Jim Jordan: from Matt Taibbi to Trump, the left never stops, this about them intimidating their enemies to chill free speech, we want Bragg to testify

I break the law I get to go to court, Trump breaks the law he gets to go to court. WTF is there not to understand?

Remember Trump had the balls to pull this on Hillary?

Guess who I would have at every debate front row?


Equal justice under the law, unless you’re a Republican running for president.

The Republicans in the House have crossed a line here.

“Those House GOP figures who have made [it] their intent to interfere with Bragg’s investigation, and their alliance with the former president — reportedly taking calls from him [Thursday] night — it tiptoes up to the edge of obstruction,” said Norm Eisen, chair of the States United Democracy Center and a senior fellow in governance studies at The Brookings Institution, a nonprofit public policy organization.

“The notion of having a federal prosecutor come in and talk about an open case is anathema. It’s constitutionally prohibited under principles of separation of powers,” said Eisen, who became increasingly animated as he spoke. “Those concerns are even more strongly implicated when it’s a state prosecutor who is not within the jurisdiction. The House Judiciary Committee has oversight responsibility for Bill Barr. They have none for Alvin Bragg!”

Republicans, stop doing things that are unconstitutional. I thought you guys were all about the constitution. Stop breaking it when it suits you.

Wendy Weiser, who directs the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, said the GOP committee chairs’ actions so far are, at a minimum, inappropriate. She referenced letters that Jordan, Comer and Steil sent to Bragg, in which they demanded documents related to his probe.

“I think there is a strong argument here that these letters have already crossed the line,” said Weiser. “The line you’re looking at, it’s a line between legitimate political discourse and inappropriate political interference. ... They can complain as much as they’d like. But actually trying to obtain the records, confidential information, about a pending criminal case would be inappropriate for any criminal actor and certainly a congressional committee.”

“Even if they haven’t taken the step of using those powers,” she added, “the threat to use those powers inappropriately itself is inappropriate interference.”
Bragg’s office has ripped Republicans trying to meddle in its work. In two separate letters to the GOP committee chairs, Leslie Dubeck, the district attorney’s general counsel, chided them for parroting Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric aimed at delegitimizing the justice system.
“As Committee Chairmen, you could use the stature of your office to denounce these attacks and urge respect for the fairness of our justice system and for the work of the impartial grand jury,” Dubeck wrote in a Friday letter. “Instead, you and many of your colleagues have chosen to collaborate with Mr. Trump’s efforts to vilify and denigrate the integrity of elected state prosecutors and trial judges and made unfounded allegations that the Office’s investigation, conducted via an independent grand jury of average citizens serving New York State, is politically motivated.”
I break the law I get to go to court, Trump breaks the law he gets to go to court. WTF is there not to understand?

You left out that for 4 years, nobody was allowed to take Trump to court for breaking the law. And that he used the AG, DOJ, and US Attorneys to shield him, along with the OLC opinion that sitting Presidents couldn't be charged with a crime until they left office.

Unlike you, Trump had a 4-year, "stay out of jail FREE" card.
You left out that for 4 years, nobody was allowed to take Trump to court for breaking the law. And that he used the AG, DOJ, and US Attorneys to shield him, along with the OLC opinion that sitting Presidents couldn't be charged with a crime until they left office.

Unlike you, Trump had a 4-year, "stay out of jail FREE" card.

And Trump was impeached twice. Don't forget the Republican controlled Senate shielded him too.

Mitch believes Trump was responsible for the insurrection. He said he didn't convict him for it because he was no longer president. Translation, Mitch doesn't want to be the next republican to get death threats from Trump supporters.

Which leads us to Georgia. Trump called that a "perfect" call when he asked the Republican SOS to "find" him 150,000 votes. "I mean come on give me a break" Trump said. In other words it should be easy to produce 150,000 votes. Me thinks Republicans are the ones who cheat when it comes to elections. Trump thinks we manufacture 150,000 votes to beat him why? Is that how it works in Texas or Florida?

The Republican SOS in Georgia voted for Trump. But when he wouldn't help him steal the state, he and his family still got death threats from Trump supporters. I wonder if he will vote for Trump in 2024.
Me thinks Republicans are the ones who cheat when it comes to elections. Trump thinks we manufacture 150,000 votes to beat him why? Is that how it works in Texas or Florida?

The Republican SOS in Georgia voted for Trump. But when he wouldn't help him steal the state, he and his family still got death threats from Trump supporters. I wonder if he will vote for Trump in 2024.

In 2016, when Hillary got 3.5 million more votes than Trump. His ego wouldn't let coming in 2nd in the popular vote stand. So Trump made up there were 3.5 million illegals voting in California

And by 2020, that number had to go to over 8 million illegals voting, or ballots coming out of thin air, to explain his loss.
In 2016, when Hillary got 3.5 million more votes than Trump. His ego wouldn't let coming in 2nd in the popular vote stand. So Trump made up there were 3.5 million illegals voting in California

And by 2020, that number had to go to over 8 million illegals voting, or ballots coming out of thin air, to explain his loss.
I remember his anger over the poor turnout at his Inauguration too. He had to lie.
I remember his anger over the poor turnout at his Inauguration too. He had to lie.
Poor Sean Spicer. He had to repeat Trumps lie about the size of his inaugural crowd, with a straight face.

The photographic evidence of crowd size was like Trump getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And Spicer explaining that people shouldn't trust their own eyes, but believe Trump instead.
statute of limitations is over. Why don't you actually learn something you puke.
That's an interesting point. Do you agree that Trump broke the law at least 34 times, and you're not arguing innocence, but being able to shield himself from indictment for 4 years while a sitting president.
That's an interesting point. Do you agree that Trump broke the law at least 34 times, and you're not arguing innocence, but being able to shield himself from indictment for 4 years while a sitting president.
nope. Hitlery was found guilty of it.

Now post where Trump was found guilty.
nope. Hitlery was found guilty of it.

Now post where Trump was found guilty.

What was Hillary found guilty of? NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH

Meanwhile Trumps Company, his University, and his Charity were all found guilty. Along with his CFO, his lawyer, and the only thing shielding Trump was being a sitting president at the time.
What was Hillary found guilty of? NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH

Meanwhile Trumps Company, his University, and his Charity were all found guilty. Along with his CFO, his lawyer, and the only thing shielding Trump was being a sitting president at the time.
Oh come on, do some fking research would you?

And we want Gym Jordan to testify in a court as to why he protected a pedophile instead of protecting his wrestlers.

House GOP’s Biden investigations sputter out of the gate​

House Republicans charged into the majority vowing an investigative onslaught against President Joe Biden and Democrats.

But they’ve gotten almost nowhere so far — and some in the party are getting frustrated.

According to interviews with more than a dozen House Republicans, a sizable chunk of the conference is focused on preventing a banking crisis and a looming debt fight instead of focusing on witch hunts into the Biden family or a politicized government panel.

At the same time, the party base is chafing at the lack of big bombshells and concrete steps against administration officials to back up all of lawmakers’ talk.

The base needs to know the House has nothing. So much so they can't even talk about these conspiracy theories. They don't have time. Too busy actually running the country. With Biden.

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