Jesus was the son of perdition(Lucifer)-101

They crucified Jesus and you don't think He was despised by men? Are you serious? Heck you are still trying to malign Him 2000 years later.

1) acts and Luke and elsewhere say he was slew (stoned) and hanged.
You say crucified proving more then one christ is making up your Jesus.
Which figure are you saying was crucified?
2) you threw your NT under the bus since it swore he was popular.
3)Rome crucified Yehuda the Galilean christ for his tax revolt, he was popular except with Roman authority. A political authority is not "men" and in fact might use the female gender in Hebrew.
4)you maligned at least 6 million people around 70 some yrs later according to your twist and standard.
Jesus was not the Son of perdition ...omg

how stupid some people here can be???

Hussein or Stalin or Hitler ...son of perdition yes!!!!


where do these people come from?????????????????

:puke: let me vomit in peace you morons

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