Jew-Hating Islamo-Fascist Democrat Speaks


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: So this pig, this vermin, Ilhan Omar likens anti-Israel resolution to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union? This fascist bitch wants to say that Israel are the Nazis? Here are your Democrats ladies and gentleman, Jew-hating baby-killing socialists. Thank God that Trump told them to go back where they came from!! Fuck anybody who doesn't like it.

try to understand (today being Friday) Omar was subjected to the weekly festival that includes ------at the very least-----at least one Khutbah Jumaat feces fling-----during which time muslim children are taught whom they must hate and kill and spit
upon in order to please allah---------Jews are often placed in the most prominent position as the means to please allah and attain JANNAH. Long ago---Somalia
did have a significant Jewish and a significant Christian population------then islam
try to understand (today being Friday) Omar was subjected to the weekly festival that includes ------at the very least-----at least one Khutbah Jumaat feces fling-----during which time muslim children are taught whom they must hate and kill and spit
upon in order to please allah---------Jews are often placed in the most prominent position as the means to please allah and attain JANNAH. Long ago---Somalia
did have a significant Jewish and a significant Christian population------then islam


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