find us too.
I think the kid kneeling is an idiot....however he is free to express that and we cannot take that away. An Employer however is also free to decide whether or not he wants to be a part of that activity vicariously through his employee.....if the kid is wearing the club uniform then there are certain obligations that go with that too.....


If every black man on that team took a knee do you think the asshole would fire all of them?
Pro sports are getting hit big time in the wallet. Money talks....loudly. This shit is over.

Yea the hit they are taking is not because of young men having the strength to take a knee. Back in the day there was those who claimed that pro sports was doomed when they started allowing black athletes to play.
I can only guess what happened, years ago he would have been a ship's captain.

I don't normally agree with you....however I do not approve of what happened based solely on this action. When it first starting happening
I found it offensive....but as time went on I realized that it actually is protected by the first amendment even if I don't like it. There is always a cost when we limit a freedom and that cost will eventually find us too.
I think the kid kneeling is an idiot....however he is free to express that and we cannot take that away. An Employer however is also free to decide whether or not he wants to be a part of that activity vicariously through his employee.....if the kid is wearing the club uniform then there are certain obligations that go with that too.....


If every black man on that team took a knee do you think the asshole would fire all of them?

I doubt it.... it certainly would be a test of real value systems density eh?
LOL..... Look....we all know that these guys are in it for the money....but the players should also realize that they make ridiculous salaries because the the General Public here in North America specializes in past time expenses... It's not wrong to think about job security....they could pick another time and place to make their point. I still maintain however that we must be very careful about what we decide to ban or deny....the slope is just too slippery.

Thank God this isn't like European Soccer where all the Democrats would be Bears fans and all the Republicans would be Patriots you imagine the hell and fire that would produce?
Pro sports are getting hit big time in the wallet. Money talks....loudly. This shit is over.

Yea the hit they are taking is not because of young men having the strength to take a knee. Back in the day there was those who claimed that pro sports was doomed when they started allowing black athletes to play.
Totally different purpose. Taking a knee isn't strength. It's surrender to the totalitarian puppet masters. Jackie Robinson was a very courageous man. Kaepernick is a sniveling little bitch.
Pro sports are getting hit big time in the wallet. Money talks....loudly. This shit is over.

Yea the hit they are taking is not because of young men having the strength to take a knee. Back in the day there was those who claimed that pro sports was doomed when they started allowing black athletes to play.
Totally different purpose. Taking a knee isn't strength. It's surrender to the totalitarian puppet masters. Jackie Robinson was a very courageous man. Kaepernick is a sniveling little bitch.

Ultimately Kaepernick is a capitalist....he no longer had a competitive skill in the NFL so he found another way to keep his salary going....

He sucked the penises of the skin pimps to get more $$$....that simple.

What has the National Anthem to do with professional sports, anyway? is an acknowledgement of a free society wherein men can grow up to be oversized boys making a multimillion dollar living doing something that contributes absolutely nothing at all of value to a life system.


in this video we have a black commentator who approves of jones cutting a Black Lies Matter protester

the only Dallas Cowboy to disrespect the US flag during pregame playing of the Nationsl Anthem

notice the likes and dislikes for the video


Only 129 dislikes

America has spoken and that really makes my heart proud

Impressive. Time to stand up to the terrorists and moron in BLM..............
Jerry Jones knows the the BLM are violent racist POS and they are destroying sports and entertainment.

It's like anything long as there is a market for it.... it will survive. When they lose enough fans and the roster of players changes enough to where they are once again marketable....the money will return. In the mean time the kneelers can pursue other types of jobs for fifteen dollars an hour somewhere loading a truck or something I guess.

Well, good for him. Jerry just moved up from maggot to cockroach.

The product he puts on the field is still pathetic.... and us Dallasites will still laugh at him.

But I'll keep an eye on him now.
Why do these NFL morons think this is okay? You are an employee. You do as your employer says. Period. Protest on your on time.

None of us could do this crap where we work. Fuck 'em.

Thousands of police officers are taking a knee. Will it make a difference?

If the police dept has a policy against this they should be fired. Get the fuck off your knees and do your job. Protest all you want on your own time. Pretty simple.

The NFL didn't have a policy against it.
As much as I don't agree with people kneeling, to me, there are worse things that they could be doing to show whatever it is that they think about whatever is going on while they are expressing themselves.

God bless you always!!!

Pro sports are getting hit big time in the wallet. Money talks....loudly. This shit is over.

Yea the hit they are taking is not because of young men having the strength to take a knee. Back in the day there was those who claimed that pro sports was doomed when they started allowing black athletes to play.
Totally different purpose. Taking a knee isn't strength. It's surrender to the totalitarian puppet masters. Jackie Robinson was a very courageous man. Kaepernick is a sniveling little bitch.

Who are the puppet masters, you love black men who shine, coon and yassa boss.
Pro sports are getting hit big time in the wallet. Money talks....loudly. This shit is over.

Yea the hit they are taking is not because of young men having the strength to take a knee. Back in the day there was those who claimed that pro sports was doomed when they started allowing black athletes to play.
Totally different purpose. Taking a knee isn't strength. It's surrender to the totalitarian puppet masters. Jackie Robinson was a very courageous man. Kaepernick is a sniveling little bitch.

Who are the puppet masters, you love black men who shine, coon and yassa boss.
Race hustler.
Pro sports are getting hit big time in the wallet. Money talks....loudly. This shit is over.

Yea the hit they are taking is not because of young men having the strength to take a knee. Back in the day there was those who claimed that pro sports was doomed when they started allowing black athletes to play.
Totally different purpose. Taking a knee isn't strength. It's surrender to the totalitarian puppet masters. Jackie Robinson was a very courageous man. Kaepernick is a sniveling little bitch.

Who are the puppet masters, you love black men who shine, coon and yassa boss.
Race hustler.

The jackass that goes by IM2 isn't even Black IMO....


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