Jesus is 'going the extra mile'


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2016
When the Lord Jesus empowers whoever is waiting on Him,
then the Church will form around these newly empowered servants of Jesus.

When the KICK OFF EVENT (sudden destruction of New York City) occurs, the enemy will commence coming in like a flood.

"when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard" Isaiah 59:19
"those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
If you ask ANYTHING in My name, I will do it. John 14:14
"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,...." Matthew 10:8
"Women received their dead raised to life again...." Hebrews 11:35

Based on scripture, I conclude/predict:
We are on the verge of a time of "signs and wonders" during which many will come back from the dead.
Many will be rejuvenated and many will get unexpected opportunity to be saved and get into the service of Jesus.
To save souls, Jesus is "going the extra mile"

When the Lord Jesus empowers whoever is waiting on Him,
then the Church will form around these newly empowered servants of Jesus.


This guy is nuttier than a pachyderm turd...

Someone needs a psychiatrist, and it ain't me...

If this guy has guns, I hope someone in his family or close circle of friends Red-Flags the SOB...

Though it says he's in Thailand, I suspect he's just off enough that he believes he is, but...
When the Lord Jesus empowers whoever is waiting on Him,
then the Church will form around these newly empowered servants of Jesus.

When the KICK OFF EVENT (sudden destruction of New York City) occurs, the enemy will commence coming in like a flood.

"when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard" Isaiah 59:19
"those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
If you ask ANYTHING in My name, I will do it. John 14:14
"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,...." Matthew 10:8
"Women received their dead raised to life again...." Hebrews 11:35

Based on scripture, I conclude/predict:
We are on the verge of a time of "signs and wonders" during which many will come back from the dead.
Many will be rejuvenated and many will get unexpected opportunity to be saved and get into the service of Jesus.
To save souls, Jesus is "going the extra mile"

When the Lord Jesus empowers whoever is waiting on Him,
then the Church will form around these newly empowered servants of Jesus.


So god's Noah flood was the enemy? So god's the enemy as well?
JohnPrewett You may be interested in this ministry and the message God gave Michael Boldea October 15, 2004. The Eagle and the Serpents

I presume the eagle symbolizes "sovereign" America,.... and "sovereign" America is certainly going down. Thanks for sharing.
I have no doubt that there are troubled times for many here but whatever the enemy plans for the nation God setup as His own will be put back on them (the enemy); whether they be inside the country or another nation state, whatever their plans for destruction would or will be it will go back on their own heads. People who put their trust in God where it belongs will ultimately pull this nation through these trying times of judgment if they seek it with their whole heart. God puts judgment on His own house first. (for those of faith the trust does not belong with corrupt humans or their own erroneous precepts)
JohnPrewett You may be interested in this ministry and the message God gave Michael Boldea October 15, 2004. The Eagle and the Serpents

I presume the eagle symbolizes "sovereign" America,.... and "sovereign" America is certainly going down. Thanks for sharing.
I have no doubt that there are troubled times for many here but whatever the enemy plans for the nation God setup as His own will be put back on them (the enemy); whether they be inside the country or another nation state, whatever their plans for destruction would or will be it will go back on their own heads. People who put their trust in God where it belongs will ultimately pull this nation through these trying times of judgment if they seek it with their whole heart. God puts judgment on His own house first. (for those of faith the trust does not belong with corrupt humans or their own erroneous precepts)

Some may wonder: Why are top level leaders (Satanic minions) of Western Civilization, from pope on down, deliberately sabotaging/destroying Western Civilization ?

It's because you have to break eggs to make an omelet.
The NWOrder/world government is the "omelet" that is being made, and ALL "sovereign" nations are the "eggs" that must be broken to make it.

Islam a big tool in breaking the eggs. Economic collapse another big tool. Racial conflict another big tool. Nukes will also be used.

The NWOrder/world government is ORDAINED BY GOD to come into existence.
There is no stopping the coming into being of the NWOrder/world government (which will be the throne of the coming final supreme "beast" first revealed in Revelation 13).

(Beast will rule 3.5 years .... and his reign ends the same day as Christ returns in power as per Rev 19)

The pope and such as POTUS Bush Sr openly and plainly revealed their enthusiasm and support for the coming NWOrder.
MANY "elites" [Satan's hi-level minions] spoke likewise.

Revelation 13->Revelation 20:4 reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else.

Thailand is the only nation that will not become a province of the world government.
Thailand will be a very unique significant way Jesus will “bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,...."
Thailand will be Jesus's "burning bush" nation.


I await some major events.
I don't know what order they will come in, but they are all coming sooner rather than later.

A) Empowerment of all who are waiting on Jesus as per Isaiah 40:31.
As the original disciples were empowered on the day of Pentecost (see Acts 1&2).

B) The sudden destruction of New York City, which will signal the commencement of the
all out attack on the "sovereign" nations (especially of what was formerly called "Christendom").
I call this the KICK OFF EVENT. All the "sovereign" nations must be eliminated
to make way for the coming into being of the NWO cashless One World Government
the Beast will rule for 3.5 years. See Revelation 13.

C) The Russian led invasion of Israel as per Ezekiel 38-39 and Zechariah 12-14.

D) Announcement that the supreme Beast of the Revelation (JFK)
is physically alive. John Kerry will be one of the announcers.

Yes, we are in the gap period between the 69th and 70th week now. I believe in the gap theory. Thank you, Lord Jesus. The faithful wait for you with a determined joy.

"Daniel 9:26 continues with a prediction that, after the Messiah is killed, “the people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.” This was fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. The “ruler who will come” is a reference to the Antichrist, who, it seems, will have some connection with Rome, since it was the Romans who destroyed Jerusalem.

The Final Week of the 70 Weeks
Of the 70 “sevens,” 69 have been fulfilled in history. This leaves one more “seven” yet to be fulfilled. Most scholars believe that we are now living in a huge gap between the 69th week and the 70th week. The prophetic clock has been paused, as it were. The final “seven” of Daniel is what we usually call the tribulation period."

What are the seventy weeks of Daniel? |
concerning " one more “seven” yet to be fulfilled."

"Those who dwell in the cities of Israel shall go and make fires with the weapons and burn them,
both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the war clubs and the spears,
and they shall burn them with fire for seven years. Ezekiel 39:9

I'm of the opinion this 7 year time period (which commences shortly after the invaders of Israel are annihilated) expires just before the Rev 19 return of Christ.

The Beast "was given authority to wage war for forty-two months." (3.5 years)

I conclude the Beast will publicly emerge around 3.5 years before the Beast "officially" begins to reign.

This gives Israel some 3.5 years in which to build the 3rd temple where the Beast will "officially" begin to reign.

As per Revelation 19 Jesus return in person and in power on the very last day of the 3.5 year reign of the Beast.

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