Zone1 Moses prophesied about the coming of Christ (as did Malachi & others)

Muhammad was a messenger to the people of the Arabian peninsula... telling them to save themselves, return to the God of Abraham.

"to return to the G-d of Abraham"...

was Moohammad even circumcised?
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"Told others to return to the G-d of Abraham"...

was Moohammad even circumcised?
probably----but with ragged edges---muslims do the deed when the kid
is in puberty---uhm I forgot the age--something like 12 (?) Not well---- ragged edges
probably----but with ragged edges---muslims do the deed when the kid
is in puberty---uhm I forgot the age--something like 12 (?) Not well---- ragged edges

Did Moohammad do that to himself, and the Quran left out such an important detail?

More likely it's an evil narcissistic prank, as all those "angelic decisions",
to let him rape his followers' daughters... "wives" for 6 days...

And only he's allowed, for the rest
it's punishable prostitution.
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Did Moohammad do that to himself, and the Quran left such a an important detail?

More likely it's an evil narcissistic prank, as all those "angelic decisions",

to let him rape his followers' daughters...

And only for him, for others,
it's punishable prostitutio
Did Moohammad do that to himself, and the Quran left such a an important detail?

More likely it's an evil narcissistic prank, as all those "angelic decisions",

I seem to recall that it happened by itself--magically--
Says another Talmud tap dancer.

You all deny that God has a Son.

Psalm 2:7 “You are my son, today I have begotten you.”

The Messiah will be a High Priest in the manner of Melchizedek:
Psalm 110:4. The Lord has sworn and will not waiver: “You are a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek.”

Michah 5:1 But you, Bethlehem-Ephrathah least among the clans of Judah,
From you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler of Israel; whose origin is from old, from ancient times.

He will bring a New Covenant, unlike any previous. (Jer 31:31-34)

Most of you Talmudic Jews say your messiah is going to be a military/political leader, and yet you provide no actual scripture to back it up.
I have never heard a jew---talmudic or ""not"" say that the messiah is
going to be a military leader-----can you name names or provide a credible
I have never heard a jew---talmudic or ""not"" say that the messiah is
going to be a military leader-----can you name names or provide a credible
I'm still waiting----and he and his fellow bunny rabbit worshippers
Arabs have always practiced have Egyptians.
Ishmael was 13 when he was circumsized.. Arabs only do a partial circumcision Is that why “ Ishmael” and his descendants were given control of the holy land for some 13 centuries from the mid 6 th century till the Jews returned mid 19 th century or ” Hashev” of course the arabs will not go quietly but since Isaac and his descendants circumsize on the 8 th day which represents future perfected earth go they must unless they wish to partake of the fruits of the coming age….By the way mostly the priestly cast and the aristocracy in Egypt circumcised not everyone in the past but nice deflection off the post though…
Do you think Moses actually wrote the first five books... 800 years after his death???
That thinking came about in the last two centuries by people who questioned things… I am not going to try to prove one way or another but there is proof Moses did write what he is purported to.. Just because Johnny come latelies come along and question everything mean they are correct in their thinking… Everyone should try to educate themselves anyway.. After all we all have the capability to enlighten ourselves in our own way…
Did You Know Muhammad Wasn’t Circumcised? | The American Muslim

Of all Arabs, they chose to follow an illiterate and uncircumcised?

Much for the "return to the G-d of Abraham"...


However, there’s a precondition that makes that fact good news for everyone, including the Palestinians. Because as Genesis 18 explains, to make it all come out right for everyone, God requires that Israel govern the land righteously, according to God’s principles of equality and justice for all his descendents, regardless of their religion.

“Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” (italics and bolding mine)
That thinking came about in the last two centuries by people who questioned things… I am not going to try to prove one way or another but there is proof Moses did write what he is purported to.. Just because Johnny come latelies come along and question everything mean they are correct in their thinking… Everyone should try to educate themselves anyway.. After all we all have the capability to enlighten ourselves in our own way…

Written 800 years after the death of Moses...
Written 800 years after the death of Moses...
Nonsense as usual you throw something out there .. There is ample proof that Moses wrote it… There are some discrepancies but they can be explained there will also be those that doubt because they have a agenda that they are pushing… We have seen your agenda in certain things as well… Try to keep up that boomerang is going to hurt as usual if I fling it back in your direction…
Nonsense as usual you throw something out there .. There is ample proof that Moses wrote it… There are some discrepancies but they can be explained there will also be those that doubt because they have a agenda that they are pushing… We have seen your agenda in certain things as well… Try to keep up that boomerang is going to hurt as usual if I fling it back in your direction…

Sorry. No. Genesis and Exodus were written after the Babylonian exile. Leviticus and Deuteronomy were written first during the Babylonian exile.

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