Jesse Ventura suing Chris Kyle (American Sniper's) Estate for $1.845 Million


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
According to Slate Magazine, the former professional wrestler and current professional conspiracy whackjob is in the catbird seat on a lawsuit. I have cut and pasted some of it here; the rest can be found at:

American Sniper lawsuit Chris Kyle told lies about Jesse Ventura.

Kyle’s legal difficulties emerged from a subchapter of American Sniper titled “Punching Out Scruff Face.” In it, Kyle describes beating up a former Navy SEAL (“Scruff Face”) after the SEAL claims American soldiers deserved to die in Iraq. Early drafts of the book identified the SEAL as Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota and famed professional wrestler, but Kyle’s publishers removed the name for fear of a lawsuit.


There was, however, a problem: The Ventura story wasn’t true, and Ventura meant to prove it. So he took Kyle to trial, suing him—and, after he died, his estate—for defamation and unjust enrichment. In the United States, defamation cases are extremely difficult to win, thanks to the First Amendment. When allegedly defamatory statements pertain to a public figure, the plaintiff mustn’t just prove those statements were false. He has to prove the defendant made those statements with “actual malice”—that is, knowledge that they were false—or with “reckless disregard” for their falsity. Very few defamation plaintiffs can make it over the high bar of actual malice. Ventura made it.

Old news, only rehashed because of the movie release.
Liar, thy name is Chris Kyle, and it is among the many negative epithets that this so called hero justly deserves.
Granny says, "Dat's right - another lefty-lib'ral journalist shootin' his mouth off...

NBC Correspondent Wins Quote of Year 'Dishonor Award' for Attack on Chris Kyle
October 9, 2015 – Hundreds of conservatives attending the Media Research Center’s 28th annual Gala in Washington, D.C. voted to give NBC News foreign correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin MRC’s “Quote of the Year Dishonor Award” Thursday night for suggesting that American Sniper Chris Kyle was a racist who went on “killing sprees” in Iraq.
Speaking on Morning Joe on Jan. 29, 2015 after the release of the blockbuster movie about Kyle’s life, Mohyeldin, who is also an MSNBC anchor, said: “When you juxtapose it with the real Chris Kyle and the story that has emerged about what kind of personality he was, a lot of his own personal opinions about what he was doing in Iraq, how he viewed Iraqis, some of what people have described as his racist tendencies towards Iraqis and Muslims as he was going on some of these, you know, killing sprees in Iraq on assignment.” Mohyeldin’s quote about Kyle also earned him MRC’s “Damn Those Conservatives To Hell” award. Another military hero, former Navy SEAL Team 6 member Rob O’Neill – who was introduced by MRC president Brent Bozell as “the man who sent Osama bin Laden straight to hell” - received a standing ovation from the largely conservative crowd.


NBC foreign correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin on assignment in Gaza.​

Attendees at the MRC Gala were given the opportunity to vote electronically for each winner of the Dishonor Awards from a list of three nominees. MRC’s “Puppy Love Award” – described by former talk show host and TV commentator Martha Zoller as an award for “the journalist who grovels the most before a liberal icon” – overwhelmingly went to MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell for calling President Obama’s Dreams of My Father “the finest literary work ever authored by a president of the United States” on Feb. 3, 2015. The “Dan Rather Memorial Award for the Stupidest Analysis” went to Sally Kohn and “the women of CNN” for holding up their hands on air on Dec. 13, 2014 in solidarity with Michael Brown and the Black Lives Matter movement. An investigation by the Department of Justice found that Brown did not hold his hands up before he was killed by Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson.

The audience also voted to give actress Ashley Judd the “Celebrity Dumbass Award” for her Jan. 30, 2015 comments on the The Larry King Show in which she stated that Hillary Clinton "might be the most overqualified candidate [for president] since Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.” “No one in their right minds could get away with saying these things unless they were in the media,” said master of ceremonies and syndicated columnist Cal Thomas. Eagle Forum founder and prodigious author Phyllis Schlafly, whom Bozell called “a force of nature” and “a true conservative icon,” received the MRC’s only real award of the evening, the “William F. Buckley, Jr. Award for Media Excellence,” for her many books and op-eds defending conservative principles. The 91-year-old Schlafly was unable to attend the gala, but sent a video accepting the award. MRC is the parent organization of

NBC Correspondent Wins Quote of Year 'Dishonor Award' for Attack on Chris Kyle
The dumb a$$ progressives celebrate Bowe Bergdahl and villainize Chris Kyle...
Typical, of the bleeding hearts.

Hashtag too stupid to breath
The dumb a$$ progressives celebrate Bowe Bergdahl and villainize Chris Kyle...
Typical, of the bleeding hearts.

Hashtag too stupid to breath
Please post a link to a liberal celebrating Bowe Berghdal
Did you happen to see our commander a$$ hat and his celebratory photo op at the White House??
Parading that worms dumb a$$ parents around...

Hashtag sick bastard
The dumb a$$ progressives celebrate Bowe Bergdahl and villainize Chris Kyle...
Typical, of the bleeding hearts.

Hashtag too stupid to breath
Please post a link to a liberal celebrating Bowe Berghdal
Did you happen to see our commander a$$ hat and his celebratory photo op at the White House??
Parading that worms dumb a$$ parents around...

Hashtag sick bastard
Lol yeah that really pissed you nutters off :laugh:
The dumb a$$ progressives celebrate Bowe Bergdahl and villainize Chris Kyle...
Typical, of the bleeding hearts.

Hashtag too stupid to breath
Please post a link to a liberal celebrating Bowe Berghdal
Did you happen to see our commander a$$ hat and his celebratory photo op at the White House??
Parading that worms dumb a$$ parents around...

Hashtag sick bastard
Lol yeah that really pissed you nutters off :laugh:
And every military person in the county...
Mods please move to old news forum thank you.
Old news? We have an treasonous, spineless POS impersonating a solider and citizen... In the form of Bowe Bergdahl
Which has nothing to do with Venture and Kyle.
Na, the progressives are honoring human slime(venture, bergdahl).
And villainize an American hero, for doing the nations dirty work.

Bergdahl is at the very best a deserter at worst a traitor in my opinion Venture is an asshole in any event I don't see any best selling books or blockbuster movies based on their life coming out anytime soon.
The dumb a$$ progressives celebrate Bowe Bergdahl and villainize Chris Kyle...
Typical, of the bleeding hearts.

Hashtag too stupid to breath
Please post a link to a liberal celebrating Bowe Berghdal
Did you happen to see our commander a$$ hat and his celebratory photo op at the White House??
Parading that worms dumb a$$ parents around...

Hashtag sick bastard
Lol yeah that really pissed you nutters off :laugh:
And every military person in the county...
Not this military person. Parents wanting their son home from those assholes in the Middle East is NOT the same as a "celebratory photo op".
The dumb a$$ progressives celebrate Bowe Bergdahl and villainize Chris Kyle...
Typical, of the bleeding hearts.

Hashtag too stupid to breath
Please post a link to a liberal celebrating Bowe Berghdal
Did you happen to see our commander a$$ hat and his celebratory photo op at the White House??
Parading that worms dumb a$$ parents around...

Hashtag sick bastard
Lol yeah that really pissed you nutters off :laugh:
And every military person in the county...
Not this military person. Parents wanting their son home from those assholes in the Middle East is NOT the same as a "celebratory photo op".
He was vacationing voluntarily will his Muslim buddies. And yes, returning to the White House for a celebratory photo op.

Insulting to every military person alive and dead in the country...
Ventura is just pissed because his personal security cost more than his settlement....

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