Jesus H. Christ! Look at this mess! Trump hastens the U.S.' gradual march to irrelevance...

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Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
The world rapidly is losing confidence in the U.S. as a result of Trump. "The share of the global public that voices a favorable view of America is on the decline. Across the 37 countries that Pew Research Center has tracked over the past several years, only in Russia has the image of the United States improved by a large margin. Elsewhere, attitudes have taken a dramatic turn for the worse, especially in Western Europe."




The U.S. foreign policy, thus its stature as the leader of the world, is waning with its allies, yet America's adversaries approve of the direction American foreign policy is headed under Trump.





And here're the key reasons: (1) Trump cannot be trusted and (2) Trump cannot be trusted! And as if that alone isn't bad enough, the stuff he does say ranges from insulting to utterly preposterous, all the while terrifying our friends and emboldening our adversaries!

The simple fact is that Trump's inane capriciousness has given the world pause. Whereas, before Trump, sacrosanct lay America's place as the leader of the planet, it isn't now because in the quest for sagacious and reliable guidance, the rest of the world has begun to scry for alternatives, something that wasn't even a vague notion among anyone other than radical/splinter groups and their apologists. Now, however, there is clearly a leadership vacuum and other heads of state vie, with varying degrees of schadenfreude but nonetheless pursuing their countries' increase, to fill it.

The gains are most especially evident on the economic front where America's place was already dubious insofar as it's long been clear that the market potential, thus gains from trade, of China and India multiply dwarf that of the U.S. and Western Europe. A market that is literally three billion people strong, physically connected, and that is in its ascendancy needs nothing but time, and not a lot of it, to relegate the U.S. and Europe to oh-yeah-them status. China and India are today the exact same kind of emerging market that the U.S. was in the 19th and 20th centuries, and they are going to do exactly the same things the U.S. did when it enjoyed that status.

Quite simply, "the genie's out of bottle." Even if America's primacy isn't completely abridged, that the world now considers that there are alternatives to the model of "where goeth America, we shall follow," the U.S.' has a tougher road to hoe from this point forward. If that paradigm shift weren't already underway, Trump, in his abjectly ignorant awareness of world politics and global economics, jump started it.

Then there's the DPRK situation. Just above I wrote about the economic ascendancy of China and India. Well, God forfend there be a war that allows either nation to accelerate their growth just as WWI and WWII did in the U.S., yet that appears to be precisely where Trump would have us go with North Korea. That's just what we need, an armed conflict with an opponent who is more than willing to explode nukes on/over U.S. soil. Just how many of them have to hit -- recognizing that with nuclear explosions, like "horseshoes and hand grenades," close counts -- to materially diminish America's economic might?
Now, the DPRK situation was not created by Trump, but the fact remains that as POTUS, it's his situation to manage to a peaceful solution, or at least to attenuate it to so that it doesn't erupt into a war yielding calamity in the U.S. Accordingly, POTUSes who did/didn't do "whatever" before Trump matters materially to no one other than chroniclers of history and individuals who'll read the record to inform subsequent action, and we know informing himself of the "forest and the trees" of foreign relations, or much of anything, is not something Trump embraces doing.

What matters materially is what Trump does now, and one's concurrence with that has no bearing on whether it does. Nobody thought a student, Gavrilo Princip, mattered on Saturday, yet on Sunday he became among the most important people in the world. Even though nobody thought Gavrilo mattered, he did, and in a very big way. In an instant on Sunday, he shaped world history for the remainder of history. The situation with the DPRK and what matters about how Trump handles it, notwithstanding what his predecessors did, is nowhere near as befogged, as was Gavrilo's import.

And just what has Trump done to mollify the DPRK situation? Nothing good. He's threatened the DPRK, and KJU doesn't give a damn. He's insulted China's Xi Jinping, the leader of the one nation that holds material political and economic sway with the DPRK. He's said that if China won't solve our problem for us, he will, but Trump's done nothing but talk sh*t, and KJU just successfully tested an ICBM that's even more capable than is the one he fired off last month. Trump's given rise to Europe's and Japan's questioning America's military commitment to them. So what can the U.S. expect of them if the DPRK situation escalates into an armed conflict, to say nothing of it becoming a nuclear one, which KJU seems more than happy to let it do? They can't rely on "Ameri-Trump," he/we thus have no rightful basis to rely on them.

The stuff I've noted above is just the beginning. Trump has managed in six short months to f*ck and create a clusterf*ck of U.S. primacy, alliances, and economic dominance. And then there are the Trumpkins, people whose most noteworthy traits is there procrustean sycophantism for Trump and that they are, as a group, are about the only people in the U.S. who are, unbelievable as it is, dumber and more ignorant about everything than is their eponymous leader.
Western Europe's rating is very high in the middle east. They let people come in and rape their women non-stop.

Yeah, maybe it's not such a great thing to have a high rating and get fucked in the ass. This is the sort of "losing with dignity" shit that we are all so tired of. I rather get tired of winning.

"Confidence in the USA" measures only how confident they are that America will suck their cock after bending down and spreading its legs, that's all you need to know.
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Lots of revealing stuff but this one makes a subtle point ---


Not the green or the orange but the grey. Rump has the fewest respondents who are not sure.

That's as polarized as it can get.
Thanks for the Fake News update! But as Norman indicated it is a positive sign if third world scum and their enablers dislike our President. Also it is sad that The Donald was forced to sign the idiotic "sanctions" developed by the Swamp Rats against our one true ally against third world scum, Russia.
The world rapidly is losing confidence in the U.S. as a result of Trump. "The share of the global public that voices a favorable view of America is on the decline. Across the 37 countries that Pew Research Center has tracked over the past several years, only in Russia has the image of the United States improved by a large margin. Elsewhere, attitudes have taken a dramatic turn for the worse, especially in Western Europe."




The U.S. foreign policy, thus its stature as the leader of the world, is waning with its allies, yet America's adversaries approve of the direction American foreign policy is headed under Trump.





And here're the key reasons: (1) Trump cannot be trusted and (2) Trump cannot be trusted! And as if that alone isn't bad enough, the stuff he does say ranges from insulting to utterly preposterous, all the while terrifying our friends and emboldening our adversaries!

The simple fact is that Trump's inane capriciousness has given the world pause. Whereas, before Trump, sacrosanct lay America's place as the leader of the planet, it isn't now because in the quest for sagacious and reliable guidance, the rest of the world has begun to scry for alternatives, something that wasn't even a vague notion among anyone other than radical/splinter groups and their apologists. Now, however, there is clearly a leadership vacuum and other heads of state vie, with varying degrees of schadenfreude but nonetheless pursuing their countries' increase, to fill it.

The gains are most especially evident on the economic front where America's place was already dubious insofar as it's long been clear that the market potential, thus gains from trade, of China and India multiply dwarf that of the U.S. and Western Europe. A market that is literally three billion people strong, physically connected, and that is in its ascendancy needs nothing but time, and not a lot of it, to relegate the U.S. and Europe to oh-yeah-them status. China and India are today the exact same kind of emerging market that the U.S. was in the 19th and 20th centuries, and they are going to do exactly the same things the U.S. did when it enjoyed that status.

Quite simply, "the genie's out of bottle." Even if America's primacy isn't completely abridged, that the world now considers that there are alternatives to the model of "where goeth America, we shall follow," the U.S.' has a tougher road to hoe from this point forward. If that paradigm shift weren't already underway, Trump, in his abjectly ignorant awareness of world politics and global economics, jump started it.

Then there's the DPRK situation. Just above I wrote about the economic ascendancy of China and India. Well, God forfend there be a war that allows either nation to accelerate their growth just as WWI and WWII did in the U.S., yet that appears to be precisely where Trump would have us go with North Korea. That's just what we need, an armed conflict with an opponent who is more than willing to explode nukes on/over U.S. soil. Just how many of them have to hit -- recognizing that with nuclear explosions, like "horseshoes and hand grenades," close counts -- to materially diminish America's economic might?
Now, the DPRK situation was not created by Trump, but the fact remains that as POTUS, it's his situation to manage to a peaceful solution, or at least to attenuate it to so that it doesn't erupt into a war yielding calamity in the U.S. Accordingly, POTUSes who did/didn't do "whatever" before Trump matters materially to no one other than chroniclers of history and individuals who'll read the record to inform subsequent action, and we know informing himself of the "forest and the trees" of foreign relations, or much of anything, is not something Trump embraces doing.

What matters materially is what Trump does now, and one's concurrence with that has no bearing on whether it does. Nobody thought a student, Gavrilo Princip, mattered on Saturday, yet on Sunday he became among the most important people in the world. Even though nobody thought Gavrilo mattered, he did, and in a very big way. In an instant on Sunday, he shaped world history for the remainder of history. The situation with the DPRK and what matters about how Trump handles it, notwithstanding what his predecessors did, is nowhere near as befogged, as was Gavrilo's import.

And just what has Trump done to mollify the DPRK situation? Nothing good. He's threatened the DPRK, and KJU doesn't give a damn. He's insulted China's Xi Jinping, the leader of the one nation that holds material political and economic sway with the DPRK. He's said that if China won't solve our problem for us, he will, but Trump's done nothing but talk sh*t, and KJU just successfully tested an ICBM that's even more capable than is the one he fired off last month. Trump's given rise to Europe's and Japan's questioning America's military commitment to them. So what can the U.S. expect of them if the DPRK situation escalates into an armed conflict, to say nothing of it becoming a nuclear one, which KJU seems more than happy to let it do? They can't rely on "Ameri-Trump," he/we thus have no rightful basis to rely on them.

The stuff I've noted above is just the beginning. Trump has managed in six short months to f*ck and create a clusterf*ck of U.S. primacy, alliances, and economic dominance. And then there are the Trumpkins, people whose most noteworthy traits is there procrustean sycophantism for Trump and that they are, as a group, are about the only people in the U.S. who are, unbelievable as it is, dumber and more ignorant about everything than is their eponymous leader.
Well, that explains why Trump is trying to make it more difficult for foreigners to vote in our elections.
Did you get your stats from the same people that produced the 2016 Presidential polls? Yea, I think you did.
Trump has squandered a lot of US soft power around the world.

Other world leaders consider him toxic... Merkel is fast becoming the trusted voice in the west... Trump can't behave in the way he does and expect others to adopt his views... The GOP will regret not having the courage to back away from him earlier...

Trump is way out of his debt and has been shifting the chairs on the Titanic since November... If his numbers don't rise soon the GOP will have to cut bait or otherwise expect problems in 2018...
Since the UK, France, Germany and Spain are all doing the wrong things in regard to world affairs, said research cannot be said to be anything but an exercise of vanity.
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I'm just going to cut to the truth. My truth anyway.
I could give a fuck less what the rest of the world thinks!
I voted Trump for what I think.
I'm worried about my country and I want that fixed.
The world can wait.
The world rapidly is losing confidence in the U.S. as a result of Trump. "The share of the global public that voices a favorable view of America is on the decline. Across the 37 countries that Pew Research Center has tracked over the past several years, only in Russia has the image of the United States improved by a large margin. Elsewhere, attitudes have taken a dramatic turn for the worse, especially in Western Europe."




The U.S. foreign policy, thus its stature as the leader of the world, is waning with its allies, yet America's adversaries approve of the direction American foreign policy is headed under Trump.





And here're the key reasons: (1) Trump cannot be trusted and (2) Trump cannot be trusted! And as if that alone isn't bad enough, the stuff he does say ranges from insulting to utterly preposterous, all the while terrifying our friends and emboldening our adversaries!

The simple fact is that Trump's inane capriciousness has given the world pause. Whereas, before Trump, sacrosanct lay America's place as the leader of the planet, it isn't now because in the quest for sagacious and reliable guidance, the rest of the world has begun to scry for alternatives, something that wasn't even a vague notion among anyone other than radical/splinter groups and their apologists. Now, however, there is clearly a leadership vacuum and other heads of state vie, with varying degrees of schadenfreude but nonetheless pursuing their countries' increase, to fill it.

The gains are most especially evident on the economic front where America's place was already dubious insofar as it's long been clear that the market potential, thus gains from trade, of China and India multiply dwarf that of the U.S. and Western Europe. A market that is literally three billion people strong, physically connected, and that is in its ascendancy needs nothing but time, and not a lot of it, to relegate the U.S. and Europe to oh-yeah-them status. China and India are today the exact same kind of emerging market that the U.S. was in the 19th and 20th centuries, and they are going to do exactly the same things the U.S. did when it enjoyed that status.

Quite simply, "the genie's out of bottle." Even if America's primacy isn't completely abridged, that the world now considers that there are alternatives to the model of "where goeth America, we shall follow," the U.S.' has a tougher road to hoe from this point forward. If that paradigm shift weren't already underway, Trump, in his abjectly ignorant awareness of world politics and global economics, jump started it.

Then there's the DPRK situation. Just above I wrote about the economic ascendancy of China and India. Well, God forfend there be a war that allows either nation to accelerate their growth just as WWI and WWII did in the U.S., yet that appears to be precisely where Trump would have us go with North Korea. That's just what we need, an armed conflict with an opponent who is more than willing to explode nukes on/over U.S. soil. Just how many of them have to hit -- recognizing that with nuclear explosions, like "horseshoes and hand grenades," close counts -- to materially diminish America's economic might?
Now, the DPRK situation was not created by Trump, but the fact remains that as POTUS, it's his situation to manage to a peaceful solution, or at least to attenuate it to so that it doesn't erupt into a war yielding calamity in the U.S. Accordingly, POTUSes who did/didn't do "whatever" before Trump matters materially to no one other than chroniclers of history and individuals who'll read the record to inform subsequent action, and we know informing himself of the "forest and the trees" of foreign relations, or much of anything, is not something Trump embraces doing.

What matters materially is what Trump does now, and one's concurrence with that has no bearing on whether it does. Nobody thought a student, Gavrilo Princip, mattered on Saturday, yet on Sunday he became among the most important people in the world. Even though nobody thought Gavrilo mattered, he did, and in a very big way. In an instant on Sunday, he shaped world history for the remainder of history. The situation with the DPRK and what matters about how Trump handles it, notwithstanding what his predecessors did, is nowhere near as befogged, as was Gavrilo's import.

And just what has Trump done to mollify the DPRK situation? Nothing good. He's threatened the DPRK, and KJU doesn't give a damn. He's insulted China's Xi Jinping, the leader of the one nation that holds material political and economic sway with the DPRK. He's said that if China won't solve our problem for us, he will, but Trump's done nothing but talk sh*t, and KJU just successfully tested an ICBM that's even more capable than is the one he fired off last month. Trump's given rise to Europe's and Japan's questioning America's military commitment to them. So what can the U.S. expect of them if the DPRK situation escalates into an armed conflict, to say nothing of it becoming a nuclear one, which KJU seems more than happy to let it do? They can't rely on "Ameri-Trump," he/we thus have no rightful basis to rely on them.

The stuff I've noted above is just the beginning. Trump has managed in six short months to f*ck and create a clusterf*ck of U.S. primacy, alliances, and economic dominance. And then there are the Trumpkins, people whose most noteworthy traits is there procrustean sycophantism for Trump and that they are, as a group, are about the only people in the U.S. who are, unbelievable as it is, dumber and more ignorant about everything than is their eponymous leader.

Yep, we get rid of the socialist POS from the WH and Europe cries, their dream that the US would become a democratic socialist country like them, dashed. LMAO

The world rapidly is losing confidence in the U.S. as a result of Trump. "The share of the global public that voices a favorable view of America is on the decline. Across the 37 countries that Pew Research Center has tracked over the past several years, only in Russia has the image of the United States improved by a large margin. Elsewhere, attitudes have taken a dramatic turn for the worse, especially in Western Europe."




The U.S. foreign policy, thus its stature as the leader of the world, is waning with its allies, yet America's adversaries approve of the direction American foreign policy is headed under Trump.





And here're the key reasons: (1) Trump cannot be trusted and (2) Trump cannot be trusted! And as if that alone isn't bad enough, the stuff he does say ranges from insulting to utterly preposterous, all the while terrifying our friends and emboldening our adversaries!

The simple fact is that Trump's inane capriciousness has given the world pause. Whereas, before Trump, sacrosanct lay America's place as the leader of the planet, it isn't now because in the quest for sagacious and reliable guidance, the rest of the world has begun to scry for alternatives, something that wasn't even a vague notion among anyone other than radical/splinter groups and their apologists. Now, however, there is clearly a leadership vacuum and other heads of state vie, with varying degrees of schadenfreude but nonetheless pursuing their countries' increase, to fill it.

The gains are most especially evident on the economic front where America's place was already dubious insofar as it's long been clear that the market potential, thus gains from trade, of China and India multiply dwarf that of the U.S. and Western Europe. A market that is literally three billion people strong, physically connected, and that is in its ascendancy needs nothing but time, and not a lot of it, to relegate the U.S. and Europe to oh-yeah-them status. China and India are today the exact same kind of emerging market that the U.S. was in the 19th and 20th centuries, and they are going to do exactly the same things the U.S. did when it enjoyed that status.

Quite simply, "the genie's out of bottle." Even if America's primacy isn't completely abridged, that the world now considers that there are alternatives to the model of "where goeth America, we shall follow," the U.S.' has a tougher road to hoe from this point forward. If that paradigm shift weren't already underway, Trump, in his abjectly ignorant awareness of world politics and global economics, jump started it.

Then there's the DPRK situation. Just above I wrote about the economic ascendancy of China and India. Well, God forfend there be a war that allows either nation to accelerate their growth just as WWI and WWII did in the U.S., yet that appears to be precisely where Trump would have us go with North Korea. That's just what we need, an armed conflict with an opponent who is more than willing to explode nukes on/over U.S. soil. Just how many of them have to hit -- recognizing that with nuclear explosions, like "horseshoes and hand grenades," close counts -- to materially diminish America's economic might?
Now, the DPRK situation was not created by Trump, but the fact remains that as POTUS, it's his situation to manage to a peaceful solution, or at least to attenuate it to so that it doesn't erupt into a war yielding calamity in the U.S. Accordingly, POTUSes who did/didn't do "whatever" before Trump matters materially to no one other than chroniclers of history and individuals who'll read the record to inform subsequent action, and we know informing himself of the "forest and the trees" of foreign relations, or much of anything, is not something Trump embraces doing.

What matters materially is what Trump does now, and one's concurrence with that has no bearing on whether it does. Nobody thought a student, Gavrilo Princip, mattered on Saturday, yet on Sunday he became among the most important people in the world. Even though nobody thought Gavrilo mattered, he did, and in a very big way. In an instant on Sunday, he shaped world history for the remainder of history. The situation with the DPRK and what matters about how Trump handles it, notwithstanding what his predecessors did, is nowhere near as befogged, as was Gavrilo's import.

And just what has Trump done to mollify the DPRK situation? Nothing good. He's threatened the DPRK, and KJU doesn't give a damn. He's insulted China's Xi Jinping, the leader of the one nation that holds material political and economic sway with the DPRK. He's said that if China won't solve our problem for us, he will, but Trump's done nothing but talk sh*t, and KJU just successfully tested an ICBM that's even more capable than is the one he fired off last month. Trump's given rise to Europe's and Japan's questioning America's military commitment to them. So what can the U.S. expect of them if the DPRK situation escalates into an armed conflict, to say nothing of it becoming a nuclear one, which KJU seems more than happy to let it do? They can't rely on "Ameri-Trump," he/we thus have no rightful basis to rely on them.

The stuff I've noted above is just the beginning. Trump has managed in six short months to f*ck and create a clusterf*ck of U.S. primacy, alliances, and economic dominance. And then there are the Trumpkins, people whose most noteworthy traits is there procrustean sycophantism for Trump and that they are, as a group, are about the only people in the U.S. who are, unbelievable as it is, dumber and more ignorant about everything than is their eponymous leader.

Yep, we get rid of the socialist POS from the WH and Europe cries, their dream that the US would become a democratic socialist country like them, dashed. LMAO


America will be made great as they wither to irrelevance, the Islamists never thought the countries would become so cucked that they could just march in and take over. This will never happen with Trump...
'Irrelevance' apparently means screwed up foreign countries don't trust us to behave like they do. I'm all in for irrelevance.
'Irrelevance', really? Sounds like hysterical Democrat Bullshite. The US is the most powerful nation on earth, both economically and militarily. If you think Trump can change that, you really are a miserable Democrat Fake News brainwashed dunce. So, movin on...
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The world rapidly is losing confidence in the U.S. as a result of Trump. "The share of the global public that voices a favorable view of America is on the decline. Across the 37 countries that Pew Research Center has tracked over the past several years, only in Russia has the image of the United States improved by a large margin. Elsewhere, attitudes have taken a dramatic turn for the worse, especially in Western Europe."




The U.S. foreign policy, thus its stature as the leader of the world, is waning with its allies, yet America's adversaries approve of the direction American foreign policy is headed under Trump.





And here're the key reasons: (1) Trump cannot be trusted and (2) Trump cannot be trusted! And as if that alone isn't bad enough, the stuff he does say ranges from insulting to utterly preposterous, all the while terrifying our friends and emboldening our adversaries!

The simple fact is that Trump's inane capriciousness has given the world pause. Whereas, before Trump, sacrosanct lay America's place as the leader of the planet, it isn't now because in the quest for sagacious and reliable guidance, the rest of the world has begun to scry for alternatives, something that wasn't even a vague notion among anyone other than radical/splinter groups and their apologists. Now, however, there is clearly a leadership vacuum and other heads of state vie, with varying degrees of schadenfreude but nonetheless pursuing their countries' increase, to fill it.

The gains are most especially evident on the economic front where America's place was already dubious insofar as it's long been clear that the market potential, thus gains from trade, of China and India multiply dwarf that of the U.S. and Western Europe. A market that is literally three billion people strong, physically connected, and that is in its ascendancy needs nothing but time, and not a lot of it, to relegate the U.S. and Europe to oh-yeah-them status. China and India are today the exact same kind of emerging market that the U.S. was in the 19th and 20th centuries, and they are going to do exactly the same things the U.S. did when it enjoyed that status.

Quite simply, "the genie's out of bottle." Even if America's primacy isn't completely abridged, that the world now considers that there are alternatives to the model of "where goeth America, we shall follow," the U.S.' has a tougher road to hoe from this point forward. If that paradigm shift weren't already underway, Trump, in his abjectly ignorant awareness of world politics and global economics, jump started it.

Then there's the DPRK situation. Just above I wrote about the economic ascendancy of China and India. Well, God forfend there be a war that allows either nation to accelerate their growth just as WWI and WWII did in the U.S., yet that appears to be precisely where Trump would have us go with North Korea. That's just what we need, an armed conflict with an opponent who is more than willing to explode nukes on/over U.S. soil. Just how many of them have to hit -- recognizing that with nuclear explosions, like "horseshoes and hand grenades," close counts -- to materially diminish America's economic might?
Now, the DPRK situation was not created by Trump, but the fact remains that as POTUS, it's his situation to manage to a peaceful solution, or at least to attenuate it to so that it doesn't erupt into a war yielding calamity in the U.S. Accordingly, POTUSes who did/didn't do "whatever" before Trump matters materially to no one other than chroniclers of history and individuals who'll read the record to inform subsequent action, and we know informing himself of the "forest and the trees" of foreign relations, or much of anything, is not something Trump embraces doing.

What matters materially is what Trump does now, and one's concurrence with that has no bearing on whether it does. Nobody thought a student, Gavrilo Princip, mattered on Saturday, yet on Sunday he became among the most important people in the world. Even though nobody thought Gavrilo mattered, he did, and in a very big way. In an instant on Sunday, he shaped world history for the remainder of history. The situation with the DPRK and what matters about how Trump handles it, notwithstanding what his predecessors did, is nowhere near as befogged, as was Gavrilo's import.

And just what has Trump done to mollify the DPRK situation? Nothing good. He's threatened the DPRK, and KJU doesn't give a damn. He's insulted China's Xi Jinping, the leader of the one nation that holds material political and economic sway with the DPRK. He's said that if China won't solve our problem for us, he will, but Trump's done nothing but talk sh*t, and KJU just successfully tested an ICBM that's even more capable than is the one he fired off last month. Trump's given rise to Europe's and Japan's questioning America's military commitment to them. So what can the U.S. expect of them if the DPRK situation escalates into an armed conflict, to say nothing of it becoming a nuclear one, which KJU seems more than happy to let it do? They can't rely on "Ameri-Trump," he/we thus have no rightful basis to rely on them.

The stuff I've noted above is just the beginning. Trump has managed in six short months to f*ck and create a clusterf*ck of U.S. primacy, alliances, and economic dominance. And then there are the Trumpkins, people whose most noteworthy traits is there procrustean sycophantism for Trump and that they are, as a group, are about the only people in the U.S. who are, unbelievable as it is, dumber and more ignorant about everything than is their eponymous leader.

Countries that live off the protection of the United States, and use that money to fund their social welfare hammocks have a lower view of the United States, when the United States calls them out for not paying their fair share for their very own defense? And you think they have any right to an opinion?

And again.....Europe brought slaves to the new world, created colonialism, communism, national socialism, started World War 1 And World war 2, murdered at least 12 million Europeans by handing their own people over to the German socialists, allowed 6 million Jews to be murdered, sat back and took bribes from hussein to allow him to starve his own people, refused to do anything in Rwanda, the Balkans and has relied on the U.S. to carry the weight for keeping the Chinese and Russians from conquering them......and have decided that importing millions of people who are hostile to Western culture is a good idea......

Why should we value their opinions again?
Why would I waste time reading your leftist agitprop?

I didn't even like Trump before the election.

Now I love the guy.

I'm so sick of you regressive parasites that he could start throwing you out of helicopters and I would sign up to help.

Western Europe's rating is very high in the middle east. They let people come in and rape their women non-stop.

Yeah, maybe it's not such a great thing to have a high rating and get fucked in the ass. This is the sort of "losing with dignity" shit that we are all so tired of. I rather get tired of winning.

"Confidence in the USA" measures only how confident they are that America will suck their cock after bending down and spreading its legs, that's all you need to know.

Yeah, Western Europe has been Cucked for sure. They've allowed their white liberal cuckolds to dismantle their Immigration Systems. They'll be experiencing violent chaos for the foreseeable future.

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