Jim Jordan: from Matt Taibbi to Trump, the left never stops, this about them intimidating their enemies to chill free speech, we want Bragg to testify

those aren't laws. The fact that you think that is truly amusing.

Count refers to the basis for which someone can be held liable or guilty in court. A count is a cause of action in civil cases or an offense in criminal cases. Each lawsuit can involve multiple counts in which someone can be held liable.

How many things can Trump be found guilty of? 32? So 32 laws he broke. LOL

Trust me, more to come. 32 is just the start.
Count refers to the basis for which someone can be held liable or guilty in court. A count is a cause of action in civil cases or an offense in criminal cases. Each lawsuit can involve multiple counts in which someone can be held liable.

How many things can Trump be found guilty of? 32? So 32 laws he broke. LOL

Trust me, more to come. 32 is just the start.
it doesn't say anything about the law that was broken. Don't worry, we know you got him this time version 1,400,000.
Yep, you cheated and bullied your way in! Aren’t you proud.

And you continue makes you so important
As long as the dark side isn't in charge. Mitch, Trump, Bush, Dick Chaney, Ron DiSantis. All elites. They represent the rich. Trump conned you broke ass.
As long as the dark side isn't in charge. Mitch, Trump, Bush, Dick Chaney, Ron DiSantis. All elites. They represent the rich. Trump conned you broke ass.
As long as the dark side isn't in charge. Mitch, Trump, Bush, Dick Chaney, Ron DiSantis. All elites. They represent the rich. Trump conned you broke ass.
so you don't think demofks are rich. It's fking hilarious.

Couple things.

1. We are the party for educated people yes. So yes Democrats tend to get those votes and you get the goobers who are not educated.

2. Dark money. Citizens United. Today rich people give Republican dark money and then give Democrats 10% of what they gave the GOP and they make that donation public.

3. Clearly the GOP is the party for Big Oil and big companies who want to pay zero taxes. Trump doubled the number of companies who now pay no federal taxes.

4. Democrats are the labor party. Republicans hate unions. They hate paying higher wages. So when it comes to corporations, Republicans are the party for the CEO not labor.

5. Biden wants to raise taxes on rich people to pay for social programs that help the poor and middle class.

6. Don't count Hollywood and Athletes. They aren't that rich. But that's who you are referring to. Also they are both in unions right? You side with the owners not the athletes when it comes to how much we should pay the talent and how much the "job creators" get.

So shove that bullshit up your ass.
the smartest stupid people on the planet.

Republicans are never for the little guy. Always for the rich guys. Minimum wage. Job creators. Anti union. Won't punish illegal employers. Corporations should pay no taxes. Defending the CEO's pay going up 300% in the last 3 decades while our wages stayed flat.

On every issue, the GOP is the party for the rich. Only Trump found an angle where he can make a claim that he's for the little guy. He wants to kick out illegals. But he won't go after illegal employers just like you. So he wants to play wackamole politics with illegal immigrants. Not really fix the problem.

I remember in the 2000's you Republicans claimed that it's better to hire 100 people for $50,000 a year instead of 50 people making $100K. My company had a department where 5 guys made over $100K a year. The company hired 5 more guys and suddenly 10 are making $50K. You Republicans said that was good because 5 more people were working.

I guess that's how shitty Bush's economy was. At the time I think it was for every 1 job available 17 people were looking. Bad times.
Couple things.

1. We are the party for educated people yes. So yes Democrats tend to get those votes and you get the goobers who are not educated.

2. Dark money. Citizens United. Today rich people give Republican dark money and then give Democrats 10% of what they gave the GOP and they make that donation public.

3. Clearly the GOP is the party for Big Oil and big companies who want to pay zero taxes. Trump doubled the number of companies who now pay no federal taxes.

4. Democrats are the labor party. Republicans hate unions. They hate paying higher wages. So when it comes to corporations, Republicans are the party for the CEO not labor.

5. Biden wants to raise taxes on rich people to pay for social programs that help the poor and middle class.

6. Don't count Hollywood and Athletes. They aren't that rich. But that's who you are referring to. Also they are both in unions right? You side with the owners not the athletes when it comes to how much we should pay the talent and how much the "job creators" get.

So shove that bullshit up your ass.
As a union member, I find your response comical.
As a union member, I find your response comical.
I knew/know a lot of guys in unions who don't appreciate what their unions did for them. Are you in a good one? You get a pension when you retire?

Not all union members are smart or appreciative of what they have.
I knew/know a lot of guys in unions who don't appreciate what their unions did for them. Are you in a good one? You get a pension when you retire?

Not all union members are smart or appreciative of what they have.
I have a good union. Just don't agree that the Democrats are responsible for it. And yes, I get a pension.

You wouldn't like my union though. No sick days, no holiday pay, no vacation pay.
I have a good union. Just don't agree that the Democrats are responsible for it. And yes, I get a pension.

You wouldn't like my union though. No sick days, no holiday pay, no vacation pay.
We got him in 2020 and you guys just about lost your shit. LOL
And demofks are richer, so you think republicans are for demofks. Only in the smartest stupid people minds

The spin that Republicans today are somehow the party for the middle class and the Democrats are the party for the rich is as laughable as you guys trying to say it was us Democrats who were the racists in the 1950's. So ignorant. But you'll keep repeating it because it's an argument dumb people will buy. Your base.
The spin that Republicans today are somehow the party for the middle class and the Democrats are the party for the rich is as laughable as you guys trying to say it was us Democrats who were the racists in the 1950's. So ignorant. But you'll keep repeating it because it's an argument dumb people will buy. Your base.
It's amazing how uninformed you are. Someone posted already the most wealthy party. You really don't like truth.

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