My breakdown of the occult olympic opener

The quickest way to stop it is money. Sponsors pull out, turn off TV, don’t visit, make noise about it. Filthy disgusting BoardStain are all for mocking God, the Bible and Christianity. They are evil, they work for the evil Devil.

Notice, They don’t dare belittle the cult of muslim. Befriend them at your own demise. Elimination is the quickest sure out.
This single fact seems to be difficult to grasp, for some.

They have been programed to always be the victim. It is so ingrained in their very nature they know nothing else. It has been this way for decades. When I was still apart of the church I would laugh at members that whined about how Christians were persecuted in the US.
Must be the latest bs talking points you loons have been fed

No, it was a simple press release from the people who created the opening ceremony.

And I can count. If they were going to mock the Last Supper, wouldn't they have had 13 people? Jesus + 12 apostles? I counted 18 people at the table.
They have been programed to always be the victim. It is so ingrained in their very nature they know nothing else. It has been this way for decades. When I was still apart of the church I would laugh at members that whined about how Christians were persecuted in the US.

I remember being amused at the way some Christians played the victim card. I mean, I grew up in the Bible Belt.
No, it was a simple press release from the people who created the opening ceremony.

And I can count. If they were going to mock the Last Supper, wouldn't they have had 13 people? Jesus + 12 apostles? I counted 18 people at the table.

You keep right on believing that, if I were them I'd be back pedaling too
No, it was a simple press release from the people who created the opening ceremony.

And I can count. If they were going to mock the Last Supper, wouldn't they have had 13 people? Jesus + 12 apostles? I counted 18 people at the table.

Which oddly enough is how many are in the the Feast of Bacchus painting
But I was not talking about Christianity. The religion shown was the ancient Greek Gods. You know, Zeus, Promethius, Hermes???

It was the Feast of Dionysus, not the Last Supper.

The blue guy was Dionysus I even said that three times in 3 separate posts are you illiterate?

And really you don't see any correlation here?


Go gaslight someone else pal

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