Jim Jordan: from Matt Taibbi to Trump, the left never stops, this about them intimidating their enemies to chill free speech, we want Bragg to testify

Hitlery cost marines lives. for that she should have been punished. She also illegally had classified documents on a private server. No authority for it.

Don't believe Republicans when they talk about Hillary or war.

False. Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s claim that no U.S. soldiers died in Afghanistan in an 18-month period during his presidency is unfounded.

The number of US troops who died in war zones rose in 2017, the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency, for the first time in six years. As of Dec. 28, at least 33 military personnel had been killed in war zones overseas compared to 26 last year, according to an analysis of casualty statements released by the Pentagon. At least 21 of those died in combat, according to the Pentagon — some in places where the US presence was not widely known.

Yup. Trump's secret missions you don't even know about

And this is just 2017.
Google Trump's Benghazi. He's had a few of them. But like Benghazi, that shit happens all the time. Only Obama wasn't breaking any laws so all you could go after him for was that one minor incident. While tragic, I doubt you would hold Trump or Bush or DiSantis accountable if/when a Benghazi happened on their watch.

And it did happen on Trump's watch. We just never "Benghazi'ed" him. Because it's pathetic. Like you.
He was commander and chief.
That's why they voted him out.

I love the Trump poll watcher who signed a sworn affidavit that he found it odd he saw so many military votes going for Biden.

That's not evidence of election or voter fraud. That's evidence Trump sucked as commander and chief.

The military tries to stay neutral about our presidents. So they stay silent. The only real way to tell how they feel is how they voted. And they voted for Biden. They will again in 2024
Nonsense. We never pretended to be angelic when cons went after Clinton. They were all cheating on their wives too. Didn't Larry Flynt expose Republicans for being hypocrites back then?

Even Trump said going after Bill for Monica was pathetic and political.

And excuse me but you guys went after Hillary for shit everyone did. If you looked at any politician, they did it too. But Trump had an advantage. He was never a politician so you couldn't say he did it too. But guess what he did when he became President? HE did it too! And you guys didn't even care. Lock her up? No, lock him up.
The only thing that rankles you is that the Republicans question the morality. That is more important than the removal of most things moral from our nation. So when they fall down it is major hypocrisy. The taxpayer is picking up the tab and it is enormous as the costs keep growing. Many years ago, I read where Republicans were pissed over how Nixon was treated and then Reagan for the time. They waited until they could get a prog. And Clinton before the 1992 election on his personal life gave us his confession without admittance as he usually spoke and then proceeded to lie to the people his first two years in office on politics.

These US troops were killed in combat during Trump’s first year in office

Most died in Afghanistan, the US's longest-running war, but the first casualty of Trump's term came in Yemen.
I don't see where they show the deaths in Afghanistan?

He said Afghanistan.
Gym Jordan, the guy who formed the Weaponization of the Federal Government subcommittee is trying to weaponize the federal government and bulldoze over states rights.

How DOES this pedophile enabler stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?
Google Trump's Benghazi. He's had a few of them. But like Benghazi, that shit happens all the time. Only Obama wasn't breaking any laws so all you could go after him for was that one minor incident. While tragic, I doubt you would hold Trump or Bush or DiSantis accountable if/when a Benghazi happened on their watch.

And it did happen on Trump's watch. We just never "Benghazi'ed" him. Because it's pathetic. Like you.
I didn't say obammy, I said hitlery. stay focused on the ball.

This thread is about

Jim Jordan: from Matt Taibbi to Trump, the left never stops, this about them intimidating their enemies to chill free speech, we want Bragg to testify​

You bring up Hillary and Comey

Moonglow brings up Trump

Then you accuse Moonglow of deflection?
This thread is about

Jim Jordan: from Matt Taibbi to Trump, the left never stops, this about them intimidating their enemies to chill free speech, we want Bragg to testify​

You bring up Hillary and Comey

Moonglow brings up Trump

Then you accuse Moonglow of deflection?
I accuse him of skirting the issue I brought up. And he did.
statute of limitations is over. Why don't you actually learn something you puke.

Why don't you learn something. Trump could not be prosecuted as President so the clock stopped running. The DOJ asked the previous DA to put his investigation on hold. The clock stopped running again.
Why don't you learn something. Trump could not be prosecuted as President so the clock stopped running. The DOJ asked the previous DA to put his investigation on hold. The clock stopped running again.
where were the feds then when he left the WH? come on man, why do you need to be an asshole your entire life?

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