Jews In NY Tell anti-Semitic De Blasio To Pound Sand - Use Bolt Cutters To Remove Chains Of Locked Parks

"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
Are you calling governor Cuomo and mayor DeBlasio...'white supremacists? Left wing activists were running wild in Brooklyn while the Nazi mayor was busy preventing Jews from enjoying a park in the Bronx. This is so crazy that it defies understanding.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
Are you calling governor Cuomo and mayor DeBlasio...'white supremacists? Left wing activists were running wild in Brooklyn while the Nazi mayor was busy preventing Jews from enjoying a park in the Bronx. This is so crazy that it defies understanding.

"This is so crazy that it defies understanding."

Welcome to Clown World.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
Are you calling governor Cuomo and mayor DeBlasio...'white supremacists? Left wing activists were running wild in Brooklyn while the Nazi mayor was busy preventing Jews from enjoying a park in the Bronx. This is so crazy that it defies understanding.
Did I say they were, no....I said there are white supremacist in the US.. How you construe the obvious is most devious.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....

Anti-Police, Anti-Jew, but de Blasio is all for letting rioters and looters have their way. How can this failure continue to be Mayor of the biggest city in the country?
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
Are you calling governor Cuomo and mayor DeBlasio...'white supremacists? Left wing activists were running wild in Brooklyn while the Nazi mayor was busy preventing Jews from enjoying a park in the Bronx. This is so crazy that it defies understanding.
Did I say they were, no....I said there are white supremacist in the US.. How you construe the obvious is most devious.

EVERY White who is NOT a Leftist is now considered a White Supremacist. Disagree with BurnLootMurder = being a White Supremacist. Disagree with the attempted Neo-Communist Insurrection = being a White Supremacist.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....

Anti-Police, Anti-Jew, but de Blasio is all for letting rioters and looters have their way. How can this failure continue to be Mayor of the biggest city in the country?

The entire narrative is insane. Can't have a mass gathering on the beach and enjoy yourself because of COVID-19 but IF you are a feral Black and a feral Self-Hating White Neo-Communist POS you can go out en masse to riot and loot. Welcome To Clown World.
Our Jewish Friends should have just told Herr DeBlasio (real name Warren Wilhelm) that they want to go to the park to riot and loot in George Floyd's honor.

Actually they should have just made a poster saying "Black Lives Matter" and attached it to the park gates, you don't have to actually support BLM but you CAN USE it to YOUR advantage and get away with MANY MANY things, let the Leftists aka Neo-Communists THINK you support BLM and play their OWN game AGAINST them.

I refuse to even pretend to support these leftist thugs.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
Are you calling governor Cuomo and mayor DeBlasio...'white supremacists? Left wing activists were running wild in Brooklyn while the Nazi mayor was busy preventing Jews from enjoying a park in the Bronx. This is so crazy that it defies understanding.
Did I say they were, no....I said there are white supremacist in the US.. How you construe the obvious is most devious.

EVERY White who is NOT a Leftist is now considered a White Supremacist. Disagree with BurnLootMurder = being a White Supremacist. Disagree with the attempted Neo-Communist Insurrection = being a White Supremacist.
I see you have been indoctrinated by the echo chamber.White Supremacist don't hang with centrist white people of any party they are the extreme element that exist...
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....

Hypocrites Lives Matter
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
Are you calling governor Cuomo and mayor DeBlasio...'white supremacists? Left wing activists were running wild in Brooklyn while the Nazi mayor was busy preventing Jews from enjoying a park in the Bronx. This is so crazy that it defies understanding.
Did I say they were, no....I said there are white supremacist in the US.. How you construe the obvious is most devious.

EVERY White who is NOT a Leftist is now considered a White Supremacist. Disagree with BurnLootMurder = being a White Supremacist. Disagree with the attempted Neo-Communist Insurrection = being a White Supremacist.
I see you have been indoctrinated by the echo chamber.White Supremacist don't hang with centrist white people of any party they are the extreme element that exist...

No I am getting this from reading what BurnLootMurder and the Self-Hating White Neo-Communist POS are saying themselves, this is their new definition of what a White Supremacist is. The BurnLootMurder crowd are more extreme with this and so logically in the near future they are going to turn on the Self-Hating White Neo-Communist POS and call THEM White Supremacists also because they might be Self-Hating Whites but they ARE STILL White.

Then BurnLootMurder will turn on those Blacks THEY consider NOT Black enough.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Leftest Jews are mentally ill.
State and local governments list ALL credibility when they stood shoulder to shoulder in support of these thugs.

It proves these edicts were only about control of the law abiding

It also shows that those Leftist State and local government politicians in America were INVOLVED in this from the BEGINNING, this type of complete organised mayhem and organised lawlessness does NOT occur by accident, it only happens on this type of wide scale when it's been PLANNED and for ALL these Leftist politicians to IMMEDIATELY side with and assist the attempted Neo-Communist Insurrection suggest THEY were IN on the PLANNING from the BEGINNING. They are Co-Conspirators of the highest order and of course they are Traitors.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Leftest Jews are mentally ill.

Yes they are and as you are Orthodox you and your wife and family take extra care during these times.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
You dont either. It doesnt help that reality eludes you
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....

Anti-Police, Anti-Jew, but de Blasio is all for letting rioters and looters have their way. How can this failure continue to be Mayor of the biggest city in the country?
Then don't vote for him.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
You dont either. It doesnt help that reality eludes you
I am well aware of many white supremacists in the area...Come on over and you can visit them.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...

She's obviously better informed than you are, probably because as an adult peer pressure isn't nearly as feared by her as it is by you.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
Are you calling governor Cuomo and mayor DeBlasio...'white supremacists? Left wing activists were running wild in Brooklyn while the Nazi mayor was busy preventing Jews from enjoying a park in the Bronx. This is so crazy that it defies understanding.
Did I say they were, no....I said there are white supremacist in the US.. How you construe the obvious is most devious.

EVERY White who is NOT a Leftist is now considered a White Supremacist. Disagree with BurnLootMurder = being a White Supremacist. Disagree with the attempted Neo-Communist Insurrection = being a White Supremacist.
I see you have been indoctrinated by the echo chamber.White Supremacist don't hang with centrist white people of any party they are the extreme element that exist...

Damn right! All 6 of them are anti-social, and FBI CIs as well. The Feds pay for their websites, so they can provide dope addled dumbasses like yourself with 'Raysisses n Stuff!' they can link to on da innernetz.

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