Jesus was the son of perdition(Lucifer)-101


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Ezekiel 21 rasha (wicked) nasiy' (prince)
& also about his `avon (iniquity)
thus prince of darkness and Iniquity title.
Ezekiek 28:8 They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of [them that are] slain in the midst of the ‘seas’ (i.e.Rome).
Ezekiel 28:9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I [am] God? but thou [shalt be] a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee.
...similar as in Isaiah 14:13-15 the ‘morning star’ would be sent down to the pit;
You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven,above the stars of God, and will set my throne on High...
I will ascend above the heights of the Clouds,I will be as the Most High."
Yet you will be brought down to the grave, to the sides of the pit!
Note that Jesus was indeed brought down to the pit (the grave)HELL (ACTS 2:27 and 1 Peter 3:19) for declaring himself God, as the Most High, and holy king (John 8:57, 10:25-36, Psalm 82:1-8).
Later he rose from the Pit declared as God fulfilling the AntiChrist warnings.

Ezekiel 28:2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart [is] lifted up, and thou hast said, I [am] a God, I sit [in] the seat of God, in the midst of the seas(Rome); yet thou [art] a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God (this is like how the Popes claim to be viceroy and gods in Rome, set up as imposters of the Jerusalem Temple and throne and TRUE Authority)

Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the *king of Tyrus*(Tyrus meaning Rock, Jesus was the King of the Rock (the Church) and popular in TYRE according to the NT as in deemed a Prince of Tyre), and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
(similar- Isaiah 44 talks about the carpenter making an idol of a beautiful man (sinless-whitewashed image)and placing it on walls in homes and bowing to it.)
Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] thy covering,
(The image of his man was formed from borrowed mythology of Mithra which came out of ancient persia thus literally been in the garden of eden describing the region in ancient Persia.)

Ezekiel 28:14 Thou [art] the anointed (christ) cherub (guardian=nazarene) that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

28:15 Thou [wast] perfect(sinless) in thy ways from the day that thou wast created(his image/icon was created with this intention), till iniquity was found in thee(till the information age exposed what the preachers avoided or whitewashed over).

No other prophet was ever deemed perfect, nor called christ (anointed) Cherub(nazarei) therefore nobody but Jesus fulfills lucifer.
Coming first as the first and fallen messiah should make it obvious enough as Lucifer comes first and is overturned by the Shiloh, (one who's right it is.) If jesus was Messiah therr would be no Shiloh. D'OH!
The puzzle falls into place.....I really get a head ache trying to figure out what they are trying to say...It's like science fiction...
It's not hard for me to believe that Jesus existed. I do have reservations about Him or any other human being as claiming title to "The Son of God".

As for Lucifer, the Devil, etc.?

Total bullshit.
you said proudly (with your ego)
As for Lucifer, the Devil, etc.?
Total bull...

I understand why you'd say that but your pride is clouding your mind. See you are viewing the precepts of lucifer and devil through the anthropromorphizing of terms that have definitions or symbolize something.
Therefore the followers are not the only ones deceived and abused by the church's precepts, so too are the skeptics who view definitions through these mistsken interps and of course are gonna find them nonsense, but none the wiser of the intended meaning.
Devil simply represents that nature of destruction decay and death. In symbolism
Horns represented powers and Rome used the 2 horn system both political hidden behind the religious authority, the color of Rome being scarlet thus called the scarlet beast symbolized as the 2 horn red devil.

Lucifer if you would have read the description in Ezekiel is an image of a man created by men to be seen perfect and who'd be lifted high as their god.
He would be deemed the first and fallen messiah.
Now you said That description is hogwash yet you admit all this is true, make up your mind.. *L*
You said what you did because you don't believe in the Christian description of a deified devil or a mythical lucifer. One has to be careful and more precise in choosing words since they are shared by language but not always in meaning.
Jesus (peace on him) was a man who (specially) loved God and God also (specially) loved him. He was a prophet. He called people to have great respect for God. For about 20 centuries however, people have been doing the opposite, claiming God was human or that He had a human son.

God also sent Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), and he came on earth as the last of all prophets. Belonging to a poor and ordinary household of Mecca, he rose to conquer the world. Through him (peace be upon him and his family) God has susbsisted as the King of the world.
Define prophet please, because Jesus didn't exist and his character is based on people who were wrong about most everything.
Furthermore I believe we had this discussion before whereby I stated that there is no such thing as a last prophet since life is about progressions we are always adding and changing for the better and in this case your last prophet idolization becomes a serious problem in the same way christians refuse common sense outside of Jesus. They fire coaches when the players fail their team, is it any different when prophets fail their flocks and the followers fail their leader by their behavior and total opposition to stable progression and respect in life?
I think I saw that movie, Jesus was was smacking those whores around big time. "Bring me mo money bitch!"
Jesus (peace on him) was a man who (specially) loved God and God also (specially) loved him. He was a prophet. He called people to have great respect for God. For about 20 centuries however, people have been doing the opposite, claiming God was human or that He had a human son.

God also sent Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), and he came on earth as the last of all prophets. Belonging to a poor and ordinary household of Mecca, he rose to conquer the world. Through him (peace be upon him and his family) God has susbsisted as the King of the world.
If you love Jesus and he spoke as a prophet about the things of God, why do you not do what he says? Forgive those who mock you. Never use violence. Love everyone including non believers. If you do not do what he says then can you truly say you love him as a prophet or follow what God said through him?

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Jesus (peace on him) was a man who (specially) loved God and God also (specially) loved him. He was a prophet. He called people to have great respect for God. For about 20 centuries however, people have been doing the opposite, claiming God was human or that He had a human son.

God also sent Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), and he came on earth as the last of all prophets. Belonging to a poor and ordinary household of Mecca, he rose to conquer the world. Through him (peace be upon him and his family) God has susbsisted as the King of the world.
If you love Jesus and he spoke as a prophet about the things of God, why do you not do what he says? Forgive those who mock you. Never use violence. Love everyone including non believers. If you do not do what he says then can you truly say you love him as a prophet or follow what God said through him?

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Do you really think Jesus approves of "so called" christians mocking Mohammed with cartoons of him?

As far as the OP claiming that Jesus is the son of Satan, that's like saying there is no difference between good and evil. Pft!
So Isaiah 53 was talking about the antichrist now?

btw by the very fact of there being an anti Christ you are conceding the fact that there is a Christ. You can't have an antichrist without a Christ.

the scriptures testify of the coming of the Son of God who is Christ the Lord.
Hangover then Answer these 2 simple questions:
Was Baal worship the adversary to the Hebrew teachings?

Was Jesus a good and loving person who knew God?
Shev-----Ezekiel wrote mystical poetry in the style-----of those Mystical Iraqi JOOOS (like Daniel) He never met Jesus who was a nice jewish boy of the Pharisee type------stuff later
attributed to him by mystics like JOHN --et al...... is more mystical poetry Some people (of the rabbinic type) say---- don't ponder too heavily on mystics-----it scrambles your
So Isaiah 53 was talking about the antichrist now?

btw by the very fact of there being an anti Christ you are conceding the fact that there is a Christ. You can't have an antichrist without a Christ.

the scriptures testify of the coming of the Son of God who is Christ the Lord.

1) no where is Isaiah 53 discussed in this post nor is it about son of perdition.
That makes you confused or a liar, but then you are lied about 53 being that it's plural past tense about Israel, liars for Lucifer tell you it's about Jesus, hence liars raise liars.
2) Anti christ is your satanic religions term for a character you satanist created by mixing Lucifer and the 'Moshiach to come(Shiloh)' together to protect your icon from recognition & to hate on anyone coming to bring peace & build the temple. Christ means anointed, kings and Rabbi's and Head Temple Priests are anointed, and who but Rome was anti the anointed temple priests and who but Jesus & Christianity became anti the anointed priests?
=Jesus and Christians=anti christs.
This anti christ character Luciferians built is not scripturally based on the son of perdition or OT accounts of the adversary. It's not the same as the first fallen imposter messiah we are warned about. It's like when Saddam called the U.S. the great Satan, an evil adversary like Saddam can't tell you who the great adversary is since he's the one, that's a double negative. Lucifer and his Luciferian church can't tell you that being anti him is anti messiah then you'd be calling Michael evil for being anti Lucifer. So perspective, knowing which side you are on helps. Remember you are the 1/3 deceived so you don't know where you are.
3) the fact you call Jesus the only begotten son is proof of you being lost.
David was God's begotten son therefore you are admitting it can't be the same God od David. Furthermore your faith has no clue what the term "son of" God meant in their usage at the time period. It's comical that you translate it literally -more proof how plagiarising fails big time when you don't understand the language or terms you are borrowing from.
Irosie, then you'd be saying the oreachers who use that chapter for their lucifer figure are mistaken and thus also how they pkace Jesus in texts:
Isaiah is talking about Israel in Is 53,
Is 7 is about only King Hezekiah, Psalms is only about David, Micah 5 is about the Lineage of
"Bethlehem Ephratah" a person not a town. etc
Then that would make Christianity that which falsely placed Jedus into scripture lying to everyone saying he was prophecy fulfilled, thus you only proved my point from another perspective. Jesus=false messiah deceiving 1/3 even the elect.
This is why I use the analogy of chess "check mate", not because I see this as a game but you better understand resemblances analogies whereby every excuse (move) they make in protecting their king ends up giving him up, when cornered notice they throw him under the bus to save face=human ego 101.
Jesus (peace on him) was a man who (specially) loved God and God also (specially) loved him. He was a prophet. He called people to have great respect for God. For about 20 centuries however, people have been doing the opposite, claiming God was human or that He had a human son.

God also sent Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), and he came on earth as the last of all prophets. Belonging to a poor and ordinary household of Mecca, he rose to conquer the world. Through him (peace be upon him and his family) God has susbsisted as the King of the world.

Jesus, if he existed, was either the Son of God, or a liar. If he did not exist, then Paul and the other writers were the liars.

The djin Allah on the other hand , is Ba'al of the Parthenon of old gods, the djin of the phalic stone in the Ka'aba. The warlord Muhammad destroyed all of the idols of the Ka'aba, save the one - the idol which all Muslims bow to 5 times each day, the idol of Al-Ilah who is Ba'al in the Hebrew tongue. What is Allah? A hunk of meteorite, an idol with no life and no power.
you said proudly (with your ego)
As for Lucifer, the Devil, etc.?
Total bull...

I understand why you'd say that but your pride is clouding your mind. See you are viewing the precepts of lucifer and devil through the anthropromorphizing of terms that have definitions or symbolize something.
Therefore the followers are not the only ones deceived and abused by the church's precepts, so too are the skeptics who view definitions through these mistsken interps and of course are gonna find them nonsense, but none the wiser of the intended meaning.
Devil simply represents that nature of destruction decay and death. In symbolism
Horns represented powers and Rome used the 2 horn system both political hidden behind the religious authority, the color of Rome being scarlet thus called the scarlet beast symbolized as the 2 horn red devil.

Lucifer if you would have read the description in Ezekiel is an image of a man created by men to be seen perfect and who'd be lifted high as their god.
He would be deemed the first and fallen messiah.
Now you said That description is hogwash yet you admit all this is true, make up your mind.. *L*
You said what you did because you don't believe in the Christian description of a deified devil or a mythical lucifer. One has to be careful and more precise in choosing words since they are shared by language but not always in meaning.

You and Guno should start a Miserable, Unhappy Fucks Bible Studies Club
How is anyone healed because of Israel's suffering?
Just read the next verse (context)
6We all went astray like sheep, we have turned, each one on his way. Therefore the nations suffering brings us back. From being lost and scattered.
Even mankind learns from our suffering and becomes healed by it.

1) "Despised and rejected by men"?
Jesus was very popular says NT, nowhere is he suffering even his last days claimed by design can not be considered suffering,especially one day does not a suffering servant make.
2)context of Isaiah Israel is mentioned as the servant and in 49 are you telling me you don't know what the term tribe means pluality of people?
3) The original words of Isaiah did not contain these words. They were changed by the church to make it look like a fulfilled prophecy.
4) Jesus didn't have a disease.
5) Jesus can't be plural past tense. "Have" and "whom" are past tenses.
6)ISRAEL IS MENTIONED like 14 times as the servant in context and Isaiah mentioned as it's servant.
7)Moshiach is supposed to be a servant of man not the other way around where you make man serve him as a god.
8)Isaiah already mentions someone else as the deliverer redeemer (through known attributed roles to that character), and this is validated in the scrolls commentary on Isaiah mentioning the name of Isaiah's Deliverer.
They crucified Jesus and you don't think He was despised by men? Are you serious? Heck you are still trying to malign Him 2000 years later.
Uncensored 2008,
Paul was also a converged image of a man hence the changing of his name. His accounts match that of Apollonius of Tyana calked Pol who lived in Tarsus, went to Syria,etc..In acts Saul supposedly met Sergius Paulus called Paul who's friend was a "maggis" (alymas) called Bar(son)Jesus who Saul called the son of the devil.
Obviously Paul is not Saul but to defeat Saul and convert Jews Rome simply makes Saul Paul as a tactic to swallow your enemies.

Regarding the Mecca meteor it was a sign given by Michael, for it's time to be revealed and although it has been created into an idol through devotion it is not Allah.
Also Baal was the harvest sun god, Al Lail aka the Night is the remover of the day (sun worship). Jews call this Shalem hence named in the city.
God of war is correct but type of war you assume wrong.
The spiritual war is between light (knowledge and truth) and darkness (ignorance and lies) and Shalem is a word describing the Essence we call source of life but also is a name for the reflection and manifestation of that essence aka top reflection (malakh) Michael. Hence the sWORD out of the mouth is the weapon to slay the beast of lies.
Anyone who uses literal weapons to uphold their truths most likely is forcing their lies.
Night is where our intuition is strongest with less physical (luciferous) light our pituitary glands cause this higher ability. Of course people lacking knowledge (in darkness) don't know this when they sell physical light (luciferous)
as spiritual light.

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