Jews Were Responsible For Bringing Down Moscow Marxist empire USSR

They're also a large presence in New York City as well; many of the Jewish far right leadership comes from Brooklyn, like the Kahanists and some of the JDL factions.

Seems you know as much about Jews as you do Libertarians -- and that's not much.

MILITANCY which is what JDL and Kahanists are similar to can be either "left or right" , but in the case of THESE orgs -- they are NOT political in the sense that the IRA was in Ireland. There is no intersection between retail politics, governmental policy or LEANINGS in these orgs. They believe they are fighting bad guys and threats. Period. And -- sometimes they mistakes in picking targets.

BUT !!!! They are far more accurate in picking out the bad guys than say -- the SouthPovertyLawCenter or our own FBI...
Seems you know as much about Jews as you do Libertarians -- and that's not much.

MILITANCY which is what JDL and Kahanists are similar to can be either "left or right" , but in the case of THESE orgs -- they are NOT political in the sense that the IRA was in Ireland. There is no intersection between retail politics, governmental policy or LEANINGS in these orgs. They believe they are fighting bad guys and threats. Period. And -- sometimes they mistakes in picking targets.

BUT !!!! They are far more accurate in picking out the bad guys than say -- the SouthPovertyLawCenter or our own FBI...

lol more handwaves ; nobody unnerstandz da Jews. Rubbish.

Morris Dees, whose family scam is the SPLC, is Jewish, by the way. lol you're an antisemite..

lol more handwaves ; nobody unnerstandz da Jews. Rubbish.

Morris Dees, whose family scam is the SPLC, is Jewish, by the way. lol you're an antisemite..


Morris Dees created a propaganda unit for the social justice warriors. It will turn on HIM eventually like everything woke is currently consuming their own. Funny thing -- Jews are a LOT LESS monolithic than other minorities. And I have NO PROBLEM picking the Heroes and Zeroes out of that clan. Besides -- Morris Dees SLANDERED and LIBELED Libertarians multiple times. So as you gather from chat in the libertarian thread --- that makes me a tad angry. EVEN more angry than when congenital liar ex-CIA chieftains make the SAME declaration.
Morris Dees created a propaganda unit for the social justice warriors. It will turn on HIM eventually like everything woke is currently consuming their own.

I agree mostly, and as we've seen the black radicals and east coast elitists turned on the Jewish Liberals the same way, hence the rise in Jewish 'conservatives'. They also turned on the state of Israel when LBJ took over from the French as Israel's defense ally, almost overnight from full on support to full on genocidal extinction demands and support of PLO vermin. Moynihan actually predicted this, in fact, and warned the Jewish liberals they were shooting themselves in the foot over quotas in the battles over the Philadelphia Plan between the liberals and the left wing and black radicals destroying the Party. And, he turned out to be right, Jews lost teaching positions and local and state offices in NYC, Philly, Chicago, LA, etc. via 'Affirmative Action and 're-districiting' after Nixon's forcing the rest of the country in complying with the CR Acts as interpreted by radicals and black pols.

Funny thing -- Jews are a LOT LESS monolithic than other minorities.

Not so much back then; many were really pissed off that a bunch of drunk Episcopalians wouldn't let them play golf and stuff at their private clubs, so they thought promoting orgs like Dees and the ACLU running around getting Xian influence out of schools and govt. was a way to screw over the Evul Goy WASPS and Catholics. They were pretty much on board with that regardless of personal politics; revenge came first, no matter how imaginary the alleged crimes being avenged. These same drunk Episcopalians discriminated against a lot of people, but that wasn't on the radar for some ethnic groups. They succeeded all right, only they didn't expect to have to pay anything themselves.
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The CIA dossier on the '67 war, taken offline by Biden admin, said LBJ was thrilled when the CIA told him Israel started the 67 war. Vietnam was a diversion. The objective from the grassy knoll was to arm Israel. That is why our troops in nam tell us they were promised new weapons that never arrived. Those were diverted to Israel and how Israel got ready to start the 67 war, a war Einstein warned us in 48 would happen..
Jews Led by High IQs, Americans Led by Low IQs

I remember the Stars & Stripes story, which I read in Vietnam. It was shocking and embarrassing, that little Israel could totally humiliate the Arab savages in six days, while big America was getting nowhere fighting the Asian trash.
. They have their own Nazi-like little cults among their ethnic group, same as others do, at the moment those make up over 10% at least of Israel's population and rising; they're having the most children. They're also a large presence in New York City as well; many of the Jewish far right leadership comes from Brooklyn, like the Kahanists and some of the JDL factions.
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

By dissing their manly patriots, you show your preference for Jews becoming squeaky-voiced, squiggling Woody Allenesque pushovers. They're easier to handle that way, but maybe you should imitate the tough and intelligent Israelis instead of being jealous of them.
Jews Led by High IQs, Americans Led by Low IQs

I remember the Stars & Stripes story, which I read in Vietnam. It was shocking and embarrassing, that little Israel could totally humiliate the Arab savages in six days, while big America was getting nowhere fighting the Asian trash.

Jew with highest IQ - high school drop out Albert Einstein
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

By dissing their manly patriots, you show your preference for Jews becoming squeaky-voiced, squiggling Woody Allenesque pushovers. They're easier to handle that way, but maybe you should imitate the tough and intelligent Israelis instead of being jealous of them.

Ah, more dumbasseery; I've never supported Arab vermin, nor sided with the Israel bashers; if you want to snivel and protect your favorite ethnic flavors of neo-Nazi type gangs just do so openly without the idiot editorial strawmen.

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