Jihad murderer Syed Farook memorized Qur’an, frequented San Bernardino mosque

Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.
An investigation would answer the question.

You don't investigate churches simply because a member went beserk.
If the member :) went berserk claiming his murderous acts were gods work and he was a regular at a particular church, I would have no objection to them being checked out.

excellent point------any "chistian" who shoots up an abortion clinic because
"JESUS" told him to do it------correctly makes his church a target of investigation
and its members-----liable to some questioning by the cops
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.
An investigation would answer the question.

You don't investigate churches simply because a member went beserk.
If the member :) went berserk claiming his murderous acts were gods work and he was a regular at a particular church, I would have no objection to them being checked out.

excellent point------any "chistian" who shoots up an abortion clinic because
"JESUS" told him to do it------correctly makes his church a target of investigation
and its members-----liable to some questioning by the cops
Dylann Roof attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Should the church be investigated? It wasn't.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?
In the OT mostly, but they are still not teaching that crusades need to be undertaken, and we do not see anywhere near as many Chritian or Jewish loons massacring people all around the globe.

The Old Testament is at least as bloody as the Koran.

The difference is that one society has civilized itself---primarily through such blessings as Jefferson's Separation of Church and State. The State has no power over the Church, and conversely, the Church has no power over the State.

Not so with Islam which is socially stuck in the 8th century. The Church (Mosque) is the State, and wields, or seeks to wield, all the power---the power to compel uniformity of belief; of conscience. That's where the blood comes from. From the power, or the seeking of the power....of the State.

Islam is not yet civilized enough to live in Western Societies. They haven't had their Thomas Jefferson....looks like it will be several centuries before they do.

In the meantime, we need to simply, for our own safety, never let another Muslim into this Country. Seems like an easy proposition to understand....after the bitter, bitter experience Europe has had with bringing these near-savages into their countries.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.
Why have you snipped off almost the entire post? The post in which she tells you she has read it?
Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.
Why have you snipped off almost the entire post? The post in which she tells you she has read it?

Because I was answering that one part, and the rest of it shows she has clearly not read the bible.

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?
In the OT mostly, but they are still not teaching that crusades need to be undertaken, and we do not see anywhere near as many Chritian or Jewish loons massacring people all around the globe.

The Old Testament is at least as bloody as the Koran.

The difference is that one society has civilized itself---primarily through such blessings as Jefferson's Separation of Church and State. The State has no power over the Church, and conversely, the Church has no power over the State.

Not so with Islam which is socially stuck in the 8th century. The Church (Mosque) is the State, and wields, or seeks to wield, all the power---the power to compel uniformity of belief; of conscience. That's where the blood comes from. From the power, or the seeking of the power....of the State.

Islam is not yet civilized enough to live in Western Societies. They haven't had their Thomas Jefferson....looks like it will be several centuries before they do.

In the meantime, we need to simply, for our own safety, never let another Muslim into this Country. Seems like an easy proposition to understand....after the bitter, bitter experience Europe has had with bringing these near-savages into their countries.

We don't have, and should never have a religious test for immigrants coming in.
does the Lutheran church support white supremacy and neo-nazism.....?

Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.

In fact I have and unlike you, I am not a lying bitch. I have also CORRECTLY
stated that one does not gain an understanding of a RELIGION by a simple and shallow minded reading of the SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS produced by the adherents of that religion. I read the ODYSSEY as if it was a novel ------and the
Koran as if it was a novel-------and the bible-----same approach. Of course---I have to add that I am not simple minded------I consider novels to be very important
representations of cultures and not easy to INTERPRET simply by that simple
minded reading. One does not learn calculus be trying to scan thru the calculus
text book either. I tried it once------It got me the only 'C' of my undergraduate
school career. I was a devastated first semester freshman
Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.

In fact I have and unlike you, I am not a lying bitch. I have also CORRECTLY
stated that one does not gain an understanding of a RELIGION by a simple and shallow minded reading of the SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS produced by the adherents of that religion. I read the ODYSSEY as if it was a novel ------and the
Koran as if it was a novel-------and the bible-----same approach. Of course---I have to add that I am not simple minded------I consider novels to be very important
representations of cultures and not easy to INTERPRET simply by that simple
minded reading. One does not learn calculus be trying to scan thru the calculus
text book either. I tried it once------It got me the only 'C' of my undergraduate
school career. I was a devastated first semester freshman

You are absolutely correct. Which is why I find the claim that 164 Jihadi verses to be indicative of an entire religion laughable.

(I got a C in Calculus too but I worked my butt off for that C!)
the more I see about the guy the more it seems like he was a lonely guy who felt alienated at work, maybe elsewhere too. he was looking for companionship online and found it with a woman that wanted to come here with the sole purpose of radicalizing him and carrying out an attack.
mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.
Why have you snipped off almost the entire post? The post in which she tells you she has read it?

Because I was answering that one part, and the rest of it shows she has clearly not read the bible.

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?

your citation is meaningless. The bible itself is not a LAW BOOK and neither is the koran. You are citing the writings of simple minded jerks whose very question makes no sense. Counting the violent verses is silly--------one could assert that
SUPERMAN COMICS teach children to be murderers because the comics include
descriptions of violence. The real islam is the islam as INTERPRETED by
RECOGNIZED Islamic scholars------like the ones who declare sluts who put bombs on their stinking asses for the purpose of murdering infants SAINTS OF ISLAM
Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.
Why have you snipped off almost the entire post? The post in which she tells you she has read it?

Because I was answering that one part, and the rest of it shows she has clearly not read the bible.

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?

your citation is meaningless. The bible itself is not a LAW BOOK and neither is the koran. You are citing the writings of simple minded jerks whose very question makes no sense. Counting the violent verses is silly--------one could assert that
SUPERMAN COMICS teach children to be murderers because the comics include
descriptions of violence. The real islam is the islam as INTERPRETED by
RECOGNIZED Islamic scholars------like the ones who declare sluts who put bombs on their stinking asses for the purpose of murdering infants SAINTS OF ISLAM

Tell that to the person obessing over 164 verses.
mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.
Why have you snipped off almost the entire post? The post in which she tells you she has read it?

Because I was answering that one part, and the rest of it shows she has clearly not read the bible.

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?
No it doesn't show that she clearly has not read the bible.
Doesn't matter. There is no evidence that the San Bernadino Mosque does.

mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?
In the OT mostly, but they are still not teaching that crusades need to be undertaken, and we do not see anywhere near as many Chritian or Jewish loons massacring people all around the globe.

The Old Testament is at least as bloody as the Koran.

The difference is that one society has civilized itself---primarily through such blessings as Jefferson's Separation of Church and State. The State has no power over the Church, and conversely, the Church has no power over the State.

Not so with Islam which is socially stuck in the 8th century. The Church (Mosque) is the State, and wields, or seeks to wield, all the power---the power to compel uniformity of belief; of conscience. That's where the blood comes from. From the power, or the seeking of the power....of the State.

Islam is not yet civilized enough to live in Western Societies. They haven't had their Thomas Jefferson....looks like it will be several centuries before they do.

In the meantime, we need to simply, for our own safety, never let another Muslim into this Country. Seems like an easy proposition to understand....after the bitter, bitter experience Europe has had with bringing these near-savages into their countries.

We don't have, and should never have a religious test for immigrants coming in.

They don't have Constitutional Rights while they are in Oman or Yemen or Saudi Arabia waiting to come over and blow up some Americans. If we don't have a test, its high time to get one....no president suspended the writ of habeas corpus until Lincoln had a civil war on his hands...no president ever put American citizens in Concentration Camps without due process....until Roosevelt had to deal with the aftermath of Pearl Harbor.

Just ban everybody from a list of countries, and don't mention religion if that makes you feel better...everybody knows the countries which need to be on the list.

Its the first thing the Government is ordred to do:

Provide for the common defense.
mosques teach the Koran therefore they must teach jihad as there are 164 jihad verses in the Koran......

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.

In fact I have and unlike you, I am not a lying bitch. I have also CORRECTLY
stated that one does not gain an understanding of a RELIGION by a simple and shallow minded reading of the SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS produced by the adherents of that religion. I read the ODYSSEY as if it was a novel ------and the
Koran as if it was a novel-------and the bible-----same approach. Of course---I have to add that I am not simple minded------I consider novels to be very important
representations of cultures and not easy to INTERPRET simply by that simple
minded reading. One does not learn calculus be trying to scan thru the calculus
text book either. I tried it once------It got me the only 'C' of my undergraduate
school career. I was a devastated first semester freshman

You are absolutely correct. Which is why I find the claim that 164 Jihadi verses to be indicative of an entire religion laughable.

(I got a C in Calculus too but I worked my butt off for that C!)

Really? I did nothing for my C------but I went nuts the second semester
for an "A" (the prof laughed when I got my 'C' ----and told me------"you
want to go on? A 'C' first semester is not a good beginning")-----I accepted
his words as a kind of challenge. Out of a first semester of almost 50 students---
the class was cut down to seven for the second semester. I have learned
that this is not unusual for calculus-----but I consider it the fault of the profs---
they MYSTIFY it. Calculus is not all that mysterious
the more I see about the guy the more it seems like he was a lonely guy who felt alienated at work, maybe elsewhere too. he was looking for companionship online and found it with a woman that wanted to come here with the sole purpose of radicalizing him and carrying out an attack.

I agree.

It was the Pussy that got him.

If Isis has figured out how to use that as a weapon, we are in deep trouble. Grave danger.
the more I see about the guy the more it seems like he was a lonely guy who felt alienated at work, maybe elsewhere too. he was looking for companionship online and found it with a woman that wanted to come here with the sole purpose of radicalizing him and carrying out an attack.

I agree.

It was the Pussy that got him.

If Isis has figured out how to use that as a weapon, we are in deep trouble. Grave danger.
well i wouldn't have phrased it that way, but it would seem that he was from a very normal family, living a very normal life, until he got lonely and brought home a wife from isis.
Only 164 out of 6,236 verses?

Do you realize how many versus promoting violence exist in the bible?


Then you haven't read it.

In fact I have and unlike you, I am not a lying bitch. I have also CORRECTLY
stated that one does not gain an understanding of a RELIGION by a simple and shallow minded reading of the SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS produced by the adherents of that religion. I read the ODYSSEY as if it was a novel ------and the
Koran as if it was a novel-------and the bible-----same approach. Of course---I have to add that I am not simple minded------I consider novels to be very important
representations of cultures and not easy to INTERPRET simply by that simple
minded reading. One does not learn calculus be trying to scan thru the calculus
text book either. I tried it once------It got me the only 'C' of my undergraduate
school career. I was a devastated first semester freshman

You are absolutely correct. Which is why I find the claim that 164 Jihadi verses to be indicative of an entire religion laughable.

(I got a C in Calculus too but I worked my butt off for that C!)

Really? I did nothing for my C------but I went nuts the second semester
for an "A" (the prof laughed when I got my 'C' ----and told me------"you
want to go on? A 'C' first semester is not a good beginning")-----I accepted
his words as a kind of challenge. Out of a first semester of almost 50 students---
the class was cut down to seven for the second semester. I have learned
that this is not unusual for calculus-----but I consider it the fault of the profs---
they MYSTIFY it. Calculus is not all that mysterious

I was crap at mathmatics during much of my school career until I had one fantastic teacher in college who showed me how beautiful algebra was - and I loved it. Calculus was like trying to embrace an entire new way of thinking - it was very hard for me to grasp it - but I loved it, it was kind of like an alternate universe. I worked hard for a C - but math doesn't come easy to me.

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