Jewish Rabbi Destroys The Christian Myth That Jesus Is The Messiah

And a very brutal and successful campaign it was. Militarily, it was impressive. However, the Black Stone of the Ka'aba had no relation to Adam before those who submit said otherwise. The only logical question to that is, "why?"

Herein lies the pagan assimilation. They got to keep a piece of their heritage after being violently conquered. It helps to quell future uprisings. As the days turned into years, and the years turned into generations, there weren't many people left to speak of what the Ka'aba was really meant for. So became the lore we hear today regarding it.
Obviously, you have never read the historical accounts about the conquest of Mecca or you wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement. It was an almost bloodless affair with very little retribution towards the citizens.

Also, the Quran tells all about the pagan history of the Kabba before Muhammad restored it to it's present condition. And all muslims are aware of it's pre-Islamic history.

I highly suggest that you read the Quran in order to know what you are talking about before posting more ill informed nonsense. .. :cool:
And a very brutal and successful campaign it was. Militarily, it was impressive. However, the Black Stone of the Ka'aba had no relation to Adam before those who submit said otherwise. The only logical question to that is, "why?"

Herein lies the pagan assimilation. They got to keep a piece of their heritage after being violently conquered. It helps to quell future uprisings. As the days turned into years, and the years turned into generations, there weren't many people left to speak of what the Ka'aba was really meant for. So became the lore we hear today regarding it.
Obviously, you have never read the historical accounts about the conquest of Mecca or you wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement. It was an almost bloodless affair with very little retribution towards the citizens.

Also, the Quran tells all about the pagan history of the Kabba before Muhammad restored it to it's present condition. And all muslims are aware of it's pre-Islamic history.

I highly suggest that you read the Quran in order to know what you are talking about before posting more ill informed nonsense. .. :cool:

I've read the Qur'an, actually. It is nothing more than an opinionated autobiography with unproven claims of divine guidance. Relying on it to give history to the religions brutally destroyed by Muhammad and his gang of rascals is tantamount to calling The Cat in the Hat a historical representation on how children played with their imaginations in the 50's.

Keep note, that I am not here to personally insult you or your religion, but my views and opinions may very likely feel insulting, because they have to do with your religion.
No problem......there was plenty written about Muhammad and the early days of Islam by ancient historians who were not muslims.

They provide a great source of unbiased information. ..... :cool:
@Jeremiah @Irish Ram (or anyone else)........Let's see your attempt to refute this jewish Rabbi. ..... :cool:


Jesus was not a king. so what.

As Jesus said to Pilate, "King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth."

The temple was not rebuilt? so what.

The sanctuary of God has nothing to do with a man made building.

Messianic expectations for the Jewish messiah will never be fulfilled literally by a king who makes a temple at the end of time, when the dead come out of their graves.

Such a belief is as silly and irrational as the Christian expectation for Jesus to return in the clouds.

However, if one applies the least amount of intellectual effort required to solve a jumble puzzle it can be easily seen how Jesus already fulfilled all of the deeper implications of every messianic expectation.

Jesus established the sanctuary of God in the midst of the people by clearly defining the hidden meaning of the words and subjects of the Law providing Divine providence (the sanctuary of God) for all those who received his revelation and acted upon it.

I can understand why the teachings of Jesus were rejected by people incapable of discerning the hidden meaning of the figurative language in scripture and the figurative language that Jesus spoke 2000 years ago, but what is the excuse in this day and age when they have had 1000 years to study the teachings of Maimonides who clearly explained the language of the prophets and corroborated what Jesus said 1000 years earlier?

"What goes into the mouth cannot defile a man because it does not go into his heart/mind but into his stomach, and is eliminated (Thus He declared all foods clean.) And He was saying, That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart/mind of men, proceed evil thoughts,etc."

if Jesus was a prophet even according to your own professed belief and if the true subject of Kosher law is not about what you serve and eat but what you teach and learn according to Jesus how is it that Mohammed taught people to observe a literal interpretation of Kosher Law and how is it that he knew nothing of this hidden treasure and the figurative language used in scripture?
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Keep note, that I am not here to personally insult you or your religion, but my views and opinions may very likely feel insulting, because they have to do with your religion.

Actually, I find the fact that you've offered no supporting evidence of anything like a "Very Brutal" conquest of Mecca more insulting than any opinion you may have about Islam.

Muhammad after the conquest of Mecca

Conquest of Mecca
Mecca was conquered by the Muslims in the year 630 A.D. In 628 the Meccan tribe of Quraish and the Muslim community in Medina signed a truce called the Treaty of Hudaybiyya. Despite improved relations between Mecca and Medina after the signing of the Treaty of Hudaybiyya, a 10 year peace was to be broken by Quraish who, with their allies, the tribe of Bakr, attacked the tribe of Khuza'ah who were allies of the Muslims. However, the treaty was deemed broken. Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Quraish in Mecca, was aware that the balances were now tilted in Muhammad's favour, went to Medina to restore the treaty but Muhammad refused to accommodate him and Abu Sufyan returned to Mecca empty handed. An approximately 10,000 strong Muslim army marched towards Mecca which soon surrendered. Muhammad acted generously to the Meccans, demanding only that the pagan idols around the Kaaba be destroyed. Abu Sufyan converted to Islam and Muhammad announced
Compared to Christianity, I love Islam. Never had a negative encounter with Muslims and have spoken at length with many about their faith. Maybe they're just better behaved talking shop not wanting to feed the 'all Muslims are terrorists' myth, or maybe Christians know deep down their faith is full of crap.
Before Muhammad came to town, Hubal (the pagan Arabic moon god) was worshiped at the Ka'aba by the Meccans as the high deity in a pantheon of lower gods also worshiped. Other names that Hubal was known by include Baal, Sin, and al-ilah.
Its only natural to conclude that remnants of the pagan religions were assimilated by the new Islam, as has been done in other religions at their onset.
The first act by Muhammad after conquering Mecca was to go to the Kabba and destroy the 360 idols which were located both inside and outside the building.

Islam was to be a pure monotheistic religion with the worship of only the "One God" as practiced by Abraham in the Torah.

Yes of course the Kaaba is a symbol of Mohammad's (PBUH) violent take over, to that there is no doubt. So you admit that the Kaaba should have been torn down because it is an alter to multiple gods, yet there is stands with thousands of Muslims venerating the site. But you avoid the truth. It isn't the Kaaba they are worshipping but a stone. You say it is blasphemy to do so but yet we see the pictures. By their FRUITS thou shall know them.
Strange seeing a Muslim cite a Jew to troll Christians. :eusa_think:
Not trolling at all.

Jews and Muslims basically share the same theology of "One God".

And are both constantly confronted by Christian missionaries hell bent on saving their souls. .... :cool:

Funny you mentioned that. Not an hour ago my neighbor a couple doors down I dropped out cookies too (bake them twice every week and his wife just had a baby) said "one of these days you'll have to stay for services." Seemingly indicating a home church. And not knowing I'm Jewish. Being a real-life human being plus a neighbor I'm not about to say anything negative to him about the offer but these are what I thought when I got home.

- My relationship with God got a lot better when I stopped going to services. :)
- You know I'm Jewish right? Ones who nailed your Savior to a tree and later joked about it? :)
- Home-church? The fact that there's over 518 churches within a 10-mile radius didn't afford enough selection already? (this is true according to google)

Compared to Christianity, I love Islam. Never had a negative encounter with Muslims and have spoken at length with many about their faith. Maybe they're just better behaved talking shop not wanting to feed the 'all Muslims are terrorists' myth, or maybe Christians know deep down their faith is full of crap.

glad you agree that the Kaaba is the center of the Universe.
Compared to Christianity, I love Islam. Never had a negative encounter with Muslims and have spoken at length with many about their faith. Maybe they're just better behaved talking shop not wanting to feed the 'all Muslims are terrorists' myth, or maybe Christians know deep down their faith is full of crap.

same here, I have Muslim friends and would take them over a fundamentalist christians any day
Compared to Christianity, I love Islam. Never had a negative encounter with Muslims and have spoken at length with many about their faith. Maybe they're just better behaved talking shop not wanting to feed the 'all Muslims are terrorists' myth, or maybe Christians know deep down their faith is full of crap.

glad you agree that the Kaaba is the center of the Universe.

Didn't say I agreed with it. Am on record dissing everybody's religion including my own. They're nonsense. As individuals though I find Muslims much less offensive than the average Christian once you start challenging their assertions.

Think the reason is, the more secure you are with your beliefs, the less it bugs you when they're challenged. Christians are typically very insecure as well they should be once they understand their's is two mutually exclusive religions mixed up with each other, Judaism and Christianity. It's like trying to mix oil and water, it doesn't work. So any Christian is bound to be incredibly but understandably insecure.
Strange seeing a Muslim cite a Jew to troll Christians. :eusa_think:
Not trolling at all.

Jews and Muslims basically share the same theology of "One God".

And are both constantly confronted by Christian missionaries hell bent on saving their souls. .... :cool:

Funny you mentioned that. Not an hour ago my neighbor a couple doors down I dropped out cookies too (bake them twice every week and his wife just had a baby) said "one of these days you'll have to stay for services." Seemingly indicating a home church. And not knowing I'm Jewish. Being a real-life human being plus a neighbor I'm not about to say anything negative to him about the offer but these are what I thought when I got home.

- My relationship with God got a lot better when I stopped going to services. :)
- You know I'm Jewish right? Ones who nailed your Savior to a tree and later joked about it? :)
- Home-church? The fact that there's over 518 churches within a 10-mile radius didn't afford enough selection already? (this is true according to google)


- My relationship with God got a lot better when I stopped going to services. :)

But of course, you thought better of yourself because you had not reason not to.

- You know I'm Jewish right? Ones who nailed your Savior to a tree and later joked about it? :)

YOU? YOU, crucified Jesus, wow you are old. Maybe he knew, most likely, and doesn't care. You display the perfect example of projection. You would think such things about Jews because that is how you feel, Christians don't and you don't understand.

- Home-church? The fact that there's over 518 churches within a 10-mile radius didn't afford enough selection already? (this is true according to google)

That is the beauty of Christianity. Christians do not need to circle the Kaaba or pray towards Mecca 5 times a day or eat Kosher. Their relationship is personal and the way that relationship grows is up to them. Small groups is how Christianity started.
Compared to Christianity, I love Islam. Never had a negative encounter with Muslims and have spoken at length with many about their faith. Maybe they're just better behaved talking shop not wanting to feed the 'all Muslims are terrorists' myth, or maybe Christians know deep down their faith is full of crap.

glad you agree that the Kaaba is the center of the Universe.

Didn't say I agreed with it. Am on record dissing everybody's religion including my own. They're nonsense. As individuals though I find Muslims much less offensive than the average Christian once you start challenging their assertions.

And YET you LOVE ISLAM, your words. The reason you love Islam is that you feel it is in conflict with Christianity, the enemy of my enemy.........
Yes of course the Kaaba is a symbol of Mohammad's (PBUH) violent take over, to that there is no doubt. So you admit that the Kaaba should have been torn down because it is an alter to multiple gods, yet there is stands with thousands of Muslims venerating the site. But you avoid the truth. It isn't the Kaaba they are worshipping but a stone. You say it is blasphemy to do so but yet we see the pictures. By their FRUITS thou shall know them.
Once again, the Kabba was erected on the same spot on which Abraham built a stone alter to the "One God".

But over generations the descendants of Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Ishmael had turned to idolatry.

And it took a Prophet to direct the wayward people back to monotheism.

For the arab's it was Muhammad. ... :cool:
Strange seeing a Muslim cite a Jew to troll Christians. :eusa_think:
Not trolling at all.

Jews and Muslims basically share the same theology of "One God".

And are both constantly confronted by Christian missionaries hell bent on saving their souls. .... :cool:

Funny you mentioned that. Not an hour ago my neighbor a couple doors down I dropped out cookies too (bake them twice every week and his wife just had a baby) said "one of these days you'll have to stay for services." Seemingly indicating a home church. And not knowing I'm Jewish. Being a real-life human being plus a neighbor I'm not about to say anything negative to him about the offer but these are what I thought when I got home.

- My relationship with God got a lot better when I stopped going to services. :)
- You know I'm Jewish right? Ones who nailed your Savior to a tree and later joked about it? :)
- Home-church? The fact that there's over 518 churches within a 10-mile radius didn't afford enough selection already? (this is true according to google)


- My relationship with God got a lot better when I stopped going to services. :)

But of course, you thought better of yourself because you had not reason not to.

- You know I'm Jewish right? Ones who nailed your Savior to a tree and later joked about it? :)

YOU? YOU, crucified Jesus, wow you are old. Maybe he knew, most likely, and doesn't care. You display the perfect example of projection. You would think such things about Jews because that is how you feel, Christians don't and you don't understand.

- Home-church? The fact that there's over 518 churches within a 10-mile radius didn't afford enough selection already? (this is true according to google)

That is the beauty of Christianity. Christians do not need to circle the Kaaba or pray towards Mecca 5 times a day or eat Kosher. Their relationship is personal and the way that relationship grows is up to them. Small groups is how Christianity started.

Before making fun of a religion's practices like circling the Kaaba, might take alook at some of the things Christians do. Eating the body and blood however symbollicly of their Savior comes readily to mind.
Compared to Christianity, I love Islam. Never had a negative encounter with Muslims and have spoken at length with many about their faith. Maybe they're just better behaved talking shop not wanting to feed the 'all Muslims are terrorists' myth, or maybe Christians know deep down their faith is full of crap.

glad you agree that the Kaaba is the center of the Universe.

Didn't say I agreed with it. Am on record dissing everybody's religion including my own. They're nonsense. As individuals though I find Muslims much less offensive than the average Christian once you start challenging their assertions.

And YET you LOVE ISLAM, your words. The reason you love Islam is that you feel it is in conflict with Christianity, the enemy of my enemy.........

Compared to Christianity I do. Notice Christians often omit words so as to change something's meaning. :)
The first act by Muhammad after conquering Mecca was to go to the Kabba and destroy the 360 idols which were located both inside and outside the building.

And a very brutal and successful campaign it was. .

"Very Brutal?"

the conquest of Mecca was bloodless and ended years of warfare and violence between Quraysh and the Muslims

All warfare is very brutal. Trying to paint an armed conflict otherwise is like putting lipstick on a pig.

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