Jill Stein says hilary should be arrested already...

Agents for the FBI and the DOJ were furious when she wasn't arrested so there must be some truth to whats going on.

Anyone who thinks that POS is pure as the driven snow is a few card short of a full deck. No way should that old hag ever land in the Whitehouse.
Agents for the FBI and the DOJ were furious when she wasn't arrested so there must be some truth to whats going on.

Anyone who thinks that POS is pure as the driven snow is a few card short of a full deck. No way should that old hag ever land in the Whitehouse.
Which agents? Do you know them? Anyway, Jill Stein is a fruit loop that wants to take computers out of classrooms. Jill Stein Worries Wi-Fi Is Dangerous For Kids
Agents for the FBI and the DOJ were furious when she wasn't arrested so there must be some truth to whats going on.

Anyone who thinks that POS is pure as the driven snow is a few card short of a full deck. No way should that old hag ever land in the Whitehouse.
Which agents? Do you know them? Anyway, Jill Stein is a fruit loop that wants to take computers out of classrooms. Jill Stein Worries Wi-Fi Is Dangerous For Kids

Look it up. Its out there. In fact its on another thread on this board. No agents were named if I remember correctly. Nor would they be.
Crooked Killary is just a puppet of NWO which never allows her to fall before voting.
The entirely system is fake ind rigged.

Which proves that even a leftwing commie can be right on occasion.

It is too bad what will happen to Mrs. Stein if hilary gets elected.....I hear that enemies of hilary don't get sent to Federal Club Med...they get real prison time....

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