Jim Jordan: from Matt Taibbi to Trump, the left never stops, this about them intimidating their enemies to chill free speech, we want Bragg to testify

Oh come on, do some fking research would you?

If you and the House have so much evidence bring it

All you have is steel dossier? LOL. That's old shit bro. Nothing burger.
sure all creatures are. Even beatles and octopy.

I bet you believe we're apes!!!!!
I bet you believe we were POOFED into existence by a God. Full grown adult humans POOFED onto the land.

I bet you believe that's true about all land creatures. They were POOFED here by God, right?

If you don't believe that nonsense then you believe in evolution. So yes, we came from a more ape like species. Before that we were rodents. Before that we lived and breathed under water. Eventually we crawled out of the water. Whales did too but then said fuck it and went back in the water. Only they could no longer breath under water.

If you believe in evolution you believe we were apes too. If you don't, then please explain your POOF theory how humans got here.
If you and the House have so much evidence bring it

All you have is steel dossier? LOL. That's old shit bro. Nothing burger.
All the Progressives seem to be angelic all the time. In this age of character assassination, they are so innocent. And they have a higher percentage of the potential for lifetime political status.
I bet you believe we were POOFED into existence by a God. Full grown adult humans POOFED onto the land.

I bet you believe that's true about all land creatures. They were POOFED here by God, right?

If you don't believe that nonsense then you believe in evolution. So yes, we came from a more ape like species. Before that we were rodents. Before that we lived and breathed under water. Eventually we crawled out of the water. Whales did too but then said fuck it and went back in the water. Only they could no longer breath under water.
Why do they all still exist then? You know what evolution means right?
All the Progressives seem to be angelic all the time. In this age of character assassination, they are so innocent. And they have a higher percentage of the potential for lifetime political status.

Nonsense. We never pretended to be angelic when cons went after Clinton. They were all cheating on their wives too. Didn't Larry Flynt expose Republicans for being hypocrites back then?

Even Trump said going after Bill for Monica was pathetic and political.

And excuse me but you guys went after Hillary for shit everyone did. If you looked at any politician, they did it too. But Trump had an advantage. He was never a politician so you couldn't say he did it too. But guess what he did when he became President? HE did it too! And you guys didn't even care. Lock her up? No, lock him up.
Nonsense. We never pretended to be angelic when cons went after Clinton. They were all cheating on their wives too. Didn't Larry Flynt expose Republicans for being hypocrites back then?

Even Trump said going after Bill for Monica was pathetic and political.
Yep, even I agree. It was stupid. Politically motivated, did absolutely nothing for the country. Now can you say the same about the nonsense for eight years about trump? I don't think you have it in you.
And excuse me but you guys went after Hillary for shit everyone did. If you looked at any politician, they did it too. But Trump had an advantage. He was never a politician so you couldn't say he did it too. But guess what he did when he became President? HE did it too! And you guys didn't even care. Lock her up? No, lock him up.
Hitlery cost marines lives. for that she should have been punished. She also illegally had classified documents on a private server. No authority for it.
Why do they all still exist then? You know what evolution means right?
They are evolving their own way just like we are.

There were other humanoids. Humans wiped them out.

We left monkey's alone because they didn't threaten us.

Look at how much we've changed Dogs in just a few thousands years. Hell, hundreds of years.

I bet you scientists are working on making monkey's smarter.

Also, you don't understand how long evolution takes or what made our brains bigger. It's all in Darwin's book. Educate yourself.

Or, you can stick to your POOF story.

Are you ready to explain your POOF story? I want to hear your alternate theory if you don't think we evolved for an ape like creature.

My god! All the evidence and scientific consensus. You Trump supporters are fucking idiots. But I already knew that. You can't be that bright if you are religious.
Yep, even I agree. It was stupid. Politically motivated, did absolutely nothing for the country. Now can you say the same about the nonsense for eight years about trump? I don't think you have it in you.

Trump broke rules/laws. You expect Democrats to ignore that? Fuck you.

Let's not compare trying to steal an election and starting an insurrection to lying about a BJ while under oath. Or calling Ukraine and asking them to dig up dirt on your political opponent. Or, make shit up about your political opponent.

Because if Trump had the evidence Biden did something shady in Ukraine, he'd have shown it to us by now.
Hitlery cost marines lives. for that she should have been punished. She also illegally had classified documents on a private server. No authority for it.
How did Hillary cost Marines lives?

Do you know how many crazy missions Trump sent our military on? And they had to do whatever he said. This is why Trump lost the military vote in 2020.

He got more of these kind of soldiers killed than any other president and it only took 4 years

  • Army Green Berets.
  • Army Night Stalkers.
  • Army Rangers.
  • Navy SEALs.
  • Navy SEALs Missions.
  • Navy SWCCs.
  • Marine MARSOC.
  • Marine RECON.

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