Jill Biden Unveils This Year’s TACKY White House Christmas Decorations with Flying Reindeer, Floating Ice Cream Cones, and Covid Cell Ornaments

Yes, you read that right. She has Covid cell looking ornaments set up. This is as trashy as it gets. It's all cluttered. The Trump's had eloquent Christmas decorations and didn't over do it. As for the floating ice cream cones, we all know who was in mind for that.

Beats Melanoma's RED tribute to Lubyanka (-:
Xmas decorations? This is what republicans are throwing a fit about?

The 1st Lady decorated the way she wanted. Don't like it? Tough shit.

And the whole pedo thing is ridiculous. Now everyone who decorates with cheerful children's stuff is a pedo? Jeez.
Marxist pedo groomer, please.

Covid cells?? Geez, how disgusting

This man oversaw record Covid deaths and he’s decorating the White House with Covid cells? Sick stuff

Some of Jill Biden's decorations do look like COVID cells! :confused:

Yes, you read that right. She has Covid cell looking ornaments set up. This is as trashy as it gets. It's all cluttered. The Trump's had eloquent Christmas decorations and didn't over do it. As for the floating ice cream cones, we all know who was in mind for that.

Love that hate don't you bud?
Its a childrens' themed decor vs something elegant. I hated Melania's deep red murder xmas theme that one year but the other three years I thought were fine. Creative statements dont resonate with everyone. No problem if you dont like it.
WB is neither a Marxist or a pedo groomer.

Woosh and obviously.

I was amending his observation to include an expanded list of the usual shitcon spewing.

But I can see that there was JUST enough grammatical ambiguity that one might misinterpret my comment if they hadn't paid attention to my dozens of past pro-WB posts, and many hundreds of previous comments.

Sadly, there's too much mindless narcissistic spewing, and not enough mindful observation of where people are coming from.

Don't be a part of the problem.


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