Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
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In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down

Are they going to marry each other's daughters off to each other? Or is it all for show?
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This seems to be a gesture of good will useful to build mutual trust between Jews and Muslim :)
Jews are allowed to worship in mosques but not churches , the same for Muslim can pray synagogues but not churches

Pray in mosque, rabbi rules
In response to concerned traveler who feels he can't concentrate on prayers at airport, Rabbi Efrati says 'best option' is to go to Muslim house of prayer

"It would be better to pray in a mosque and do so with meaning and after the sun rises, rather than at home, at dawn or at the airport and without meaning," Rabbi Baruch Efrati determined recently in a response posted on the Kipa website recently.

The surprising ruling came in response to a question posed by a web surfer living abroad who travels frequently for work purposes: "Most of the time the flights leave very early in the morning. I manage to put on tefilin at home after daybreak, but I don't have time to wait until I can complete morning prayers," he stated.

"On the other hand, if I pray at the airport – I feel extremely uncomfortable, because people stare and I find it hard to focus on my prayers."

He wished to know how to act – and Rabbi Efrati had a surprising response: "Some airports in Europe and Asia have mosques, and they are usually empty of people who are not praying and so it is quiet," he noted and suggested that the traveler inquire at the airport.

"Of course, this solution isn't perfect," the rabbi added, "but it is the best option. There is no prohibition on praying in mosques (apart for the Ran's - Rabbi Nissim ben Reuven ruling, which was not accepted)."

Rabbi Efrati noted that an example was the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, which has a mosque.

Either way, the rabbi ruled that if the traveler has trouble praying with meaning in the airport – he shouldn't pray there. In addition, he stressed that praying in churches was completely and strictly forbidden. In fact, it is forbidden to step into a church, he said.

<B>Pray In A Mosque, Rabbi Says, But Don't Even Walk Into A Church</B>
So the Jews, by their own religion, are sinning against God.
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So the Jews, by their own religion, are sinning against God.

The Rambam (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym "Rambam") quite clearly considered Christianity to be avodah zarah.(Hebrew: "foreign worship," meaning "idolatry" or "strange worship" )He did not feel the same way about Islam, however, going so far as to condone praying within a mosque, and many Orthodox Jewish Rabbis take the same position on the subject, but with some adding a "shittuf" exception for gentiles.

Maimonides (Rambam) and His Texts
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Jews who hate muslims and whites and muslims who hate jews and whites...very interesting...but stupid. By the way Yahweh and Allah are obviously not "God" since they revealed themselves as being idiots.
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down
This seems to be a gesture of good will useful to build mutual trust between Jews and Muslim :)
Jews are allowed to worship in mosques but not churches , the same for Muslim can pray synagogues but not churches

Pray in mosque, rabbi rules
In response to concerned traveler who feels he can't concentrate on prayers at airport, Rabbi Efrati says 'best option' is to go to Muslim house of prayer

"It would be better to pray in a mosque and do so with meaning and after the sun rises, rather than at home, at dawn or at the airport and without meaning," Rabbi Baruch Efrati determined recently in a response posted on the Kipa website recently.

The surprising ruling came in response to a question posed by a web surfer living abroad who travels frequently for work purposes: "Most of the time the flights leave very early in the morning. I manage to put on tefilin at home after daybreak, but I don't have time to wait until I can complete morning prayers," he stated.

"On the other hand, if I pray at the airport – I feel extremely uncomfortable, because people stare and I find it hard to focus on my prayers."

He wished to know how to act – and Rabbi Efrati had a surprising response: "Some airports in Europe and Asia have mosques, and they are usually empty of people who are not praying and so it is quiet," he noted and suggested that the traveler inquire at the airport.

"Of course, this solution isn't perfect," the rabbi added, "but it is the best option. There is no prohibition on praying in mosques (apart for the Ran's - Rabbi Nissim ben Reuven ruling, which was not accepted)."

Rabbi Efrati noted that an example was the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, which has a mosque.

Either way, the rabbi ruled that if the traveler has trouble praying with meaning in the airport – he shouldn't pray there. In addition, he stressed that praying in churches was completely and strictly forbidden. In fact, it is forbidden to step into a church, he said.

<B>Pray In A Mosque, Rabbi Says, But Don't Even Walk Into A Church</B>

Wow that sounds so great. There must be Jews all over the world trying to immigrate to various Islamic countries.
It is a strategy of Islam for minority Muslim communities to act reasonable so long as they are in the minority. As their numbers grow, however, they begin to increase their demands for special accommodations, like prayer places in public buildings and universities, foot baths, etc. Finally, they start demanding that their community be allowed to have a separate court just for them, governed by Sharia Law, and their neighborhoods become "no go" zones for local police.
Why the lame attempt to turn this gesture of good will and moment of solidarity into a political food fight?
Christians are jealous that the Muslims and Jewish are actually closer than Christian and Jews, their history and beliefs.
So the Jews, by their own religion, are sinning against God.

The Rambam (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym "Rambam") quite clearly considered Christianity to be avodah zarah.(Hebrew: "foreign worship," meaning "idolatry" or "strange worship" )He did not feel the same way about Islam, however, going so far as to condone praying within a mosque, and many Orthodox Jewish Rabbis take the same position on the subject, but with some adding a "shittuf" exception for gentiles.

Maimonides (Rambam) and His Texts
Islam is not Judaism. The Rambam is full of shit.
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down

Are they going to marry each other's daughters off to each other? Or is it all for show?
Ah yes, you prefer that people that believe a little differently hate each other, as you hate anyone that is different than you. But most of the rest of us are sane. The hell with you haters, of whatever religion you are.
This seems to be a gesture of good will useful to build mutual trust between Jews and Muslims :)
This is what the ideals of the US are. When Ben Franklin died, because of his donations and good works, the priest, rabbi, and minister linked arms in honor of him as they passed his house in the funeral procession, even though Franklin was an agnostic.

The ideal is that this nation is a place where all can practice their religion in peace, and no one has the right to force anyone to change their religion. Freedom of religion is one of the foundations of this nation, those who oppose it are out of line with the ideals of this nation.
It is a strategy of Islam for minority Muslim communities to act reasonable so long as they are in the minority. As their numbers grow, however, they begin to increase their demands for special accommodations, like prayer places in public buildings and universities, foot baths, etc. Finally, they start demanding that their community be allowed to have a separate court just for them, governed by Sharia Law, and their neighborhoods become "no go" zones for local police.

True. Nobody can name a nation where muslims are the majority and they accept other religions as equals.
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down

If the jews got along with the muslims that would be great. Ain't gonna happen.
guno is a self-hating Jew. If he lived in Nazi Germany, he would volunteer to be a kapo.
It is a strategy of Islam for minority Muslim communities to act reasonable so long as they are in the minority. As their numbers grow, however, they begin to increase their demands for special accommodations, like prayer places in public buildings and universities, foot baths, etc. Finally, they start demanding that their community be allowed to have a separate court just for them, governed by Sharia Law, and their neighborhoods become "no go" zones for local police.
Sounds just like what christers do when they get a perceived majority.

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