JFK's girlfriend


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Was searching for a DVD called She Married an Artist at the library and this popped up. Interesting story.

jfk 3 days.jpg
Was searching for a DVD called She Married an Artist at the library and this popped up. Interesting story.

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i had tp look up meyers in wiki. thought i remembered him from watergate .....

Some insiders incorrectly suspected that Cord Meyer was Deep Throat, a key informant in the Watergate Scandal whose identity was a mystery for more than 30 years.[17]

now i have to find out how he was cleared.

are you a lone assassin skeptic?
Fucking a CIA fellow's old lady would seem like a good way to get yourself whacked.

Kennedy lived a pretty reckless life for sure, Him and his brother were having 3-somes with Marilyn Monroe and that couldn't have been popular with Joe DiMaggio and his Italian friends.

And of course LBJ wanted Kennedy out of the way so he could assume power.

A lot of folks with motivation here
Legend has it that JFK got kicked out of naval intelligence for having a relationship with a female Nazi spy.
The Kennedy's did a lot of reckless stuff. Their extended clan and offspring were reckless as well. That's 1 reason Jackie married Onasis and took her kids over to Greece. She didn't want them running around with all of their cousins.
The Kennedys were rich trailer trash.

They were only rich because Daddy made a lot of money bootlegging.

Ole JFK had everybody fooled. The media, Hollywood and most of America didn't think his shit stank.

Of course the ones that could do something about it knew he was a piece of shit and that is the reason he was whacked.
I was 15 when it happened, and most people were skeptical of the story then, but still had faith in the government that the story would come out eventually. It did, but never all the way. In 1975 they reopened the investigation to all the lone nuts, and they actually decided there was some sort of conspiracy but went no further. I backed into this in 1973 when I was working at Columbia Plaza on Virginia Ave next to Watergate, and we used to eat lunch at the Howard Johnson's across the street. John Dean and his wife were running whores in the high rise, and we were renovating the low rise part of it. We met a security guard at the HoJo who told us they didn't need to tape any doors, they had keys. This was before the internet, but a few years later I started wondering why did they break in there in the first place, Nixon had already won the nomination sewed up. When you could research on line I found out who Howard Hunt was, and the other Cubans he was with and it all tracked back to Cuba and operation mongoose and plots to kill Castro. Same people, same mission. You can believe what you want, we can still do that here.
Was Obama's chef the latest victim? Nobody goes paddle boarding in a pond and drowns in 8 feet of water.
Very likely.

There is a pattern with murders by the state. The initial reports always turn out to be lies. I believe in this case, they reported initially the Obama’s weren’t in residence at the time of the murder but then later, we were told they were.

Seth Rich, Mark middleton, and Epstein’s murder all had the same pattern.

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