Jill Stein Arrested For Indecent Exposure!

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015

(((((FAKE NEWS ALERT!)))))

Jill Stein, upon taking a recount STEEEEERIKE THREE! in her sleazy bid to steal money from her followers, was thrown into a CIA rendition site by president Barrack Hussein Obama. Making a bad day even worse, it's believed she was physically restrained while her underarms were shaved.

Hillary Clinton upon hearing the news said: "That crazy bitch will get us all hanged". It's believed Clinton was referring to losing her get-out-of-jail-free card after her name was added to Stein's treachery.

Vladimir Putin laughed when he heard of Stein's capture and incarceration: "Еам омнес цоммодо но, импетус фабулас меа еа. Но сит пауло цонсецтетуер, модо сусципиантур еа яуи, яуо ех пондерум перпетуа. Цу хас малорум фабеллас сингулис, путант еирмод аццусам хас но, аудире денияуе еос цу. Еи при цоммуне диссентиет." which translated means: "I don't know wikileaks from Warsaw Willies but that Jill Stein is one scary woman....and that armpit hair.....disgusting!"

When or if Stein will be released before Barrack Hussein is evicted from the White House in January is unknown at this time. News anchors at MSLSD are in shocked disbelief, openly sobbing and inappropriately hugging each other.

Updates when they become available

© Horn Fake News Network
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(((((FAKE NEWS ALERT!)))))

Jill Stein, upon taking a recount STEEEEERIKE THREE! in her sleazy bid to steal money from her followers, was thrown into a CIA rendition site by president Barrack Hussein Obama. Making a bad day even worse, it's believed she was physically restrained while her underarms were shaved.

Hillary Clinton upon hearing the news said: "That crazy bitch will get us all hanged". It's believed Clinton was referring to losing her get-out-of-jail-free card after her name was added to Stein's treachery.

Vladimir Putin laughed when her heard of Stein's capture and incarceration: "Еам омнес цоммодо но, импетус фабулас меа еа. Но сит пауло цонсецтетуер, модо сусципиантур еа яуи, яуо ех пондерум перпетуа. Цу хас малорум фабеллас сингулис, путант еирмод аццусам хас но, аудире денияуе еос цу. Еи при цоммуне диссентиет." which translated means: "I don't know wikileaks from Warsaw Willies but that Jill Stein is one scary woman....and that armpit hair.....disgusting!"

When or if Stein will be released before Barrack Hussein is evicted from the White House in January is unknown at this time. News anchors at MSLSD are in shocked disbelief, openly sobbing and inappropriately hugging each other.

Updates when they become available

© Horn Fake News Network

Ha ha?
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The fascist Trump Gang has now taken HILLARY into custody....charges pending.

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Today's dragnet also has House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on the run!


SanFranNan is supposedly wanted on charges of bilking Barry-Care out of at least two and possibly three facelifts. Cosmetic surgery isn't covered by the ACA. Pelosi is rumored to be wearing a burka and hiding in Barbara Boxer's wine cellar.

© Horn Fake News Network

Today's dragnet also has House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on the run!


SanFranNan is supposedly wanted on charges of bilking Barry-Care out of at least two and possibly three facelifts. Cosmetic surgery isn't covered by the ACA. Pelosi is rumored to be wearing a burka and hiding in Barbara Boxer's wine cellar.

© Horn Fake News Network

(((((FAKE NEWS ALERT!)))))

Jill Stein, upon taking a recount STEEEEERIKE THREE! in her sleazy bid to steal money from her followers, was thrown into a CIA rendition site by president Barrack Hussein Obama. Making a bad day even worse, it's believed she was physically restrained while her underarms were shaved.

Hillary Clinton upon hearing the news said: "That crazy bitch will get us all hanged". It's believed Clinton was referring to losing her get-out-of-jail-free card after her name was added to Stein's treachery.

Vladimir Putin laughed when he heard of Stein's capture and incarceration: "Еам омнес цоммодо но, импетус фабулас меа еа. Но сит пауло цонсецтетуер, модо сусципиантур еа яуи, яуо ех пондерум перпетуа. Цу хас малорум фабеллас сингулис, путант еирмод аццусам хас но, аудире денияуе еос цу. Еи при цоммуне диссентиет." which translated means: "I don't know wikileaks from Warsaw Willies but that Jill Stein is one scary woman....and that armpit hair.....disgusting!"

When or if Stein will be released before Barrack Hussein is evicted from the White House in January is unknown at this time. News anchors at MSLSD are in shocked disbelief, openly sobbing and inappropriately hugging each other.

Updates when they become available

© Horn Fake News Network

Look, you can't tip your hand by telling everyone ahead of time it is a satire piece. You have to let people take a bite out of it first, and then twist in the wind for a while.
Look, you can't tip your hand by telling everyone ahead of time it is a satire piece. You have to let people take a bite out of it first, and then twist in the wind for a while.

And end up in the Rubber Room before I can entertain my pals? I think not. :nono:
Look, you can't tip your hand by telling everyone ahead of time it is a satire piece. You have to let people take a bite out of it first, and then twist in the wind for a while.

And end up in the Rubber Room before I can entertain my pals? I think not. :nono:

Oh...well lately, the politics forum and the rubber room have been easy to confuse with each other.

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