Jihad Rep. Ilhan Omar Facing 40 Years in Prison & Deportation After 7 New Crimes Uncovered


I'm Jewish, I'm not Israel - crazy concept right?

You may do as you wish but you cannot be a country. You foreigners need to learn English and you lie about being Jewish.

Moron, I'm talking about the fact that Israel is not another word for jewish. It is a country with it's own policies and criticizing them is not the same thing as saying something about jews.

Omar clearly has some strong words about Israel, but that doesn't make her anti-semitic.

I am not "islamophobic"----but the Koran---which I read some 50 years ago----is a disgusting pile of shit. I am not islamophobic---but the creature that muslims claim to be a paragon vitue, was a vile rapist, murderous, enslaving and disgusting
dog. I am not islamophobic but the laws that muslim "scholars" have elaborated
based on the writings in the pile of shit Koran are perverse and vile. I am not islamophobic, but those people who lick up the shit thrown on the floor each Friday as the weekly KHUTBAH JUMAAT are too far gone and depraved to be
allowed to live amongst humans. Ilhan Omar's statements are inspired by that very shit she licked off the mosque floor during her life-time. I have been in mosques where the bible is described as a PERVERSE LIE----written by liars and
perverse dogs ----THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAM. I am no more islamophobic then Ilhan is anti-Semitic but according to the rantings of Imams----
Bullshit , this guy never read any part of the Koran. It is about half as cruel as the bible and It come nowhere close to the justification of killing every man women and child , in fact the bible said even the animals have to be killed , anything that can move has to be killed This was Gods demand for many nations, the bible wanted total destruction, annihilation. . Try finding that in the Koran.

Why does Islam hate dogs?
I looked back on

You’re a loser who cannot spell.


ok moron, whatever you say.

I am not the one who said I was a country and cannot spell “believe”. You’re a foreigner? What country? France?
I looked back on your comments, just for a hoot and you have literally contributed nothing to this thread and my guess is that you contribute to no ones thread . The problem with this is that you're also bad at insults, you're just boring.

Opinions vary. Thanks for stalking.
Looking back at some turds comment that he made in one thread hardly shows stalking. Your weak and easy. and contribute nothing not even good insults. That makes you the ultimate loser.
I looked back on
You’re a loser who cannot spell.


ok moron, whatever you say.

I am not the one who said I was a country and cannot spell “believe”. You’re a foreigner? What country? France?
I looked back on your comments, just for a hoot and you have literally contributed nothing to this thread and my guess is that you contribute to no ones thread . The problem with this is that you're also bad at insults, you're just boring.

Opinions vary. Thanks for stalking.
Looking back at some turds comment that he made in one thread hardly shows stalking. Your weak and easy. and contribute nothing not even good insults. That makes you the ultimate loser.

Your? You mean “you are”? Why the jihad on the English language? Uneducated moron.

This unofficial indictment is incredible. Fact after fact.

No Congressional ethics hearing?

No DOJ indictments?

What the hell is going on here?

According to Steinberg there is credible evidence that Ilhan Omar and her family changed their name to illegally enter the United States back in 1995.

And since that time Ilhan Omar as an adult continued to defy US law. According to Steinberg Rep. Omar committed at least eight instances of perjury going back to 2009. The charges could carry up to 40 years of prison time or deportation.

Obviously, Ilhan Omar has no regard for US law and yet here she is representing Minnesota in the US Congress and a sitting member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

David Steinberg reported on Ilhan’s criminal activity.

And then, the article goes on to list an amazing roster of serious crimes.

Interesting tidbit…

Did you know her brother, who was also her ex-husband, is actually gay?

Now, after her newest divorce proceedings, she is allegedly shacked up with a businessman who brings even further scrutiny to her dealings.


Because her campaign paid him over $250,000.

With endless links and backups to include a link to Minnesota Dems taking steps to remove her from Congress.

All of it @ Jihad Rep. Ilhan Omar Facing 40 Years in Prison & Deportation After 7 New Crimes Uncovered
Deport her, NOW!

Under what authority?

She is a citizen of the United States of America and a duly elected Congresswoman.

Have you lost your god dam fucking mind?
She gained citizenship through false pretenses and fraud and should be stripped of it and deported.
If your so sure about her breaking the law call the police and if she did break the law she will have her day in court.Why dump it on us, first we know it's a lie and second it's a goonie bird comment. Just dial 911 tell someone that can do something about it.
That has been done to no avail-remember, these are powerful people we go against.
I'm Jewish, I'm not Israel - crazy concept right?

You may do as you wish but you cannot be a country. You foreigners need to learn English and you lie about being Jewish.

Moron, I'm talking about the fact that Israel is not another word for jewish. It is a country with it's own policies and criticizing them is not the same thing as saying something about jews.

Omar clearly has some strong words about Israel, but that doesn't make her anti-semitic.

I am not "islamophobic"----but the Koran---which I read some 50 years ago----is a disgusting pile of shit. I am not islamophobic---but the creature that muslims claim to be a paragon vitue, was a vile rapist, murderous, enslaving and disgusting
dog. I am not islamophobic but the laws that muslim "scholars" have elaborated
based on the writings in the pile of shit Koran are perverse and vile. I am not islamophobic, but those people who lick up the shit thrown on the floor each Friday as the weekly KHUTBAH JUMAAT are too far gone and depraved to be
allowed to live amongst humans. Ilhan Omar's statements are inspired by that very shit she licked off the mosque floor during her life-time. I have been in mosques where the bible is described as a PERVERSE LIE----written by liars and
perverse dogs ----THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAM. I am no more islamophobic then Ilhan is anti-Semitic but according to the rantings of Imams----
Bullshit , this guy never read any part of the Koran. It is about half as cruel as the bible and It come nowhere close to the justification of killing every man women and child , in fact the bible said even the animals have to be killed , anything that can move has to be killed This was Gods demand for many nations, the bible wanted total destruction, annihilation. . Try finding that in the Koran.

Why does Islam hate dogs?

muhummaad did not like dogs----he liked cats. Green is THE COLOR----because muhummad liked green.
You may do as you wish but you cannot be a country. You foreigners need to learn English and you lie about being Jewish.

Moron, I'm talking about the fact that Israel is not another word for jewish. It is a country with it's own policies and criticizing them is not the same thing as saying something about jews.

Omar clearly has some strong words about Israel, but that doesn't make her anti-semitic.

I am not "islamophobic"----but the Koran---which I read some 50 years ago----is a disgusting pile of shit. I am not islamophobic---but the creature that muslims claim to be a paragon vitue, was a vile rapist, murderous, enslaving and disgusting
dog. I am not islamophobic but the laws that muslim "scholars" have elaborated
based on the writings in the pile of shit Koran are perverse and vile. I am not islamophobic, but those people who lick up the shit thrown on the floor each Friday as the weekly KHUTBAH JUMAAT are too far gone and depraved to be
allowed to live amongst humans. Ilhan Omar's statements are inspired by that very shit she licked off the mosque floor during her life-time. I have been in mosques where the bible is described as a PERVERSE LIE----written by liars and
perverse dogs ----THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAM. I am no more islamophobic then Ilhan is anti-Semitic but according to the rantings of Imams----
Bullshit , this guy never read any part of the Koran. It is about half as cruel as the bible and It come nowhere close to the justification of killing every man women and child , in fact the bible said even the animals have to be killed , anything that can move has to be killed This was Gods demand for many nations, the bible wanted total destruction, annihilation. . Try finding that in the Koran.

Why does Islam hate dogs?

muhummaad did not like dogs----he liked cats. Green is THE COLOR----because muhummad liked green.

Zombies are the followers of that ideology
None of the Fake Russian Collusion Bullshit was true, but your side put The American People and The Taxpayer through Hell over it for 3 years, going on 4 now.

And this is despite the fact James Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Obama, Clinton and Mueller all knew it to be a false political lie manufactured by The Democrat Party.

You went with The Lie anyways, because That's Who You Are.

Russia isn't going away no matter how you say it...

It is clear Trump broke the law to obstruct an investigation into Russian involvement in the US Election... WHY?

Trump broke the law for US enemies...

It's clear? Would you please quote the law he broke, because none of your fellow libtards can come up with one?

Do you know why he is not being impeached? Libs failed their creative writing classes! They cannot even remotely come up with a reason to impeach other than he beat Hillary and they don't like it!

Obstruction of Justice - FindLaw

He is President of the US, he has to be charged by Congress and they are investigating... This is how the legal system, things are first investigated before people are charged...

from your own source
Obstruction of Justice
"interference with the orderly administration of law and justice"
and when Muller, Comey, and everyone else that was involved in the investigation was asked were they in any way interfered with they all said no

Comey was fired by Trump admission over investigating the Russian thing. That is a confession...

He interfered because he didn't like a particular investigation... That's it...

Mueller is different and there is stuff there too but Comey is alone a crime.

Comey worked at the pleasure of the President. He could fire him at any time he damn well pleased. Mueller is NOT different as Comey was the one who got him appointed!

Why are you such a dumbass? This has been explained to you about 5 times by various posters and you still don't get that you are as wrong as you can possibly be.

If what you claim is true, why hasn't the House impeached Trump? He fired Comey how long ago?
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It's clear? Would you please quote the law he broke, because none of your fellow libtards can come up with one?

Do you know why he is not being impeached? Libs failed their creative writing classes! They cannot even remotely come up with a reason to impeach other than he beat Hillary and they don't like it!

Obstruction of Justice - FindLaw

He is President of the US, he has to be charged by Congress and they are investigating... This is how the legal system, things are first investigated before people are charged...

from your own source
Obstruction of Justice
"interference with the orderly administration of law and justice"
and when Muller, Comey, and everyone else that was involved in the investigation was asked were they in any way interfered with they all said no

Comey was fired by Trump admission over investigating the Russian thing. That is a confession...

He interfered because he didn't like a particular investigation... That's it...

Mueller is different and there is stuff there too but Comey is alone a crime.

you seem to think pelosi and the hate co against him miss these little bits you fling out.

He obstructed justice... I have pointed out.. Trump clearly confesses to the crime.

Firing Comey is not obstruction of justice. Mueller would have said if that hampered his investigation. He did not.

Even if it did, Comey can be fired at any time for any reason.
Everybody who read your title thoughtthat charges was pressed against Omar. Turns out this is only a right-wing usmb guy pretending that she was charged with something and the crimes were "uncovered."

If you bothered to read the article,, you would have seen that Democrats in her home state are starting actions to remove her from Congress.
Russia isn't going away no matter how you say it...

It is clear Trump broke the law to obstruct an investigation into Russian involvement in the US Election... WHY?

Trump broke the law for US enemies...

It's clear? Would you please quote the law he broke, because none of your fellow libtards can come up with one?

Do you know why he is not being impeached? Libs failed their creative writing classes! They cannot even remotely come up with a reason to impeach other than he beat Hillary and they don't like it!

Obstruction of Justice - FindLaw

He is President of the US, he has to be charged by Congress and they are investigating... This is how the legal system, things are first investigated before people are charged...

from your own source
Obstruction of Justice
"interference with the orderly administration of law and justice"
and when Muller, Comey, and everyone else that was involved in the investigation was asked were they in any way interfered with they all said no

Comey was fired by Trump admission over investigating the Russian thing. That is a confession...

He interfered because he didn't like a particular investigation... That's it...

Mueller is different and there is stuff there too but Comey is alone a crime.

Comey worked at the pleasure of the President. He could fire him at any time he damn well pleased.

Could he fire Mueller for a bribe?
Laws simply do not apply to democrats or the deep state. It doesn't matter WHAT Omar does, she will NEVER be held accountable. She could cut the head off of one of the Americans she so bitterly hates in the name of her demon Allah and she would not be charged. There is NO LAW for democrats, period.
Nothing will happen to her. Too many Obama-Clinton sycophants planted in government for anyone to ever prosecute someone like Comey or Omar, or Clinton or Obama for their crimes.
No, you're right, nothing will happen to her because none of this bullshit is true.
None of the Fake Russian Collusion Bullshit was true, but your side put The American People and The Taxpayer through Hell over it for 3 years, going on 4 now.

And this is despite the fact James Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Obama, Clinton and Mueller all knew it to be a false political lie manufactured by The Democrat Party.

You went with The Lie anyways, because That's Who You Are.

Russia isn't going away no matter how you say it...

It is clear Trump broke the law to obstruct an investigation into Russian involvement in the US Election... WHY?

Trump broke the law for US enemies...

Fucking liar.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.
Nothing will happen to her. Too many Obama-Clinton sycophants planted in government for anyone to ever prosecute someone like Comey or Omar, or Clinton or Obama for their crimes.
No, you're right, nothing will happen to her because none of this bullshit is true.
None of the Fake Russian Collusion Bullshit was true, but your side put The American People and The Taxpayer through Hell over it for 3 years, going on 4 now.

And this is despite the fact James Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Obama, Clinton and Mueller all knew it to be a false political lie manufactured by The Democrat Party.

You went with The Lie anyways, because That's Who You Are.

Russia isn't going away no matter how you say it...

It is clear Trump broke the law to obstruct an investigation into Russian involvement in the US Election... WHY?

Trump broke the law for US enemies...
What law?
Nothing will happen to her. Too many Obama-Clinton sycophants planted in government for anyone to ever prosecute someone like Comey or Omar, or Clinton or Obama for their crimes.
No, you're right, nothing will happen to her because none of this bullshit is true.
None of the Fake Russian Collusion Bullshit was true, but your side put The American People and The Taxpayer through Hell over it for 3 years, going on 4 now.

And this is despite the fact James Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Obama, Clinton and Mueller all knew it to be a false political lie manufactured by The Democrat Party.

You went with The Lie anyways, because That's Who You Are.

Russia isn't going away no matter how you say it...

It is clear Trump broke the law to obstruct an investigation into Russian involvement in the US Election... WHY?

Trump broke the law for US enemies...
What law?

Oh, don't mind sheepboi ted, he's just a pathological liar.
Nothing will happen to her. Too many Obama-Clinton sycophants planted in government for anyone to ever prosecute someone like Comey or Omar, or Clinton or Obama for their crimes.
No, you're right, nothing will happen to her because none of this bullshit is true.
None of the Fake Russian Collusion Bullshit was true, but your side put The American People and The Taxpayer through Hell over it for 3 years, going on 4 now.

And this is despite the fact James Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Obama, Clinton and Mueller all knew it to be a false political lie manufactured by The Democrat Party.

You went with The Lie anyways, because That's Who You Are.

Russia isn't going away no matter how you say it...

It is clear Trump broke the law to obstruct an investigation into Russian involvement in the US Election... WHY?

Trump broke the law for US enemies...
What law?

Oh, don't mind sheepboi ted, he's just a pathological liar.

He lives in Detroit and pretends he lives in Ireland for some reason
Nothing will happen to her. Too many Obama-Clinton sycophants planted in government for anyone to ever prosecute someone like Comey or Omar, or Clinton or Obama for their crimes.

"All that is required for evil men to prevail, is for 'good men' to do nothing about it"

Exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. The opposition mostly remained silent while the Nazi party rose to power. But unlike Nazi Germany, today when millions of people start to die, this time there will be no allied forces to come to the rescue.
Laws simply do not apply to democrats or the deep state. It doesn't matter WHAT Omar does, she will NEVER be held accountable. She could cut the head off of one of the Americans she so bitterly hates in the name of her demon Allah and she would not be charged. There is NO LAW for democrats, period.


This appears to be the case for the most part.
While many supporting the opposition to the Left have been indicted and prosecuted, operators on the Left, even in the face of overwhelming wrong doing, apparently have amnesty to prosecution.

Ask yourself WHY? The answer that most seem too shy to accept, and that the Left will ridicule because it supports their agendas, is that there is in fact a 'Deep State" and it has far more control over our government than is widely known or acknowledged..

This is a tell tale sign that corruption in America is already past the point of no return.
Because corruption breeds more corruption and it will only get worse with time.

All that is required for 'good men" to become oppressed is for them to offer no resistance to evil men.

Americans today are certainly not the same brave men referenced by the Founding Fathers.

Once 'good men' are shackled and restrained by fear, evil men are free to do as they please.
Once there was equal justice under the law.
No more.

The only exception might be for black people pre 1970's
It's true that life was harder for most black people in America for most of it's history.

Things changed in the 50's and 60's for one reason......

Good men confronted evil men head on. That is not happening today.

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