JFK Assassination Solved With Reverse Speech Analysis?


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Hadn't heard of reverse speech analysis until recently. All i can say is, it's absolutely fascinating. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I'm still listening to messages from Satan when I play my records backwards...New messages...
Granny says if ya lissen to dem devil messages...

... ya gonna end up in a lake o' fire an' brimstone.
utter bullshit

but thanks for the near laugh

You don't find it even a little interesting?
no, I don't find it interesting to have people tell me what I'm hearing.

It's the same nonsense ghost hunters use when they tell you they recorded a ghost.

'you can hear the ghost say 'help me', then they play it and you hear the ghost say 'help me'

then a debunker comes along and says; 'sounds like it's saying 'fluffy', plays it again and you hear 'fluffy'

its a jedi mind trick
Paulitician finds every conspiracy under the sun to be true.

1, or 3. Hell, 10 maybe.

But 100% of them, from Sandy Hook to Colorado to 9/11 to that reporter in California to JFK?

YOU my friend, have been BRAINWASHED.
utter bullshit

but thanks for the near laugh

You don't find it even a little interesting?
no, I don't find it interesting to have people tell me what I'm hearing.

It's the same nonsense ghost hunters use when they tell you they recorded a ghost.

'you can hear the ghost say 'help me', then they play it and you hear the ghost say 'help me'

then a debunker comes along and says; 'sounds like it's saying 'fluffy', plays it again and you hear 'fluffy'

its a jedi mind trick

Reasonable take. People can tend to hear what they wanna hear.
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Btw, the creators of the video also have a website. The site delves much deeper into statements made by people like Oswald and Ruby at the time. It's worth checking out.
Hadn't heard of reverse speech analysis until recently. All i can say is, it's absolutely fascinating. Check it out and let me know what you think.

My Dad called the Oswald assassination. My recollection is that when the news was on and they reporter said they were going to escort Oswald out, my Dad called out to us "Come and watch this guy get shot" and next thing Jack Ruby walks into the picture.

You don't want to believe that our government killed JFK, that's what keeps you believing Oswald acted alone. But nothing, absolutely nothing about the assassination makes sense from the POV of Oswald acting alone
Hadn't heard of reverse speech analysis until recently. All i can say is, it's absolutely fascinating. Check it out and let me know what you think.

My Dad called the Oswald assassination. My recollection is that when the news was on and they reporter said they were going to escort Oswald out, my Dad called out to us "Come and watch this guy get shot" and next thing Jack Ruby walks into the picture.

You don't want to believe that our government killed JFK, that's what keeps you believing Oswald acted alone. But nothing, absolutely nothing about the assassination makes sense from the POV of Oswald acting alone

Wow, crazy. Yeah, i mean look at how they handcuffed him when escorting him out. He was basically spreadeagle waiting to be shot. They seemed pretty relaxed about the whole thing.

But anyway, the creator of this video also has a website. The site goes deeper into it. It examines statements made by people like Oswald and Ruby at the time. Even if you don't buy into the 'Reverse Speech' thing, it's still worth checking out. And thanks for the great reply.
I'm still listening to messages from Satan when I play my records backwards...New messages...

:laugh: Did you watch the video though? Check it out.
Yes, It sound manipulated...from the originator and their auditory hallucinations...

Possibly. But if not, it's pretty interesting.

I just listened to it and he has a good valid point in what he said there in post# 9 however I do agree with you that it is interesting.However that being said,I wouldnt use this video as evidence in trying to convince people that the CIA killed JFK.there are plenty of other much greater videos out there to show other than this one that prove and document all this that are much better sources to use. a video like this one gives government paid shills like sayit-aka dawgshit,candyass,and the biggest one of them all USMB's resident troll rightwinger,too much good material for them to use against you to call you a tin foil hatter.

Like I said,there are much better videos out there to use that have complete total proof that cannot be refuted or debunked but this isnt one of them though.
Hadn't heard of reverse speech analysis until recently. All i can say is, it's absolutely fascinating. Check it out and let me know what you think.

My Dad called the Oswald assassination. My recollection is that when the news was on and they reporter said they were going to escort Oswald out, my Dad called out to us "Come and watch this guy get shot" and next thing Jack Ruby walks into the picture.

You don't want to believe that our government killed JFK, that's what keeps you believing Oswald acted alone. But nothing, absolutely nothing about the assassination makes sense from the POV of Oswald acting alone

Wow, crazy. Yeah, i mean look at how they handcuffed him when escorting him out. He was basically spreadeagle waiting to be shot. They seemed pretty relaxed about the whole thing.

But anyway, the creator of this video also has a website. The site goes deeper into it. It examines statements made by people like Oswald and Ruby at the time. Even if you don't buy into the 'Reverse Speech' thing, it's still worth checking out. And thanks for the great reply.

Yeah thats one of the things that proves it was a government operation because those police officers along with many people,should have been fired at the LEAST for their incompetence at not protecting him that day.If you watch the video of when he enters the police station it is much different than when he exits because when he enters,the officers protect him the way he SHOULD have been protected when they brought him out,they followed standard procedure taking him in having two men behind him and two men in front on him.where when he came out,he was wide open exposed.

when i got really interested in this back in the early 90's when i woke up about it realising i had been lied to my whole life,my mom was telling a friend of hers about how i was really interested in it and she said her friend said to her-yeah i never did believe oswald did it myself because of how the police just let jack ruby waltz right in there and shoot him with no problem. many people back then could see the obvious how the police purposely let Jack Ruby shoot him.

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