Jewish Defense League - Meir Kahane

Just like hanas and fatah then who have both been shown to have terror links, would you care to explain why you defend and support terror organisations all the time ?

By the way Europe is looking at ways to reduce its Islamic contingent, first by offering repatriation packages and then by forced eviction. The UK are about to pass a law that those migrants that don't have paid work after 6 months are to be deported, and it is completely legal to do so.

Got a link to that, or did you just invent it?:eusa_liar:

People don't read the news or know how to do a search?

Jobless migrants could be deported after three months, as Germany says Britain will not be squeezed out by eurozone | Mail Online
Wait a second...I'm a member of the JDL and I don't even know it?
I want to know what my member benefits are.
Do I get half off for movies starring a Jew or a discount at my local Kosher Deli?
No, I don't. I just got a word to the wise stemming from the computer virus incident. I have no idea myself, just thought it was ironic. And if you're not, just tell them that if and when they stop by. I personally don't care.
Hopefully to talk about Meir Kahane and the JDL. But I've learned that such goals are nearly always buried under an avalanche of what the Z's want to talk about, which is inevitably this made-up topic of "Islamofascism."
Hopefully to talk about Meir Kahane and the JDL. But I've learned that such goals are nearly always buried under an avalanche of what the Z's want to talk about, which is inevitably this made-up topic of "Islamofascism."

I think most people are not worried about some guy who is long, long dead. They are much more interested in what your friends are doing to others in the rest of the Middle East these days.
No, I don't. I just got a word to the wise stemming from the computer virus incident. I have no idea myself, just thought it was ironic. And if you're not, just tell them that if and when they stop by. I personally don't care.

ok so you were not "TOLD THAT PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD" are JDL
members-----you simply lied-----you decided to imagine that statement to be
true------or one of your handlers hinted to you that it would be a nice
idea to make that claim----ok
Hopefully to talk about Meir Kahane and the JDL. But I've learned that such goals are nearly always buried under an avalanche of what the Z's want to talk about, which is inevitably this made-up topic of "Islamofascism."

I think most people are not worried about some guy who is long, long dead. They are much more interested in what your friends are doing to others in the rest of the Middle East these days.

Aenmity wants to talk about Meir Kahane-----its ok with me----go right ahead and
talk about him Aenmity You seem to imagine that you know something
about him. So far you have not

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