Jill Biden Gets Mercilessly Booed at Eagles Game During Coin Toss

I don't think so.
I am as conservative as it gets, and I would be more inclined to vote for Ted Nugent than vote in an elderly man who CLEARLY has lost cognitive ability. And I blame Jill Biden, the person who knew more than anyone other person on earth that her husband suffers from cognitive loss but let him run anyway.
Having said all this... there is a dramatic difference between the dozens of videos out there, including the one on Fox News where you can hear the booing. It is there. No question. But that doesn't mean the video created on "rightjournalism.com" wasn't doctored to make the booing louder. And then that video was shared by other sites. Why is that not possible?
I can watch 10 different videos uploaded to twitter, you can hear booing on all of them - but again - not as loud as the version shown here.
I call it like I see it.
I otoh cannot hear the booing in any video and rely on the fact that it was reported by numerous independent witnesses
What crazy power these people have. 69,000 people at the game and they were able to scrub the videos off of all of their phones.

No wonder you all live in such a constant state of fear
We are dressing our little male toddlers in female dresses. Get it yet.
Sucks to be so politically biased you cannot even enjoy the beauty of someone from the "other side".

Yet oddly it seems to make you all so very happy.

Will never get it, but to each their own
Bullshit, dude. If Trump got bood and the media was downplaying it, you'd be shitting kittens directly into a catapult to fight to ensure the world knew it happened.

Lick your own bias, bitch
With Potatohead having an approval rating in the cellar no wonder "Doctor" (lol) Jill gets booed and the crowd chants Fuck Biden.

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