Jihad murderer Syed Farook memorized Qur’an, frequented San Bernardino mosque


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Robert Spencer asks some very good questions....

How did he miss all the Qur’an’s peaceful passages that are so patently obvious to John Kerry, David Cameron, Pope Francis and other learned imams? Why didn’t the true, peaceful Islam that he undoubtedly learned at Dar-Al-Uloom Al-Islamiyah of America in San Bernardino prevent him from falling for the false, hijacked Islam that he presumably picked up on the Internet?

Seriously, the San Bernardino shooting should be the end of nonsensical politically correct assumptions such as “the Qur’an teaches peace” and “all mosques in the U.S. teach peace,” but it won’t be. The Dar-Al-Uloom Al-Islamiyah of America in San Bernardino should be investigated. But it won’t be.

Jihad murderer Syed Farook memorized Qur’an, frequented San Bernardino mosque
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
I never trusted the Lutherans, they always smelled of fish. Bet that kid loved Revelation, not a chance in the world he didn't.

Tell ya what, since very religious people go nuts, let's investigate everyone who claims to have a strong faith? Better yet, let's put them all into camps until we can sort this whole mess out? We already have the design...

Bet we can still get a cheap deal on furnaces eh...
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I never trusted the Lutherans, they always smelled of fish.

Lutherans are responible for Lutefisk...they should be banned
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
perhaps if it was a jihad, but i don't think it was.

It was a religious killing.
but was it in the name of god?

Moving the goalposts are you?

Religion was part of it. Don't you think we'd better investigate the church he attended? Maybe they preached racist policies.
i'm good with it. I was just wondering if he yelled alla before he killed.
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
perhaps if it was a jihad, but i don't think it was.

It was a religious killing.
but was it in the name of god?

Moving the goalposts are you?

Religion was part of it. Don't you think we'd better investigate the church he attended? Maybe they preached racist policies.
i'm good with it. I was just wondering if he yelled alla before he killed.

More likely "hallelluha".
I think I've got this straight.

T.V. reports say the Lunatic Muslim, Syad Farook, got into an argument with a Jew he worked with about whether Islam was a peaceful religion.

They didn't say which side Syad Farook took, but the Jew is dead----killed by the peaceful Muslim or his peaceful wife.

So, if we can understand the Muslim Mind...which no one has been able to do for 1400 years...do we assume the Jew was the one who was arguing that Islam was peaceful? And Syad said NO, and killed him to prove his point?

That's how Muslims think, as near as I can tell.

Or, was Syad arguing that the Islamic religion was peaceful and the Jew claiming it was not? And, peaceful as Islam is, Syad blew him away for being a blaspheming infidel, like it says to do in the Koran?

Muslims think like this too, as near as I can tell.

So, a Muslim and a Jew get into a dispute over whether Islam is a peaceful religion...and the Muslim blows the Jew away, along with 13 of his friends....

And Barack Obama blames the gun!

Narcissistic Fools think like this, as near as I can tell.


Lessons learned:

1) PRAY: It pisses off the Socialists in New England and New York;

2) PRAY, that we get through the rest of the term of this asshole fool in the White House; before he sells us out completely; and

3) Never let another Muslim into this Country. The ones that are here have Constitutional Rights and they should be fully accorded those rights.

The ones that aren't here yet: FUCK EM.

Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.
An investigation would answer the question.

You don't investigate churches simply because a member went beserk.
If the member :) went berserk claiming his murderous acts were gods work and he was a regular at a particular church, I would have no objection to them being checked out.
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?
In the OT mostly, but they are still not teaching that crusades need to be undertaken, and we do not see anywhere near as many Chritian or Jewish loons massacring people all around the globe.
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?

yes-----none. I read the bible and I read the koran. I also read the Ramayana ---- and the Bhagavad Gita. All have verses that ALLUDE to violence-----and lots of other issues--------but since I am not stupid-----I did not imagine that by reading those books, I KNEW the details of Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or
Hindu theology. ----not at all------not even close. I LEARNED about -----Jewish theology, Christian Theology, Muslim Theology and Hindu Theology from ---
Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus and their writings ----- ABOUT
their theology. I also read the Odyssey and the Illiad and-------the works of
Euripides, Aristophanes, Aeshchylus and Sopholces------and somewhere along
the line----probably all the greek "god" myths. Still I am no expert in ancient
greek theology. ----------Islam like all the rest is defined by its own scholars and
its own history and its own "CASE STUDIES" and the CULTURE which its aderents have developed. The shootings in California is part of the history of islam as is Isis as are genocides that have knocked off people in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in the past 1400 years-------and scores of millions in just the past
single 100 year period-----Ie since 1915 and the Armenian genocide. Genocides
for "ALLAH" not in defensive wars------FOR "ALLAH"-------just like the California massacre-----FOR "ALLAH". --------whether it ever gets videotaped or not------
there are people in the world celebrating the ISLAMIC VICTORY in California.
I learned all about it from-----muslims. The massacre will be justified in their own minds and so presented to their children

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