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Jimmy Carter says Russia DIDN'T swing the election & reporters 'have been harder on Trump

Let's remember who owns both Democrats and Media: Soros. No wonder Trump is "a monster" according to liberal Media and Democrats. Trump has ruined Deep State's plans for having their puppet for US President as they used to have for past several years. Sure, he must be a monster....

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Soros has become the right wingers boogie man. They use him to frighten small children and the feeble minded.

Soros doesn't own CNN or the Washington Post. He's not the puppet master behind every left wing notion. But the right wingers even have Soros behind Hitler's rise to power which is amazing considering Soros was born in 1830 and Hitler came to power in 1933. Even as a toddler, Soros wielding power.

not unlike the left trying to paint the Koch brothers in the same light. Your glass house is showing.

We don't falsely accuse the Koch Bros. of hiring paid protestors. It's never been suggested that they were behind the rise of Hitler or that they're involved in some mysterious "Deep State" secretly controlling government. We are aware that they are the financial power behind Judicial Watch.

We talk about the millions they donate to Republican candidates in an effort to get the tax and anti-union policies they want. But there is a huge difference between our view of the Koch Bros. and the fantasies right wingers spin about George Soros.

There is some of that on both sides. That being said don't try and pretend Soros is some benevolent liberal idealist. He is in back of the crap going on since Trump took office. And just so you know around 15 to 20 percent of people employed by the Koch brothers are union members. There is not much right wing fantasy about Soros. He is billionaire trailer trash and a convicted insider trader (in France).
Pathetic Old Man

Soros has a pedophile attraction to Antifa. In his sick but suppressed lust, he has convinced himself that the over-confident spoiled HeirHeads who expand Leftism are the Wave of the Future. Being primarily a currency manipulator, he has no political ideas of his own; he gives a blank check to the pseudo-idealist but perversely attractive Campus Commie Scum and lets them decide what the agenda is.
Libtards also like to lift vague verses out of context and impose meaning on those verses that aren't supported by context.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Mark 10:8 and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh.

John 11:52 and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one.

John 10:30 I and the Father are one.”

John 3:34 For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.

John 9:37 Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”

John 12:45 The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.

John 14:9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

Thank you for the illustration of libtardedness. It's nice when I say something to have someone immediately demonstrate my point. None of those verses address female pastors. The verses that do address female pastors are all against female pastors.


Acts 4:6 Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and others of the high priest’s family.

Jesus said that there is no one to be judged by their physical appearance, but to look at their spirit of that person.

1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

But you can keep on smelling between the legs in order to find out what gender a person is, but I will do what God said to do.

Scent is a big deal for dogs. For Humans, there are certain locations that represent, to US – who you really are. We need confirmation of who you are and between your legs and arm pits are two great places. 3 Reasons Why Dogs ALWAYS Smell Between Your Legs and Dogs Butts

Snowflakes are attacking Carter ('pathetic old man') - the SECOND worst President in US history thanks to Obama - for pointing out how Liberals have been lying their asses off for the last year while hiding the betrayal of Obama, the Clintons, Mueller, and Holder.

Former democrat president Carter must have been aware of the U.S. intelligence networks efforts to influence foreign elections and vice-versa. It was a fact of life since WW2 and was part of the CIA's agenda. Apparently (we hope) the CIA and the FBI and Homeland and a dozen other federal agencies are equally prepared to prevent foreign hackers from influencing America's policies and agenda and electronic voting. What the hell happened during the Hussein administration? Was the FBI ordered to stand down just like the Military during the Benghazi standoff? Do crazy disappointed incoherent democrat activists really think Americans will buy the ridiculous notion that the civilian Trump candidate had the political power to invite Russian hacking and propaganda while the Hussein administration didn't have a freaking clue?
We know the NSA and likely other government agencies were monitoring EVERYTHING coming out of the Trump campaign. All phone calls, all emails, all texts were monitored.

As such, it seems likely that if there was collusion between the campaign and Russia, it would have come out be now.
We know the NSA and likely other government agencies were monitoring EVERYTHING coming out of the Trump campaign. All phone calls, all emails, all texts were monitored. As such, it seems likely that if there was collusion between the campaign and Russia, it would have come out be now.

Instead, what has come out has been a steady stream of evidence of crimes and betrayal perpetrated by Obama, Clinton, Comey, Mueller, Lynch, Holder, etc....
Jimmy Carter's wife disagrees. Apparently she isn't senile yet.
Wow...how pathetic....snowflakes are reduced to attacking their own Presidents who point out their lies and using 1st ladies in their defense.

Jimmy Carter's wife disagrees. Apparently she isn't senile yet.
Wow...how pathetic....snowflakes are reduced to attacking their own Presidents who point out their lies and using 1st ladies in their defense.


It's hilarious how NaziCons selectively choose what to believe. Hilarious! BTW, Carter has always been a loose canon. A good man - but a loose canon.
Carter, despite all his bad policies, was a real American that loves America, but had some bad ideas.

He's a good man.

At least he tried
to stop the Senate from voting themselves the wealth of the country. He vetoed their corruptive money-grab attempt.

The bad thing is, they overrode his veto. Every one of them that voted for that should be hung.

It was a vote for taxation without representation.
I was 18 and I voted for Jimmy Carter. I liked his honesty and intelligence. And he really worked hard but turned out to be a very ineffective President who made poor decisions. But I never doubted his love of America which is what differentiates him from the Muslim in Western clothing Obama.

I agree, Carter was a good man, had a big heart and loves America, he wasn't a good President. As far as honesty and sincerity, never doubted him for a second.
To get an idea about how far fetched exaggerated and outrageous The Left's claims are about Russian Meddling, consider the following:

  • Hillary Clinton's campaign ALONE spent $1.5 Billion Dollars trying to buy her way to the White House "Officially".
  • This does not count all the Soft Money that was thrown at the campaign and against Donald Trump.

  • The Media was completely in the tank for Clinton. They even reported Fake and False Polls and News Stories trying to impact the vote.
  • Hillary In A LANDSLIDE!

  • The DNC had Pakistani Hackers with Criminal Records prying in to Congressional Files, and sharing and selling what they found for the purpose of gaining political leverage and enriching themselves. Despite knowing this, When Disgraced Schultz was fired as head of THE DNC, she took the hackers with her to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN.
  • Bernie Sanders got Screwed Over Royally and Seth Rich got murdered over getting this information out. Believe that or not....but only an Idiot would ignore the facts of that case.
  • No Votes were ever changed. In fact, no one can even prove anyone "hacked" the election. That's a complete misnomer and bold faced lie.

  • The Only Suspicious activity that was verified and could be sourced back to the original attackers, was the Obama Administration itself who tried to hack in to our elections in order to claim it was unsecure and needed to be taken over by The Federal Government. They failed over 1,000 times to breach security.

  • Donald Trump only spent $200 million on his campaign and nearly all of it, his own money. Clinton outspent him 5-1 with a $1.5 Billion War Chest and lost.

The extent of so called "Russian Interference" is this. $50k spent on Facebook, and $50k spent on Twitter by various groups FOR and AGAINST Hillary Clinton.


There is more evidence to suggest Clinton and Obama should face Treason and Corruption Charges over The Crooked Uranium One Deal.
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Carter is 93 years old and is not privy to the intelligence reports or testimony at the Congressional hearings into Russian influence in the election.

As for Trump being subject to more negative press than any other President, so what. He's the worst, least productive President in history, and he only works 4 days a week. He screws up everything he touches and starts fights with everyone. Most of his bad press he brings on himself.

If he did a better job, he'd get better press.

He has signed many executive orders to overturn the executive orders and undo the damage of the last administration. He has his cabinet looking at ways to deregulate many industries and get rid of intrusive government regulations. For a guy you claim is not doing anything, he is doing a lot. The issue is the left is in full out attack because they can’t handle the loss of Clinton who they all thought would be a shoe in, the butt hurt from the left continues.

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