Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down

Historically, the Jews sought the protection of Muslim lands to reside, in order to survive the Christian pogroms and massacre's against them.

It wasn't until the founding of the modern state of Israel, that intense animosity between jews and muslims began. .... :cool:
Only the biggest of idiots would claim people would hate a kind gesture.
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down

Speaking for the rightwing, we do not hate this.

You are a moron.
So the Jews, by their own religion, are sinning against God.

The Rambam (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym "Rambam") quite clearly considered Christianity to be avodah zarah.(Hebrew: "foreign worship," meaning "idolatry" or "strange worship" )He did not feel the same way about Islam, however, going so far as to condone praying within a mosque, and many Orthodox Jewish Rabbis take the same position on the subject, but with some adding a "shittuf" exception for gentiles.

Maimonides (Rambam) and His Texts
Islam is not Judaism. The Rambam is full of shit.

And you are ignorant. You say idiotic things with nothing to back them up.
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down
This is how real Americans act, not the cowardly act and then the nod of agreement that conservatives gave...
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The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down
In Lebanon, the predominantly Christian nation opened its hearts and doors to the Muslims who accepted and were friendly until the Muslim population was sufficient to be an actual threat to the Christians, then the killing really took off. Goodbye Christian Lebanon and hello Hamas.
So the Jews, by their own religion, are sinning against God.

The Rambam (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym "Rambam") quite clearly considered Christianity to be avodah zarah.(Hebrew: "foreign worship," meaning "idolatry" or "strange worship" )He did not feel the same way about Islam, however, going so far as to condone praying within a mosque, and many Orthodox Jewish Rabbis take the same position on the subject, but with some adding a "shittuf" exception for gentiles.

Maimonides (Rambam) and His Texts
Islam is not Judaism. The Rambam is full of shit.

And you are ignorant. You say idiotic things with nothing to back them up.
I know
So the Jews, by their own religion, are sinning against God.

The Rambam (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym "Rambam") quite clearly considered Christianity to be avodah zarah.(Hebrew: "foreign worship," meaning "idolatry" or "strange worship" )He did not feel the same way about Islam, however, going so far as to condone praying within a mosque, and many Orthodox Jewish Rabbis take the same position on the subject, but with some adding a "shittuf" exception for gentiles.

Maimonides (Rambam) and His Texts
Islam is not Judaism. The Rambam is full of shit.

And you are ignorant. You say idiotic things with nothing to back them up.
So Islam is Judaism! Then why are millions of radical Islamic extremist wanting to exterminate the Jews?
So the Jews, by their own religion, are sinning against God.

The Rambam (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym "Rambam") quite clearly considered Christianity to be avodah zarah.(Hebrew: "foreign worship," meaning "idolatry" or "strange worship" )He did not feel the same way about Islam, however, going so far as to condone praying within a mosque, and many Orthodox Jewish Rabbis take the same position on the subject, but with some adding a "shittuf" exception for gentiles.

Maimonides (Rambam) and His Texts
Islam is not Judaism. The Rambam is full of shit.

most jews in the world consider most of the opinions of Rambam to be valid to the point of authoritative. Mosques---being empty of idols, in a pinch, are considered better than churches for prayer for jews. He also ruled that jews could PRETEND to be muslims if
necessary and he even described ways to make it look "real". He ALSO allowed jews to pretend to be Christians------but doing so was not as easy because it involved idols and non-kosher food. There is no proscription on allowing muslims OR ANYONE ELSE to pray in a synagogue. In Islamic law----there are proscriptions against non-muslims. RAMBAM wrote lots on this subject and his stuff is generally accepted today. I am surprised that goono knows it and not at all surprised that Penelope knows nothing but spits shit anyway
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down

Speaking for the rightwing, we do not hate this.

You are a moron.

You need to tell all those right wingers that do.
Historically, the Jews sought the protection of Muslim lands to reside, in order to survive the Christian pogroms and massacre's against them.

It wasn't until the founding of the modern state of Israel, that intense animosity between jews and muslims began. .... :cool:

Sunni's statement is KHUTBAH JUMAAT BULL SHIT. In fact---there are far more jews in the world in CHRISTIAN LANDS than in muslim lands and that situation was also true LONG BEFORE 1948. Were his statement true-----jews would have PROLIFERATED in muslim lands<<<NEVAH HAPPENED. What is true is that the land invaded by the dogs and pigs of Arabia ---early on, were WELL POPULATED BY JEWS.------Their numbers always dwindled under the filth of islam----including in Spain. Rambam, himself, fled------not Christian oppression in spain---but the stink of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION. His writings on "faking it in mosques" came out of his own experiences. Having fled to morocco which had a large jewish community he also faced the stench of Islamic oppression and did fake a conversion to give him time to run again. The pressures on jewish immigration in those days depended on "best deal"--which means most MODERATE level of oppression. There was a time when Germany somehow was "most moderate"--which accounted for the large jewish community there. Rambam ended up living in Egypt-----where Sada'adin ruled. He was not actually an arab----but a BERBER and far more moderate in the pact of omar filth. Interestingly---the synagogue of Rambam had survived in Egypt---and is used as a tourist spot-----JEWS ARE PERMITTED TO ENTER BUT NOT TO PRAY-----of course muslims can do so---(such is the filth of islam)
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down
Wonderful gesture.
The rightwing hates this

In the small Gulf Coast city of Victoria, Texas, there are several churches, but just one synagogue, and one mosque — at least, until the mosque mysteriously burned down on Saturday, according to the New York Times.

Now, in a sense, the synagogue has become a mosque: the Jews of Victoria handed the Muslims the key to the building, so they would a place to worship while rebuilding.

“Everyone knows everybody, I know several members of the mosque, and we felt for them,” said Robert Loeb, the president of Bnai Israel,which affiliates with the Reform movement.

On Sunday, the Victoria community held an interfaith event in front of the mosque. Through local donations and a GoFundMe page, the mosque raised over $900,000 in the span of one day to rebuild the mosque. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s southwestern arm also attended the event.

Jews Hand Muslims Synagogue Keys When a Texas Mosque Burns Down

Speaking for the rightwing, we do not hate this.

You are a moron.

You need to tell all those right wingers that do.

Your inability to comprehend those that are different than you is incredible.

NO rightwingers hate this.
Sunni's statement is KHUTBAH JUMAAT BULL SHIT. In fact---there are far more jews in the world in CHRISTIAN LANDS than in muslim lands and that situation was also true LONG BEFORE 1948. Were his statement true-----jews would have PROLIFERATED in muslim lands<<<NEVAH HAPPENED. What is true is that the land invaded by the dogs and pigs of Arabia ---early on, were WELL POPULATED BY JEWS.------Their numbers always dwindled under the filth of islam----including in Spain. Rambam, himself, fled------not Christian oppression in spain---but the stink of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION. His writings on "faking it in mosques" came out of his own experiences. Having fled to morocco which had a large jewish community he also faced the stench of Islamic oppression and did fake a conversion to give him time to run again. The pressures on jewish immigration in those days depended on "best deal"--which means most MODERATE level of oppression. There was a time when Germany somehow was "most moderate"--which accounted for the large jewish community there. Rambam ended up living in Egypt-----where Sada'adin ruled. He was not actually an arab----but a BERBER and far more moderate in the pact of omar filth. Interestingly---the synagogue of Rambam had survived in Egypt---and is used as a tourist spot-----JEWS ARE PERMITTED TO ENTER BUT NOT TO PRAY-----of course muslims can do so---(such is the filth of islam)
Although she has no idea what she is talking about.

Irosie's expletive laden psycho rants are entertaining if nothing else. ...... :thup: ... :lol: ... :lol:
Historically, the Jews sought the protection of Muslim lands to reside, in order to survive the Christian pogroms and massacre's against them.

It wasn't until the founding of the modern state of Israel, that intense animosity between jews and muslims began. .... :cool:
On the contrary, many muslim nations supported the Nazis.
Historically, the Jews sought the protection of Muslim lands to reside, in order to survive the Christian pogroms and massacre's against them.

It wasn't until the founding of the modern state of Israel, that intense animosity between jews and muslims began. .... :cool:
While wrong about the beginning of the hate between Jew and Muslim, you are correct about the Jews, and Christians also, being welcome in early Muslim lands. They were people of the 'Book' and were welcomed. And the Arabic Culture became the leading culture in the world at that time due to their welcoming of those people, and due to their respect for learning. And when they adapted the radical Islam that insisted that all convert, they lost it all, and became just another backwards cesspool. A fate this nation may share if we follow the orange clown.
On the contrary, many muslim nations supported the Nazis.
That was because the Nazi's were fighting the British who had colonized muslim lands. And the Germans had promised to free them if they won the war. ..... :cool:
Right on. And they were dumb enough to believe those promises. Had the Germans won, they would have eradicated the muslim nations, and taken the oil without the slightest compensation.
Sunni's statement is KHUTBAH JUMAAT BULL SHIT. In fact---there are far more jews in the world in CHRISTIAN LANDS than in muslim lands and that situation was also true LONG BEFORE 1948. Were his statement true-----jews would have PROLIFERATED in muslim lands<<<NEVAH HAPPENED. What is true is that the land invaded by the dogs and pigs of Arabia ---early on, were WELL POPULATED BY JEWS.------Their numbers always dwindled under the filth of islam----including in Spain. Rambam, himself, fled------not Christian oppression in spain---but the stink of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION. His writings on "faking it in mosques" came out of his own experiences. Having fled to morocco which had a large jewish community he also faced the stench of Islamic oppression and did fake a conversion to give him time to run again. The pressures on jewish immigration in those days depended on "best deal"--which means most MODERATE level of oppression. There was a time when Germany somehow was "most moderate"--which accounted for the large jewish community there. Rambam ended up living in Egypt-----where Sada'adin ruled. He was not actually an arab----but a BERBER and far more moderate in the pact of omar filth. Interestingly---the synagogue of Rambam had survived in Egypt---and is used as a tourist spot-----JEWS ARE PERMITTED TO ENTER BUT NOT TO PRAY-----of course muslims can do so---(such is the filth of islam)
Although she has no idea what she is talking about.

Irosie's expletive laden psycho rants are entertaining if nothing else. ...... :thup: ... :lol: ... :lol:

Oh gee----sunni farts out khutbah jumaat crap and 'old rock' responds "ameen"
I feel like I am back in that sock sweat redolent mosque

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