Cold kills far more humans than heat does

Some say the world will end in fire, some in ice.......
JFK's fave poet
This "world" will physically cease to exist when the sun engulfs it, so I'd have to say fire.

"Eventually, the fuel of the sun - hydrogen - will run out. When this happens, the sun will begin to die. But don’t worry, this should not happen for about 5 billion years.
After the hydrogen runs out, there will be a period of 2-3 billion years whereby the sun will go through the phases of star death. Once the hydrogen runs out, our yellow dwarf star will begin to swell. It will swell to a size that will cause it to swallow Mercury, Venus, and Earth. It may even grow to overtake more of the planets. When the sun increases in size it will become a “red giant.” After this, it will lose many of its outer layers and eventually shrink to become a “white dwarf.” White dwarf stars are still very hot, but not nearly as hot as the sun is now. Finally, our star will fade out and become a “black dwarf,” where very little is left of its original form. Black dwarf stars are not hot and don’t put off any energy."

This "world" will physically cease to exist when the sun engulfs it, so I'd have to say fire.

"Eventually, the fuel of the sun - hydrogen - will run out. When this happens, the sun will begin to die. But don’t worry, this should not happen for about 5 billion years.
After the hydrogen runs out, there will be a period of 2-3 billion years whereby the sun will go through the phases of star death. Once the hydrogen runs out, our yellow dwarf star will begin to swell. It will swell to a size that will cause it to swallow Mercury, Venus, and Earth. It may even grow to overtake more of the planets. When the sun increases in size it will become a “red giant.” After this, it will lose many of its outer layers and eventually shrink to become a “white dwarf.” White dwarf stars are still very hot, but not nearly as hot as the sun is now. Finally, our star will fade out and become a “black dwarf,” where very little is left of its original form. Black dwarf stars are not hot and don’t put off any energy."

don't hold your breath,
IIRC, cold kills 4.5 million each year while heat kills 500,000
Are deaths from cold decreasing? Are deaths from heat increasing?

From Google AI

Yes, deaths from cold exposure have been decreasing worldwide in recent decades. Between 2000 and 2019, researchers estimate that 650,000 fewer people died from temperature exposure than in the 1980s and 1990s. This decrease is larger than the increase in heat-related deaths during the same period.

From Google AI

Yes, heat-related deaths have been increasing in recent years:
  • 2021: 1,563 deaths
  • 2022: 1,702 deaths
  • 2023: 2,297 deaths
Well, no. That's you just deflecting after seeing one of your dumb talking points debunked.

The fake point that all of the deniers were trying to make is that warming will supposedly save lives. I showed that point is false. My mission is accomplished.

I'm not interested in your dumb deflections, because they're not relevant. It's not the "x" (deaths) that matters here, it's the "x-prime", the derivative of deaths with respect to temperature change. If someone doesn't understand that, they need to head back to the kiddle table pronto.

HA HA HA, your link doesn't address the TRUE number of victims of heat and cold waves and it is obvious you didn't read your link anyway as it is gobblegeddlygook crap it must be the word Oxford that sent you into the rolling shakes....

From Post 14 you never addressed:


  • Africa – 1.18 million
  • Asia – 2.4 million
  • Europe – 657,000
  • South America – 116,000
  • UK – 44,600
  • US – 154,800
  • China – 967,000
  • India – 655,400
  • Australia – 14,200

  • Africa – 25,550
  • Asia – 224,000
  • Europe – 178,700
  • South America – 25,250
  • UK – 8000
  • US – 18,750
  • China – 71,300
  • India – 83,700
  • Australia – 2300

You can't discount this because there are real numbers.

You have seen this before from EMDAT the international disaster database:


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